My introduction to Blurt!

in introduceyourself •  last year 

Hello, Blurt!

I am Pravesh [@pravesh0] and excited to explore this platform. I come from Inda. I was introduced to the world of decentralised social media via Hive. I want to spread my wings and explore a few other platforms and what better than Blurt...right?

Thanks to @sagarkothar88 for the invite and Zahid from Blurt's official discord server for creating my account. I will try to post actively and will learn a lot about this community. Wanna know more about me?

I am a gamer, writer, traveller, crypto and tech enthusiast and much more. I am interested in a lot of subjects. Playing games like chess or Rocket league is a great stress killer for me.

I love to travel and explore new places, you will see more of my travels in my future post but for now, here are a couple of photos from my recent travels in 2022.

I love to take pictures as well. Not selfies though...only the beautiful nature around us. I sometimes fire up Krita (a digital painting app) and pick up a stylus to create digital art as well.

I like to experiment with different styles. I do it just for fun and still a noob at this.

Apart from travelling, gaming or doing something fun, I love to read Hindi Novels and stories. But I don't get much time nowadays and my read list keeps on growing hehe.

So you can expect my future posts on the above-mentioned topics if these things intrigue you as well. I would love to read more about it. Do let me know in the comments.

I love watching sports as well, Cricket in particular. Who else is a Cricket fan here? Apart from this, I sometimes play chess as well. I don't want to boast but I am among the top 2% of players in "Rapid" ratings on not too shabby...aye? I am always down for a chess match.

At last, feel free to give me advice... Let me know if there are some helpful tips posted for beginners on Blurt.

Thanks for reading...

All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.

~~ Until next time ~~

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Receive the best of welcomes to this family at Blurt, we hope that your stay with us is to your liking.

Wow you have a very interesting presentation, in Blurt I have read in the Spanish label a user who shares about chess moves.

I will be aware of your trips, when we see photos it is like being able to travel to those places where we have not been able to reach through other users like you.
These photos are beautiful, congratulations, I'm sure you will provide lovely content.

The best advice we can share is to create creative content from your talent, respect copyright and image rights.
Enjoy what you do and share your adventure with comments, in this way you will be able to make yourself known within the members of the community.
In the Blurt discord, we can support you in any doubt.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello, Angelica.
Nice to meet you and thank you for the warm welcome.
Thanks for the tips, I will try my best. Have a nice day!

  ·  last year  ·  

Welcome to Blurt. We would love to see great content by you.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the warm welcome, I will try not to disappoint you. :)

  ·  last year  ·  

Welcome to Blurt community
Congratulations your post has been curated by blurt-india

  ·  last year  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @scilwa, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @Angelica7

logo3 Discord.png

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you for your support.

  ·  last year  ·  

Welcome, Pravesh! Nice to have you on Blurt.
My tip for you would be a generic one, that I offer to many others... which is to try to post high-quality and useful content, and make it specific to Blurt! For example, it's okay to cross-post your content on other platforms, but the more you tailor your Blurt posts to this particular community, the better. Speaking for myself, I am much more likely to view and reward content that is made for Blurt, or at least modified for Blurt (saying "greetings to Hive" in Blurt posts turns me off). Original photography is one good source of content for this blockchain, although if all you can find to shoot is random flowers growing behind your house, it might not be prized very highly by curators here, since we already have too much of that sort of thing! The shots you included in this intro post are wonderful examples of the kind of thing people might find pleasant to look at. Another good example of content to post would be stories or information from your local area. Showing people what your life is like in that part of India, food and culture and religion and language and art and economy, that sort of thing.
Here in BC Canada, even in my small Northern town, we have quite a lot of Indians. I think your people love to move to other parts of the world! Somewhere around 10% of my province is Indian, some areas are closer to 25%. My favourite local taxi driver is from Punjab province, he's a good guy. Actually, he mentioned the other day that he loves cricket, so I must assume it's quite a popular sport over in India! I actually was born in New Zealand, and as you probably know, they have quite a famous cricket team that competes internationally. Canada doesn't really do cricket, we have a lot of other sports though, like ice hockey.
All the best and see you around here on Blurt! :))

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

That's a great introductory post!

Welcome to Blurt!

I love to take pictures as well. Not selfies though...only the beautiful nature around us.

It's the same for me. I like to take pictures, but not selfies.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

hehe... some of my friends can take 50 selfies in a min. I mean wtf how can you be so obsessed with selfies.

Thanks for the warm welcome!