Blog Update - A Message from Monty

in introduceyourself •  2 years ago  (edited)

[Hey Blurt readers! I decided to use this as my #introduceyourself post on Blurt. There is another user on this account, co-producer Solange Brezina of the Netherlands - updates will be posted by the both of us. If you want to know what we are all about and the story we are creating into a screen-play - go here. Any questions about us? Shoot away in the comments section 😉]


There is exciting things in the works!

I started a potato grading job and then quit in the same morning.

Wooo! 😉

[Ok, that wasn't it...]

But on that day, another man also quit his job and he started to engage full-time in community building and creating.

That man is Josh who lives at Mindful Earth farm in Karridale.

The story goes, he was driving back from his ex-workplace and decided to follow a sign that led to a studio (out in the middle of nowhere).

This sign is not in front of my driveway but 100 metres away up the highway.

Regardless, with the intent to go to that studio - He then continued and when his odometer reached 99.9 he was in front of a closed gate driveway into a bush property that appears to go nowhere.

And so led by his intuition alone he opened the gate and drove up and found a very surprised me who was taking a nap.


I often considered, well I can't just expect things to come to me, I live in the middle of nowhere... and well...

After discovering the misunderstanding but willing to take the universe's gamble, I invited him to have a coffee and some fresh watermelon. We broached the subject of the project and I recited the story of Open the Door, he loved it so much he recorded it on his phone and he regarded our meeting as a gift.

We then shared experiences about communities, the world and life's subtle coincidences.

[a picture of the universe hanging in the house]

An outcome of this sharing is that I will be performing 'Open the Door' with music for a mindfulness festival at Mindful Earth Community Farm and Sanctuary in Karridale on the 15th of May this year.

As it so happens, I am knee deep in production - it would not be possible to engage in a full-time job while producing this material - nor to maintain the headspace required to do so. I take it as providence that I must now work on this material using this window of opportunity.

This last weekend also I performed singing and guitar jazz blues for the first time in a while to an enthusiasitic audience at the markets in Margaret River and in Margaret River town. My guitar and singing act is still a viable income for me and so I will commence playing gigs again. (btw: I recorded a video this week here).

Where there is the opportunity I will perform 'Open the Door' and its haunting kemence improvisations where I deem the setting sincere and of a vulnerable nature.

Exciting realities are forming and coming together to take 'Open the Door' to the world.

[A tree on the property]

You can find already the first master version of the story soundtrack - accessible on the website next to my blurb

Version 1 has been completed on all tracks and I am up to version 2 on tracks 1-4 and will complete up to version 3 to finish. Lots of things to be aware of with such a large production. I am still collecting feedback and anything you have to share (even critical feedback) is greatly appreciated. New elements and changes can still be incorporated into the work - no suggestion is too harsh.

[Sun catcher on the porch]

The aim is to paint the picture with the music. If you sense any hindrance to this picture forming in your mind from either musical form or technical detail - please let me know!

(Btw: All sound samples in this work are recorded by myself from scratch.)

Music videos with the album cover and cyclical psychadelia patterns will soon follow the release. I will then record a 20 minute live version of the story with music to share with fellow performers to gather interest for a troupe of people to get this show up and running in a street kind of way. ;)

If you would like to support me - I live very simply - at the moment I am indulging in sprouts and juices which are cheap and they sustain and nourish the body.

I still however have two small music debts for equipment, I pay 100 a week for rent of the room in the off-grid house presently and petrol is not sprouting from my jars 😂.

[alfalfa, borlotti, quinoa, mung, lentil and wheat berry sprouts on the go as we speak]

If you wish, you can now support me directly at:

All donations are greatly appreciated. It's taken me a long time to come to terms with the electronic way of receiving things and for the moment - it is possible to assist me in this way. This is for personal donations for my own interest and not donations for the project in general.

[interesting ornaments make a rich banquet for the eye]

Solange and I are working hard to make the dream of Open the Door a reality. Funding applications and a donations systems is being set up to channel the necessary resources to manifest this endeavor. This is our purpose and our gift to the world.

And so, I plan to be in the Netherlands by late September to assist her in manifesting this dream.

The story represents for us the re-emergence of humanity into an age of unbridled imagination - a universe which we form from the purity of essence - discarding false conditions and recognizing vulnerability and innocence in the pursuit and discovery of true joy.

For now, we are extending the time frame for production to 2023 - which will include a large body of musicians, a dance company, a choir, a street performance troupe, a narrator (Cestmir Bergsma of Enschede is most interested in this position), professional lighting, costume design, set design and stage and sound engineers.

It is clear it is no simple endeavor what we have set out to achieve. Yet we feel the waves of the universe's energy already supporting our efforts.

It is great to get confirmation from universe that you are doing the universe's work.

Thanks for being my friends,


ps. More bush off-grid place pics to follow -

[in the Australia place we call 'the woods' - 'the bush' - just so you know!]


[one of my wicking beds made from an IBC with an experimental crop - Chickpeas!]
[an unlikely friend up a tree in the day]
[Wheatgrass! Get into it! 😉😛👍]
[busy studio always in transition mode + laptop + guitar + me = music machine! 😆]
[wicking bed with cabbage, celery, kale and broccoli! Yum!]


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Shit man - sorry I missed your last couple of posts, I'll be back to upvote them tomorrow when my voting power has recuperated. Feel free drop give me a shout if you ever think I've missed anything.

So glad to see this all coming together for you - loving the synchronicities. Interesting to observe where life takes you - especially once you let go of trying to control it and enjoy floating with it.

With your work ethic, passion, and vision - I have no doubt that you'll be blessed with success. Onwards and upwards to all involved. :)

Ah no worries, I don't specifically look for the attention but I am grateful for your comment!

It is certainly great to see all the pieces coming together for a unified whole. It's exciting to be creating something much bigger than myself to the point where the 'I' becomes irrelevant and I merely become a spectator of a nucleus inevitably growing into a nebula.

And so, I am starting to use social media with an intentional purpose it seems to melt away my previous judgements of its uses before. Into the fire we go. 😀🔥

I saw you have a new article as well regarding Saturn - will have a deeper look soon! My eyes last night could not delve into it yet. The mind needs to be prepared for such matters.

All the best,
Monty 🦘

Ah no worries, I don't specifically look for the attention but I am grateful for your comment!

Of course, but equally - I like to support where I can - plus, I'm really interested in the project. :)

Yes my friend, just go with the flow and see where it takes you. A couple of years from now and you could be touring it around the world. I've also been busy trying to write a book, mostly finished - but it'll probably take me another year editing and putting it all together.

Yeah, no worries about the article - read it when you get round to it as you have loads to focus your attention on - besides, it's in two parts and I've been a little delayed posting the second one.

Have a great weekend. :)

Glad to hear of your interest in the project. Alright, I will unashamedly tag you in future posts! haha

Yes, let's see what the future brings.

I shared your article with a friend who is very much into the esoteric and numerology, he really enjoyed it. Hopefully it will inspire him to come onto Blurt... he was on Steemit when that was the thing.

Book? Well, that's going to be worth a dive. Tag me unashamedly when you are releasing this tome of wisdom 😉

All the best,

ps. Our first eclipse for the year (early this morning for me). What mysteries did it reveal in its wake?

btw, find me on telegram @montycashmusic

Really interesting post, I love stories of synchronicity particularly under unlikely circumstances. Welcome to blurt and good luck with your creative journey, sounds like it was what you were meant to be doing 🙏❤️

Thanks very much! It's great to connect with like minded people on here. I feel like Blurt has promise - it's worth to invest some time and energy and see where it goes!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Funny, I was reading this thinking... Reminds me of montycash so much he could almost be the same guy...🤪

I have IBC wicking beds, what a winner! Great to see your face and see things are happening just the way they should, despite of, and because of, the hard graft and passion

Great to meet you on here! Yeah, it's a new blog for a new project which will be developing over the next couple of years.

IBC beds are great for the forest because it is important to retain an isolated planting area for veges if you want to keep your water! (Tree's roots suck the lot!)

It does get wet where I am in winter but the summer like many places in Australia is very, very dry 🦘

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We might be moving to Tassie where it gets very dry... I will definitely be doing them! They are the best.

You are such a creative soul..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are blurttribe community, we welcome you to blurt, @blurttribe, you can share your ethnic, cultural, historical contents, feel free to express yourself and share them using the #blurttribe and stay away from plagiarism!!

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Blurt to the moon 🌕!!!!!

Thank you! I will consider tagging posts with @blurttribe when I have relevant content. All the best.