in introduceyourself •  4 years ago 

Hi Everyone!

First of all I just want to thank my friends @mermaidvampire and @olivia08 who encourage me to join here on Blurt Platform.

MermaidVampire made a post on FB regarding about BLURT she mentioned me and @g10a on that post. She told us to join and make an intro blog as soon as possible. Actually @g10a's intro blog was already published a few days ago. you can check his intro blog here.


Honestly these people are my BOSS at Steemit Platform they are the one who guide and teach me about blogging and some stuffs about crypto.


Whats up Blurt People!
By the way I'm IshanVirtue on Steemit but here I'll use my artist screen name which is Ishketch
but mostly people from social media and blogging platform knows me or call me Ishan.

I joined Steemit wayback january of 2018.

I'm from the Philippines and I lived in Antique which is part of Panay Island. Antique was also known as the province of land where the mountains meet the sea.

I think it's been 2 years living here together with my father and my youngest brother.

Honestly I was born and raised in Manila so even though I already lived here in our province for the past 2 years I still can't talk in our dialect properly so I still used Tagalog for me to talk or to have a conversation to the people in this area or community.

Short Backgrounds About ME

I took and graduated with (ACS) or we called it Associate in Computer Science at (AICS) Asian Institute of Computer Studies.

My God Father was the one who helped me on my financial to took this college course program and honestly I really loved Computers and Programming because I'm Proud Gamer I loved to play computer games since birth (LOL) but aside from that ever since when I was a kid I always draw and dream that when I grow up I want to be known as a Professional Artist or a National Artist and now I choose my passion which was in the field of art.

Now I'm a Traditional Freelance Artist. When we say Traditional Art it was the one that made or used by raw materials like paints, brushes, canvas, papers, pencils, charcoal pencils, ink and markers

Here are some of my recent artwork this year.


you can check some more artworks on my Instagram Account and FB Page just click the banners to view the pages.

Aside from painting and drawing I also loved Photography.

My favorite subject that I always want to capture or take a picture are mostly the Sunrise and the Sunset on the Seaside and some are animals and all about nature.

Our house is near at the seashore so that's why I can take a picture of Sunrise and Sunset whenever I want.


I'm also a pet lover and mostly I really love to play with kids. Kids and my pets are my source of energy. When I'm stress and having a bad day or mental breakdown to regain my energy I play and talk with them.

I really love kids playing with them and having a cuddle from them definitely my stress reliever. For me the most genuine love that you will ever had it will came from kids, kids that raise right by their parents.

Ending Message and Expectations

I expect that in the near future BLURT Platform will be successful like the other platforms that we've been using before and we don't just go here and write for money some of us here just want to write to express what they feel, sharing their knowledge, showcasing their talents and also to learn new things.

I'm so happy to be part on this circle of friends with the filipino community. Just drop down if you want to be my new friend trust me I won't bite (LOL) and I also happy to check your blogs and articles. Keep in touch guys, CIAO.




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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Cool to have another Filipino in the Blurt chain. Hope you'll be able to create NFTs on your artworks :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir, hoping to that too. anyways Happy new year to you and God Bless.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

WELCOME TO #B!#RT boss, enjoy the stay and don't forget to buy your ticket to 2021. As of typing this comment, you still have 9hrs before 2020 is gone.

We are in the same lungs boss, I love animals too I always talk to our dogs, cats, carabaos, goats even chickens but boss let me warn you don't you ever talk to ants just dont.


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

HAHAHHAHAHAH copy that. I will never talk to ants starting today. Happy New year Boss!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to #blurt @ishanvirtue
You can share your artworks here in blurt and we have curators that will appreciate it :D

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for appreciating my work. God Bless you and Happy New Year.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt enjoy and relax.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you Sir, Same to you and Happy New Year and God Bless.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

A warm welcome!
I wish you a good time on our blogchain.
If you are interested in a delegation (1500 Blurtpower for one month), feel free to participate in my raffles. You will find everything you need to know in my raffle posts. See you there :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wow! thank you so much more power to blurt and it's my pleasure to join and participate on your raffles. Happy New year and More Blessing to Us.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome here and nice meeting you again from there up to here. Keep up the good work as what you did before. Show us your skills in art. I love it and blurt will love it too.
Be guided to the right tags. Thank you for coming here from @blurtfilipino and #blurt community

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sure nay deevi! I will, time to bounce back and grind again. Happy New Year and God Bless nay. Love lots.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the Blurt! Please follow us on twitter- Join our Official Discord server- Here

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks Blurt! more power to Blurt platform, and I will follow you on twitter. I always want to greet you a Happy New year and God Bless.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the platform po!

Happy New Year!!!
When I read that you stay in the seaside, I envy you hahaha I also love watching sunsets, too bad here in Baguio its being blocked. Anyway I hope that you enjoy posting here. Stay safe always! Btw Love you artworks!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy New Year. I also envy on you never been on baguio when I was kid one of my dream was to go there. AHAHAH actually we have plans me with my college friends last year but yeah Corona Virus sucks. Anyways you too Stay safe and God Bless you ^_^