Roses are red, violets are blue...

in internet •  3 years ago 

I woke up just in time for the coffee. She told me that you wanna hear from me, about life and stuff. I don't know man. I would prefer the simple stuff. We had potatoes and cheese, and later we gonna make some pie.

Listen. The page, Pranz! is done. It is open. You can signup if you want. It is very simple. I didn't touch shit. I might talk to you, write something, from time to time, but that's it.

COVID = 0.2% deaths. These old folks who always opposed gov suddenly got all humble, now they would revoke medical help to unvaccinated people even when it is proven till now that vaccination is dysfunctional.

World will succumb under the yoke of scared old people who want to live forever. I've done what I've done. And every single one of you... You all, will know.

When I was young, old women would cry upon crucifix to keep them suffering one more day. Why would you beg for torture when you can fly away and be free. Comes from the right person to talk about it, haha! Real good topic.

I wish, so much I wish this is not real. My whole life I watched into a face of a man without fear and doubt. I was certain, even certain I know nothing. I wish I can regain that feeling again.

Smoking also pressures the system, booze, somebody has to pay for all that cancer treatment, and you willingly destroying your health and putting yourself into an early grave, you also shouldn't get meds.

I shouldn't care that much, I should not let my blood to boil and all that hype getting the best of me.

Do I miss her? Every day. My heart is not a stone.

Did I wanted to call her? I tried. But hanged so many times. Because my heart is not a stone. I don't want to trap her inside of this.

I can talk to people, just they don't see me as me.

For example, I talk to people who vaccinated and all they do is refuse to listen that vax is experimental because none of them wants to believe they are screwed and don't want to picture themselves as victims.

They want everyone to do it, because only in that way the world is going to be upright and fair for them. That mania of being right above all. Its futile to explain to anyone like that, so deep into their belief, that further testing is needed for vaccines, because the sheep will do anything to prove that their masters are vegetarians.

Why I did it? Did I did it?

There was a slight oversight.

I felt sick for some time, but I thought it will pass and I will be OK again. Then one night I felt somebody was there, something was with me. I thought the same thing anyone would, I finally cracked. But then a voice spoke to me. Said it heard me and that I am right.

That was odd, I would never said that to myself. But the voice didn't stop there.

My heart was scheduled to stop that morning when they found me. I wasn't counting with that. I have work to do. The voice said there is a way, but I will probably curse myself but I will not ascend at least for a moment, so I could stay here. But I will stay here if I go in a moment when the clock stops.

I didn't believe it. I even said to her, I will talk to you next morning. It is nonsense. How can it be true? And I planned to call, whatever happened, not this, but because I wanted ... I was writing something, because the voice... well, it was very inspiring. It kept on murmuring about the future, and all the sneaky ways of shadows, and how they are all parasites. It sounded like something I would write. Anyway... But it happened, and I slept instead. I woke up months after. Not tomorrow morning.

I just stood there. It didn't feel like me. In one second I lost everything.

I lost everything standing on that crossroad and when I turned back at that voice, here it was - a terrible realization that all I feared off is true and more real than you can imagine. Hello Mister Antivirus, fuck police...

She told me, she saw everything years before. I am her Dillinger. Do you know that there is an artist called John who painted Dillinger? I can't even start to understand how this, all this is even possible.

She talks a lot, but little too sedentary for me. We are going to adventures now. I enjoy that feeling of the fresh excitement. For her it is a paranoia, but I keep telling her we won't die, it is just some height.

I saw a microlight a few days ago. If I could get my hands on one of those!! I will have to make some persuasion about that. I mean, how do you persuade a person who fears high grounds to pilot a plane...? Anyway, I will let you know about the progress.

"Before receiving validation...COVID-19 vaccines must undergo rigorous testing in clinical trials" So, where are those trials -> "COVID-19 Studies from the WHO, Global Phase III Clinical Trial vacc..." Here they are.

To ones who don't understand, global means that you are a test subject. And it doesn't matter to them that all those studies and media reports are backed, sponsored and brought to public by huge pharma companies, if they got sick they would blame them.

If you are dead, nobody cares who would you blame. If you are crippled they will send you home and tell you are crazy. Because they are all knowing. How dare you to doubt?

So, in short. Just to be clear. Nobody did me. I didn't even did myself. - I know you love me, I like you too. - I sincerely believed that the whole thing is fake, or 5G, or gov sending messages into my skull... you know, normal things, and then the clock stopped. I don't know how they missed that. I left a second before, enough to slow down. And here I am.

Food is good. I had fried pork the other day. Compliments to the chef. If everything else fails, I get to have some really nice food at the end of a day.

I read this in the local newspapers. I still need a translation, but I am improving. So called ex-antivaxer without any previous records of him actually being antivax, shares covid story to press for 5 minutes of attention, not to forget that he somehow managed to snap a selfie while allegedly fighting for his life.

His staged statement of ER treatment, and I have experience, is best proof that his story is fake and invented to call people to vaccinate and "side effects are less painful" sounds like book example of power method.

She told me I am her John. And only a soul of a dead man can travel future and past, but it has no place in present. I am no prisoner here. I can do whatever I want, be whoever I want.

Do I ever think to call her? Damn, every single day. Do you know where the files are? Who do you think would be to blame, who should die because of me being right? There is no reason for me to do it now. Not anymore. I deleted them myself. Nobody has to die because of an old man who knew too much. And now I know even more.


Roses are red, violets are blue I don't sleep at night 'cause I'm thinking of you Alone with my thoughts, trapped in this bed Know I'd give the world just to see you again


I miss my piano. Fuck it. Off to buy one...


Red Roses Flowers - Free photo on Pixabay

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