Source: Private document
Hello everyone, how are you today? I pray that you are healthy and happy too. Hopefully what you are going to do today can also be resolved soon. Since I'm a new user on Blurt. I want to introduce myself.
My name is Khoirul Muttaqin (27), usually called Taqin in the real life. As for the virtual world, I usually use the username @bukutaqin. Whether it's on social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, to Youtube media, Desofy, Steem, Hive and others.
I'm from Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia. If you are also from Indonesia and close to my house. I'd be happy if I could meet up just to have a chat together. Enjoying tobacco and coffee while talking like that.
Moreover, I am a new Blurt user. I would be very happy if I was told some tips or tricks to optimize the articles that I show off. So that the more engagement, the more prominent the branding, and also more money and blessings.
I have a hobby of writing. Previously, he had a hobby of reading books and writing reviews. However, as time goes on, it becomes increasingly difficult to access new books. Finally found a fun hobby: Writing fiction stories. Be it in the form of short stories or novels.
But in the future I will not only write fiction. I will also upload some articles that I find interesting to me and interesting to share. Whether it's about writing, about self-improvement, blockchain and web3, or other themes.
And also no less important, I know this Blurt is the result of personal research. So have no friends at all. I hope we can interact with you in the future. Can get suggestions if I do something wrong or "stupid". Share helpful tricks or experiences, or simply say hello to each other.
But as far as I see the activity in this community. The relationship between its members has a unique closeness. They mutually support each other. Even to the new members, many are being kind. (fyi) Yesterday I managed to register because I was assisted by @zahidsun on the discord server. Also thank for @penyaircyber, @nalexadre for guiding me!
Maybe this is the only introduction I can give. Greetings all. Nice to meet you, Dear, Ma'am, Sir, Uncle, Aunt, brothers and sisters, Sir, everyone.
These are some of my addresses:
Gambar: Dokumen pribadi
Halo semuanya, apa kabar kamu hari ini? Saya doakan semoga kamu dalam keadaan sehat dan juga bahagia. Semoga apa yang akan kamu lakukan hari ini juga bisa segera terselesaikan. Berhubung saya adalah pengguna baru di Blurt. Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri.
Nama saya Khoirul Muttaqin (27), biasanya dipanggil Taqin di dunia nyata. Sedangkan untuk dunia maya biasanya saya pakai username @bukutaqin. Baik itu di media sosial seperti twitter, Instagram, Facebook, hingga media Youtube, Desofy, Steem, Hive dan lain-lain.
Asal saya dari Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Jika kamu juga berasal dari Indonesia dan dekat dengan rumah saya. Saya akan senang jika bisa bertemu untuk sekadar mengobrol bersama. Menikmati tembakau dan kopi sambil berbincang-bincang gitu.
Apalagi saya pengguna Blurt baru. Saya akan sangat senang jika diberitahu beberapa tips atau trik mengoptimalkan artikel-artikel yang saya pamerkan. Agar semakin banyak engagementnya, makin menonjol brandingnya, dan juga makin cuan serta berkah.
Saya memiliki hobi menulis. Sebelumnya punya hobi membaca buku dan menulis ulasannya. Namun karena semakin lama semakin kesulitan mengakses buku-buku baru. Akhirnya menemukan hobi yang menyenangkan: Menulis cerita-cerita fiksi. Baik itu dalam bentuk cerpen atau novel.
Namun kedepannya saya tidak hanya menulis fiksi saja. Saya juga akan mengunggah beberapa artikel yang menurut saya menarik bagi saya dan menarik untuk dibagikan. Baik itu tentang kepenulisan, tentang self-improvement, blokchain dan web3, atau tema-tema lainnya.
Dan juga tidak kalah penting, saya mengenal Blurt ini hasil riset pribadi. Jadi tidak memiliki teman sama sekali. Semoga ke depannya bisa saling berinteraksi dengan kalian. Bisa mendapat saran-saran jika saya melakukan kesalahan atau "kebodohan". Berbagi trik atau pengalaman yang bermanfaat, atau sekadar saling menyapa.
Namun sejauh saya melihat aktivitas di komunitas ini. Hubungan antara anggotanya memiliki kedekatan yang unik. Mereka saling mendukung antara satu dengan yang lain. Bahkan kepada anggota yang masih baru, banyak yang bersikap baik. (fyi)Kemarin saya berhasil daftar karena dibantu akun asing di server discordnya. Terima kasih juga kepada @zahidsun, @penyaircyber, dan @nalexadre yang sudah memberi arahan!
Mungkin ini saja perkenalan yang bisa saya berikan. Salam kenal semuanya. Salam kenal Bang, Mbak, Pak, Om, Tante, adik-adik, Sir, semuanya. Mohon bimbingannya.
Welcome to the Blurt family. Here we like to meet real people who like to share their stories and everything that makes them happy. I hope you enjoy sharing with us.
Good vibes.
i am honored. happy to join this community.
Thank you for providing meaningful information, @angelica7
Selamat datang di blurt
Terima kasih banyak sudah disapa bang.
Mohon bimbingannya
Welcome to Blurt!
Thank for coming and appreciate me.
Nice to meet you @saboin
Welcome 2 Blurt !!!!
Please take a moment to vote for my witness.
Thank you. Nice to meet you.
Number 11, done!
Thanks so much bro! 🙏🍀 I can use every vote! 🌞❤️
You might need to retry with your active key... posting key doesn't work...
Sorry, not much i can share. 🙏🙂

However if you have any suggestions. Shoot!
No 😂, I mean your witness vote... Click here: to cast your witness vote for me... 😜
Thank for guiding me.
I don't know its bcz my power to small or my key. But i will try to relogin 🔥
No, no, your Blurtpower doesn't matter!
It is just the key.... Thanks so much! 🙏
I am scare btw. 😅
Can u guide me step by step. Ofc if u free. Or, u can recommend me some article or keyword to learn about it
You are doing everything right.... 👍🍀
Just don't forget to cast your witness vote! 😜😂
I Will more understand with time. Thank.
Yep, hope u will get what u want. done 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks bro. To cast a witness vote for me, you have to go here:
and click this:
Sure. I've done it after commenting on the first link you provided. I support you! And you can also remind me if I'm wrong. 👍👍