My introduction post

in introduceyourself •  2 years ago  (edited)

Good morning my new Blurt friends!

I have been actively posting on Blurt for about 3 months now. At first just a reaction from realizing I had a presence here merely because of the May 2020 hardfork from Steem. At first I just viewed it as another place to post my content. I am very happy to say as I start to interact with others here more and more I'm pleasantly surprised and have started talking to more and more people about getting on board.

About me


I'm an anarchist/voluntaryist living in the inland region of the pacific northwest of the United States. I do not support or even recognize any authority over my life by the corporation most know as the United States of America. I, like all of you am just a man born of this earth here because of some creator of life. I was born free and have now in the most recent few years in my life started reclaiming the freedom I voluntarily gave over to the previously mentioned corporation and its subsidiaries.

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I have realized the reason I volunteered authority over my life was the result of programming I received from government run schools and a relentless barrage of propaganda from mainstream media. Of course the last and final straw that "broke the camels back" as my grandpa used to say was the constant threat of violence from the monopolized force of the state coercing me into this voluntary compliance. I have had a very open mind and learned a lot. I now know there are 2 ways to defend one's freedom. One option is by defending it with force when anyone whether they call themselves government or a thief or whatever comes to take my freedom when I have done nothing to anyone else. This is a very serious option and should not be taken lightly. The second option is to defend one's freedom by standing in the truth and under the law of nature/creator.

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Government's enforce man's code, statute or policy. This is not law as it can be changed based on time, location and of course who is charge of the monopolized force of the state enforcing said codes, statutes and polies. Standing in the truth requires observation, logic, and ethics. I'm by no means a perfect man but I strive everyday to stand in the truth that is nature's or our creator's law. This has been so far the most powerful way to defend my freedom. Sometimes I suffer in the short term at the hands of government agents who have been programmed like I once was. So far in the end the truth has always prevailed. I have come to the realization that if it doesn't it is at that time I will defend the freedom I have used to create this life on earth while not violating the non aggression principle and treating others by the golden rule. Why would I want to give up the truth just to remain in such a wicked place that makes me live under this false authority known as government only through it's monopolized force?

What my content is about

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I first started posting on YouTube in late 2017. The point of my posts was to document on camera the corruption and violation of what the time I viewed as "rights". I focused on the enforcement mechanism of government and their lack of adherence to their own rules and restrictions on their authority, a.k.a. the constitution. It only took me a few months of doing this to change my stance from being a libertarian, thinking the only reason the state needed to exist was to protect my "rights" to being an admitted anarchist/voluntaryist understanding the only one who can protect my freedom is ultimately myself. My content changed from just documenting to pointing out the lack of logic and ethics behind government and man's "law". Of course this quickly got me destroyed analytically on YouTube after initially having a nice surge of popularity. Rather than cater to this form censorship known as shadowbanning, community guideline strikes etc. like most doing what I was doing so I could remain on YouTube and get many clicks and views there I chose to put more effort into alternative, decentralized platforms. I started with Steemit and BitChute and have now migrated to many others.


My focus is now on solutions to government. A lot of people agree government is bad but still think it has to exist just like I used to. It's hard to conceptualize how that works with all the programming we all receive. I'm in the process of selling my current home in the city and acquiring some land in the country to start establishing something new. We are creating a larger community in this area that will learn to work together through voluntary interactions to make sure we can survive what is coming and remain free though it all. Most American's are not prepared for what is to come. I would imagine this is not just the case in America though. That said myself and some of my friends and using this channel to show how one can stay free of contractual obligations with government but still thrive. I hope you join us on this journey and give us your input. We know not all will agree with us, we don't even always agree with each other but as long as ideas are exchanged and the non aggression principle is observed we invite discourse and people willing have intellectually honest conversations based in ethics and logic.

So far I really like Blurt


The community here seems to all be frustrated with other options especially hive and steem. My problem with hive is I see the problems with the downvoting and witness structure. It seems they did very little to actually fix the issues that arose with steem. I'm no expert by any means but I have learned a lot since I started using blockchain based platforms like this. It seems those within Blurt are truly trying to make an effort to create something decentralized and are worried more about creating a positive censorship fighting community rather than cliques and a centralized group of control thinking their version of fighting censorship is the only way and if you don't agree you're punished. That's just my perception. My point is let's keep this up and I'm already trying to devote more time to trying keep Blurt this way. As an example I've never made an introductory post on any other blockchain social media or platform other than my first on YouTube. I have also only purchased one other coin for blockchain based platforms like this and this is the only one deriving from hardforks of steem. I see a lot of value in me finally putting more of an effort into understanding how to play my part in helping fight censorship on Blurt.

In conclusion...

Blurt to the Moon!

Image from @rahmattrisnamal
You can view the others he created here

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Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

Steem is all about the money. Selling/buying upvotes.
Hive (Hivemind) is all about the mind control through downvotes. There is no room for individualists.
Blurt is for anarchists.
Here you can be an asshole and upvote your own posts 10 times a day, but you can also be someone who supports your favorite authors. The choice belongs to you. Welcome to the storm.

I would tend to agree. Thanks for the comment and the support. I look forward to seeing this storm grow. Will definitely be supporting others here as much as I can.

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Thank you for the curation. I followed you and will definitely consider delegating some bp to you. I don't do Facebook anymore since they required me to authenticate. I do however believe in promoting Blurt.

That's great too. If we promote blurt on other social media, we will have more people joining blurt.
There are Facebook users who do not know that they can be paid for making quality content.
Thanks for sharing in our vision to promote blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Welcome mate! 🙏🌞 I like your attitude! 👍🏽🔥 I think you and my bud @drutter will have quite some stuff to talk about. 😉

Thank you my friend. Glad to be here.

Thanks for your witness vote🙏🍀 It is much appreciated! ❤️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome. I grew up in North Eastern Oregon. Sounds like you are around the same area. I look forward to learning more about this movement, I am quite disconnected from the US as I live in Ghana now but we are all under the thumb of someone no matter where we are these days.

You are correct the empire has encroached on most of the globe at this point. That and the WHO is making it a one world government by getting everyone to accept global vaccine passports. Thanks for the support.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome... glad to see you here!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm very pleased to have you here.

Posted from

Thank you for the welcome. Was also happy to see you here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub

Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus

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Follow @techclub for more updates and use tag #techclub for tagging content

you can also delegate to @techclub to support curation

Slowly the community on Blurt is growing strong! Welcome!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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