in introduceyourself •  5 years ago  (edited)


Author: @r2cornell


With the beginning of this new platform called Blurt, I thought I would take some time and introduce myself.

Con el comienzo de esta nueva plataforma llamada Blurt, pensé en tomarme un tiempo para presentarme.

My name is Robert Cornell and I reside in the USA. My residence is located in a rural area outside a small town called Rathdrum, Idaho. This is located in the Northern Panhandle of the state of Idaho. It is a 30 minute drive from Spokane, Washington. I grew up in a very rural area on a small farm. I have never been comfortable living in towns or cities. I continue to live on 10 acres of land. I had more but I sold some to my daughter who is our closest neighbor.

Me llamo Robert Cornell y vivo en los Estados Unidos. Mi residencia se encuentra en una zona rural en las afueras de un pequeño pueblo llamado Rathdrum, Idaho. Esta se encuentra en la zona norte del estado de Idaho. Está a 30 minutos en coche de Spokane, Washington. Crecí en una zona muy rural en una pequeña granja. Nunca me he sentido cómodo viviendo en pueblos o ciudades. Sigo viviendo en 10 acres de tierra. Tenía más, pero vendí algunas a mi hija, que es nuestra vecina más cercana.

I moved to my current location 37 years ago after I completed my Master’s Degree. I have spent my entire career working with the disabled, and was in private practice as a Rehabilitation Counselor until Spring of 2017. My wife and I have cared for disabled adults in our home for over 25 years. In Spring of 2017, my wife was in the hospital for 3 weeks and one of the ladies we cared for was also in the hospital. I knew my wife was going to also need a care provider ( and I would have to take care over care of the 3 ladies) so I closed down my company, quit a part-time job working with disabled youth, and had our in-home care business switched to my name. This way I was home as the lady I mentioned above was dying and needed extra care, and was available to take care of my wife.

Me mudé a mi ubicación actual hace 37 años después de terminar mi maestría. He pasado toda mi carrera trabajando con los discapacitados, y estuve en la práctica privada como Consejero de Rehabilitación hasta la primavera de 2017. Mi esposa y yo hemos cuidado de adultos discapacitados en nuestra casa por más de 25 años. En la primavera de 2017, mi esposa estuvo en el hospital durante 3 semanas y una de las mujeres que cuidamos también estuvo en el hospital. Sabía que mi esposa también iba a necesitar un proveedor de cuidados (y yo tendría que cuidar de las 3 señoras) así que cerré mi empresa, renuncié a un trabajo a tiempo parcial trabajando con jóvenes discapacitados, y cambié nuestro negocio de cuidados en casa a mi nombre. De esta manera estaba en casa ya que la señora que mencioné anteriormente se estaba muriendo y necesitaba cuidados extras, y estaba disponible para cuidar de mi esposa.

I have over 50 years of experience in the "helping professions". I am now close to 68 years old and plan on continuing to care for the two disabled ladies. One of these ladies has lived with us for over 18 years. She is like part of the family.

Tengo más de 50 años de experiencia en las "profesiones de ayuda". Ahora estoy cerca de los 68 años y planeo continuar cuidando a las dos damas discapacitadas. Una de ellas ha vivido con nosotros durante más de 18 años. Ella es como parte de la familia.

I love photography, although I am yet a rookie at it. On the other platforms I shared many photographs of flowers, wildlife. I also love gardening and share some photographs of those results. This year has been very hectic and I have not been able to take as many photographs as I usually do. In time I will get back to this. Right now with the Covid-19 virus I am busier than usual and seeing I do most of the household work, care for the 2 ladies (and care of my wife), and outdoor work, there is little time for many of my hobbies.

Me encanta la fotografía, aunque todavía soy un novato en ella. En las otras plataformas compartí muchas fotografías de flores, de vida silvestre. También me encanta la jardinería y comparto algunas fotografías de esos resultados. Este año ha sido muy agitado y no he sido capaz de tomar tantas fotografías como normalmente lo hago. Con el tiempo volveré a esto. Ahora mismo con el virus Covid-19 estoy más ocupado que de costumbre y viendo que hago la mayor parte de las tareas domésticas, el cuidado de las 2 damas (y el cuidado de mi esposa), y el trabajo al aire libre, hay poco tiempo para muchos de mis hobbies.

My daughter has been helping me clean out my shop so i can get back to woodworking. I did hire someone to help with some of it. It is a large shop and I am hoping it is more organized and ready for me before the snow comes. I already have had the space to do a little woodworking, which encourages me to continue.

Mi hija me ha estado ayudando a limpiar mi taller de carpintería para que pueda volver a trabajar la madera. Contraté a alguien para que me ayude con algo de eso. Es un gran taller de carpintería y espero que esté más organizado y listo para mí antes de que llegue la nieve. Ya he tenido el espacio para hacer un poco de carpintería, lo que me anima a continuar.

I am growing a larger garden this year due to experiencing some food shortages with the Covid-19 virus. I am growing enough for my household, my daughters and granddaughters. They both take care of disabled adults in there home as well. They do some gardening, but I have more garden space than they do.

Estoy cultivando un jardín más grande este año debido a la escasez de alimentos con el virus Covid-19. Estoy cultivando lo suficiente para mi casa, mis hijas y mis nietas. Ambas cuidan de los adultos discapacitados en su casa también. Hacen algo de jardinería, pero yo tengo más espacio de jardín que ellos.

Originally I began blogging as a social outlet, and have met many people, and developed friendships, from all over the world. I have not been blogging much on the other platforms as I discussed earlier. Much of my resources has been delegated to two curation accounts and I have some great people curating for me. I have yet to decide how far I will go with Blurt. I am hoping for less drama, than what has taken pace on the other platforms. And time constraints will also dictate how active I will be.

Originalmente empecé a escribir en el blog como una salida social, y he conocido a mucha gente, y desarrollado amistades, de todo el mundo. No he estado blogueando mucho en las otras plataformas como lo he discutido anteriormente. Muchos de mis recursos han sido delegados a dos cuentas de curation y tengo algunas grandes personas curando para mí. Todavía tengo que decidir hasta dónde llegaré con Blurt. Espero que sea menos dramático que lo que se ha hecho en las otras plataformas. Y las limitaciones de tiempo también dictarán cuán activo seré.

I think that should suffice as my introduction. I will end with sharing some of my photographs. These may have been used on the other platforms, but hopefully some may be new to readers.

Creo que eso debería bastar como mi introducción. Terminaré compartiendo algunas de mis fotografías. Pueden haber sido usadas en otras plataformas, pero espero que algunas sean nuevas para los lectores.

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This first photograph is a calendula flower.

Esta primera fotografía es una flor de caléndula.


Everyone seems to love roses. Here is a macro view of a very beautiful one.

Parece que a todos les gustan las rosas. Aquí hay una macro vista de una muy hermosa.


This final photo is of a dahlia. I used an older digital camera (Canon PhotoShot) for this photo.

Esta última foto es de una dalia. Usé una cámara digital antigua (Canon PhotoShot) para esta foto.


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I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon camera that I use from time to time. I have been using my phone camera for photos of plants in the plant room at times. Wildlife is usually taken by a stationary trail camera that takes photos based on motion.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique. Tengo una vieja cámara PowerShot Canon que uso de vez en cuando. He estado usando la cámara de mi teléfono para fotos de plantas en la sala de plantas a veces. La vida silvestre es generalmente tomada por una cámara estacionaria de senderos que toma fotos basadas en el movimiento.

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Until next time...

Hasta la próxima vez...

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Hola amigo,muy detallada su información de verdad, deseo que dios le siga llenando de bendiciones y pueda seguir dando lo mejor de usted en esta vida y muy buena labor ah desempeñado de cuidar a esa personas que no pueden valerse por si misma. Dios lo siga bendiciendo

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Muchas gracias. Es bueno verte en Blurt.

Nice to be meeting you again here :) I don't know how much time I have to be on all the platforms, but will see what this one does. The no downvoting experiment will be interesting and we see if it will be full of Spam like Steem is right now...

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Good to see you here as well. . I am not publishing on steemit and hive. I have someone who does the curation reports for my curation projects on the two platforms.

I stopped posting on Uptrend and sold off all my 1up that was not on the platform.

I do not have a lot of time, but will work with blurt for awhile and see how it plays out. I will go back to my beginnings and just do some posting as I can. I do not think I want to get wrapped up in another curation project, or even delegating. If I post it will be something I want to do and when I want to do it.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Hello there. That was an outstanding intro. It's good you are now taking care of your wife and being with her enjoying the moments. Nice meeting you here on Blurt and let's celebrate being the early adopters of the platform. See you often. from now on.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I a looking forward to the unfolding of this platform and having the chance to meet new people. Well met!

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Que gusto verte por aquí también amigo @r2cornell!

Una alegría que tu compromiso, dedicacióny solidaridad se hagan presente también aquí!

Esa no son tus únicas virtudes ya que también acostumbras a regalarnos muy lindas fotos.

Gran abrazo @r2cornell!!

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Muchas gracias. Esperando que esta plataforma se fortalezca a medida que avanzamos con ella.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

It's good to see you here on Blurt, as well... makes me happy when the "real" content creators and engagers choose to become part of something!

Let's all do our part to turn this into something great!

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

I am hopefully as they work out all the "bugs" that users will take it more seriously. It should not have all the drama that took place on the other two platforms. I basically stopped posting and shifted most of my voting power to my curation project on those platforms.

I hope to do keep doing posts here. maybe shorter ones. We should be able to reuse photos from the other platforms because there is no flagging or down-voting here. I will only use some of the photographs (3.5 years worth), but I want all new narrative.

I am moving all my Blurt from my alt accounts to this main account. I started the power-down on a couple of those accounts already.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Greetings. Thank you for the link to your introduction

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

It is nice to meet you and know about your life, once again. You have not only made many wise decisions in your life, but I am getting a sense, you've made many sacrifices for your family as well. IMHO, good news is, you have been successful in your attempts, and I think, that counts a lot and would be satisfactory for you when you analyze your life and look back to your past.

No doubt, COVID has changed the world, many people all around the world are trying to adjust their lives accordingly. I can only hope all of us cope up with this situation successfully, and keep their families safe and fed.

Wish you safe days ahead.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. Yes Covid has been very difficult on many. Whereas I have too much to do, many have no income because of it. Somehow humans always seem to rise to the occasion and get through difficult times.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

I couldn't agree more.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Great intro once again, I have known you as a great photographer and good to see you here sir... I just love that orange rose picture, it's so pretty...

Nice to meet you again... Will look forward to seeing more posts from you...

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Thank you @priyanarc . I am going to try and post as I can here on Blurt and see how it goes.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

I am glad you like blurt too!!!.

Welcome man❤

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Thank you. There is hope with Blurt..

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

It's a great pleasure to meet such a wonderful person. My respect for you Mr. Cornell and your commendable work, I have a daughter with functional diversity and I understand how beautiful it is to feel useful next to people who need us daily. God bless you and keep you always in that spirit. Your photos are simply beautiful, I love flowers, nature and everything that comes from it. Happy to meet you!

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words.

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Can anyone explain why my post does not show up under my username post lists?

Wow, my favorite person. I missed this article because when out of network. Now find it, and so happy to read it. Many many thanks, dear @r2cornell
Love and respect from @shabbirahmad.

Followed. Welcome.