MeWe - can you actually make some sort of the business out of it or with it

in internet •  4 years ago 

Question of the centralised social media websites became kind of big these days. If you are on the centralized website, you can not control anything. Proven million times already, you password, data and any content you store up there can be breached, hijacked or worse - deleted.

Don't treat them as permanent storage for your memories, or do not use them at all.

The entirety of your content should not be a subject of scrutiny based on a single report.

But, if you have no other option for finding people or contacting services, than yes, of course I can't suggest you NOT to use them.

I use Facebook for nothing but local shops, there are a lot of these local stores that have customers pages on that platform.

These local services do not use anything else, so either it is that or search engine results.

I will cover only one of the hyped websites, MeWe, that is a Facebook wannabe but they are not decentralised and could be easily replaced by governed blockchain platform like Hive and fully decentralised Memocash.

I made MeWe a long time ago as a possible option to see into it for my family members, in case of this what is happening now.
I am not interested personally in MeWe, I have enough crypto places where I feel at home, but my entire family is online on the Facebook/ Instagram just for the sake of entertainment.

The big majority of people where I live are the users of the Facebook and Instagram, and they will unlikely change their habits and swap platform for something else.

I think for them that kind of a website like MeWe is approximately a good solution. But... the thing is that many of my acquaintances and family support what's might consider a very controversial opinions about the current events.

Mewe only replicates the Facebook, it is centralised, censored and not a free-speech platform. Whatever condemned "illegal" will be banned. The only difference is that they do not run adverts. That's why I do not understand why people suddenly flock to them.

Also, in case of the shop owners and services, whatever tools you can get on the Facebook for free, for example a shop page, you have to pay on MeWe. Enough said, none of my local services will run anything on MeWe, pay for page uphold and lose numerous followers and customers while migrating from one platform to another.

Can you run a page on MeWe? Yes, of course.

For $1.99 per month chargeable with credit card and PayPal. No other payment options available. This is already a problem for the crypto-folk or people who does not have those options available.

I don't find a premium dark theme weird, I paid it on Twetch, together with all the other premium features in one package, for two profiles... but I do not think that shop pages should be paid in monthly installments ... or even yearly ... that is way too high.

There is also a question what is legal and what is not, what country and whose laws MeWe is obligated to abide and dus limit own users.

I do not have a proper suggestion for MeWe, it depends what sort of the website do you need. If you need one to fill up yet another place in your social media list for link sharing and to further your audience, be free to use it.

If anything above concerns you or you find it unacceptable, or you have no practical use of it... that choice is yours.

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