When choosing internet service provider we often consider the price of the service, speed of the internet, monthly data caps, and customer service. For customers it is great when there is healthy and fair competition available and plenty of options to choose from. However, that is not always the case when it comes to internet services. Some areas may have limited options available. Some even might have only one. There are also areas where companies divide the regions up where each provide service so they don't compete with each other. Lack of competition, may also serve as an obstacle for innovation, losing the quality of service, forgetting the original vision of the company, and ultimately hurting customers by overcharging them.
When dealing with companies for products or services, I often wonder if they value long term business relationship or if they care about taking their customers money more. Some companies do understand this difference and focus on delivery of their products and services the best way possible. Some fail to operate their business in such fashion and instead put their efforts on short term wins. In the presence of a healthy and fair competition companies that continuously work on improving their products and services and seek a long term and honest business relationship with their customers end up winning. Not only they win, they also force their competition to do better to stay relevant in the space.
Some internet providers like Comcast have for a long time enjoyed operating without much of competition. In a long run this kind of atmosphere prevents these companies to improve their infrastructure and services they provide. Customer service becomes worse. Products or services offered drop in quality. Yet they may continue raising the prices for their services.
About a month ago I decided to switch the internet service from Comcast/Xfinity to Ziply Fiber. While I haven't had any major issues with their service, this switch has been a big improvement. I have used Ziply Fiber for only a month. So far they have been great in terms of everything: service fees, customer service, speed of the internet, and the no data caps.
At first I was skeptical of switching. But once I called Ziply to simply find out if it would be a good idea to switch, they did a great job of explaining that I was convinced that I had to try. Even I told them, let me think about it and find out when I need to cancel my current Comcast service, they didn't hesitate and offered a first month of service for free. Let me explain the advantages of switching to Ziply Fiber.
They have no contracts. Customers can cancel their service anytime without any penalties. Looking at their website, I can see they also offer free first month service for limited time. Based on my experience, even if there is no official promotion available, I believe their customer service can provide such option. And first month basically becomes a trial month. Nothing to lose.
Their service plans and fee are clear and reasonable. The plans start from $20 a month to $60 a month. I chose the Fiber Gig plan for $60 which provides one Gigabit speed. This $60 price, in my understanding is only for the first year and after the first year of service will go up to $80.
They have no monthly data usage caps and they have great customer service.
They also provide a router and extenders if needed for additional monthly fee. I believe it is $10 a month for the router and $10 for extenders. Alternatively customers can buy their own equipment.
One problem I noticed though, when they first installed they used a router that is not capable of one Gigabit speed and they were honest in informing that they are doing that to get rid of their old inventory.
I had to purchase a new router that is capable of one gigabit speed. They happily sent me a prepaid mailing box that I could sent their router back.
This switch increased the speed of the internet significantly and cut the internet service bills in half. I really like Ziply Fiber and I hope they continue expanding their business and improving the internet service for many.