My intro

in introducemyself •  2 years ago 

Hello friends my name is hassan. Today is my first day on Blurt. I work as a cook in a hotel and I do crypto. I worked on many websites and traded many coins. But my favorite coin is the doge because the doge is the one that made me the owner of six hundred dollars to 90k dollars in eight months. Let me tell you, my two children, for whose education I started trading crypto, and my children's education was running out of money. But I did not give up and I worked hard and paid for my children's education.

Little did I know that the price of a doge coin would go up so much. I converted all the dollars I had into a doge and put them in a doge wallet. Because I was moved by my hoteliers to another city where I had to work and stay for a while. So I took a loan from the bank for my children and gave it to my wife after me to spend this money on my children's education.

I worked at a hotel in another city for eight months. I worked at a hotel in another city for eight months. And my kids were busy studying there and we talked on the phone every day. Due to my busy schedule in the city where I was working, I could not do crypto trading and all my balance which was 200,000 doge coins which I bought for 600 dollars remained in the wallet. I never even opened it and saw that I had doge coins. And I never thought that a doge coin would be worth more.When I returned to my hometown and home after eight months. So I went there and paid off the loan I got, and then I decided to do crypto trading again. And when I look at the prices of cryptocurrencies, I am shocked that they are so high. I was happily going crazy that the price was going up a lot and when I opened my doge wallet and transferred my coins to the market and sold my doge coins. 90k dollars , the doge coin ended the hardest time of my life.You could call it an accident. If I had not gone to another city, I would never have made such a huge profit. That's why I prefer doge coins.Today is my first day here. I hope I will succeed here. Everyone welcome me.

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