Unknown information about the sun

in introduceyourself •  4 years ago 

![290px-Solar_prominence_from_STEREO_spacecraft_September_29,_2008.jpg]https://bn.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%A6%B8%E0%A7%82%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%AF@shagor ahamed
There is a specific way to do this, according to which the sun falls in the G2V class. It is often called the yellow dwarf because the intensity of its electromagnetic radiation is highest in the yellow-green part of the spectrum. Although the Sun is white, it may turn yellow from the Earth's surface due to the scattering of blue light in the Earth's atmosphere. [6] The mainstream stars, that is, they are producing helium by burning endless hydrogen through the reaction of nuclear fusion at the center. At the center, the sun burns 62 million metric tons of hydrogen every second. Earlier, astronomers thought the Sun was a faint and insignificant star, but now it is known that the Sun is brighter than 75% of the stars in the Milky Way, in fact most of the stars in the Milky Way are red dwarfs. [6] The absolute value of the Sun is +4.63; But because of its proximity to Earth, the sky looks much brighter than any other object, so the apparent value is much lower, -26.64. [6] A solar storm is a series of ionized particles that travel up to about 100 novo-units (100 times the average distance from the sun to the earth). The heliosphere or solar system is the largest uninterrupted structure in the solar system created by interstellar solar storms. [9] [10]
The Sun is currently traveling through the local interstellar clouds in the local bubble region, which is located on the inside of the Milky Way's Orion arm. The Sun is fourth among the 50 closest stars (the nearest star is Proxima Sentry 4.2 light-years away) at a distance of 16 light-years from Earth. [11] .5 to 25 crore once a year. This rotation of the sun is clockwise when viewed from the galactic North Pole. Since our galaxy is moving at a speed of 550 kilometers per second towards the lake snake zone subject to cosmic microwave background radiation (pot radiation), the speed of the sun is about 360 kilometers per second towards the bronze or lion zone subject to the back radiation.
The average distance of the sun from the earth is approximately 14.96 crore kilometers which is considered as 1 novo-unit. However, as the Earth's orbit is elliptical, its distance from the Sun varies. In January, it comes closest to the Sun (Anusur) and in July moves farthest (Apsur). [13] Takes. The power of this sunlight keeps almost all living things on earth alive. Plants produce food from this light in the process of photosynthesis, and animals depend on these plants or other animals for food. [14] Sunlight also plays a major role in controlling climate and weather. Humans have had a profound effect on the earth since prehistoric times. In many cultures, the sun was considered a god. In fact, the Sun is burning radiation in the solar system by producing helium by burning endless hydrogen through the nuclear fusion reaction at its center, which is causing some radiation to fall on the Earth. However, it took a long time to develop a scientific idea about the actual structure of the sun. Even the eminent scientists of the nineteenth century did not know the exact structure of the sun and its source of energy. The sun is still being studied because some of its uses have not yet been fully explained.

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