in introducemyself •  4 years ago 

Hello ,

I have been trying for months to log in #Blurt
And it just wasnt doing it !
I tried again today and i can finally see the beautiful platform #blurt is and , really , how easy it is to navigate :)

My name is Opidia , i am From Paris France,
I do write about Cryptos and Astrology , both are my passion .

I also love , Photography and share random Poetry i write in different languages .
I speak English , French and Spanish

My first platform was Steemit , then #Whaleshares and now i am in #hive and #torum

I believe we are all in the same platforms , i am not in all of them , i love writing articles on cryptos astro and since today is the Chinese new year ( metal OX ) and also the new moon in Aquarius , the most important one of the year , it is a great day for me to finally enter this space .
The cryptos world is smiling at us like never before and it only started :)
I am very happy to be in the front seat with you .

Thank you for your support and lets blurt it :)


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt @opidia 👋 Finally 💋
Pleased to see that you took my advice on trying

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your warm welcome and great advices as always my dear @andy !
I love the platform :)

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