To My SAND OVAL COUNTrY Commissioners: Frank Bacon made me do IT.

in introduceyourself •  last year 

My name is @lindawest, I am a Sandoval county resident and taxpayer...

Thank you for opening our eyes to the many nefarious agendas practiced here in our state government, Your country's government, and governments world-wide. At the beginning of this journey many months ago, we were concerned constituents questioning Election Integrity and asked you to took into it. You did not, so we looked into it for you. We researched and presented you with facts, data, lawsuits were filed and so much more yet you still remained in denial showing no curiosity, no critical thinking and asking no questions. So we tried waking you up to the fact that you were also manipulated and used. Sadly, we have all been oppressed and social engineered into a "stay in your LANE" mentality.


We Will not kick this can down the road any further. We are fighting here and now for future generations. There have been sages, prophets, non-violent, God-loving humanitarians around the world all trying to wake us up to the truth throughout our history. One such brave young man was Dr Martin Luther King and although he didn't realize it during his time on earth he was very much a freedom fighter for ALL of us and a big part of waking humanity up to the Oppression, the many injustices and double standards in our man-made laws. I imagine he is looking down from his cosmic viewpoint and proud to see that we are finally seeing the truth, understanding who we are and realizing that our God-given rights have been taken from us. When gatekeepers separate us, divide us and keep us from truth it is way past time to AWAKEN from our slumber and take back our rights.

King had a dream for ALL people, honestly, and to share that dream. Let's honor each other and judge each other by our character, not the color or our skin, nor our political parties. Let's walk the talk. He stated proudly that "We Shall Overcome." • Yes. we WILL overcome. Humanity IS winning this war and In the not so distant future we will stand here and PROUDLY say to you, the struggle is won. We are responsible, caring humans taking back our rightful place and We ARE FREE at LAST!

This Proclaimation was delivered in Live Action to the Sandoval Board of Commissioners on February 1st, 2023 by @lindawest at the ReQuest of @frankbacon. Thank You to the BLURT Blockchain for facilitating the the Independent Incorporation of our Online Publicity. Kind Regards.

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