Hiveblocks css nightmode theme for your browser ( + microblogging/blogging news & daily activity)

in internet •  4 years ago 

I enjoy Hiveblocks very much, and I created a theme for it. Here is a code for it, either paste it into css extension or Userstyles Stylish.

It is on the bottom of this text.

I also bought another username/account to use it as a diary and central wallet. My microblogging and blogging accounts are all crowded with other activities.

It is not actually finished but who cares. It will look nice if you insert your own colors and your own image instead of INSERT YOUR PROFILE IMAGE LINK.

Microblogging news

Twetch App has a notifier android app. I installed it on my old android phone, but still need one for iPhone.

Memocash slowed down it is almost unusable. I will wait until they fix it, whatever it is. It finally collapsed, so I used membercash for a minute. I am not able to follow up conversations there, not my favorite.

I installed 3 different tiers on Floteapp - airdrops, earnings and splinterlands. There is a lot of political talk on Flote, I do not need to go over in Twitter and dig all that dirt from news outlets. Apparently they are finding more and more fake votes in recent elections.

dBuzz is so far the fastest microblogging website next to Twitter. Still major networks are the most used by majority of netizens, we are only a handful of people on the decentralized applications.

Blogging news

Whaleshares was down for short time, so yesterday I couldn't post. Same happened with the They are both back today.

Blurt - for some reason I have a lot of tokens there. Well I guess some writing was succesful.

Steemit - I guess Sun will continue the merger with the Steem blockchain, as now he installed TRX rewards aside of a main STEEM rewards. I will not bother too much with the gains, will post and see what will happen.

Hive - it is always nice to see my post being rewarded by a Curie. I like to write about the spirituality, I just do not have that much time to do it. Here is an article in case you wish to read it: Can you sell your soul to the Satan?

Uptrennd - hardly I will get to the payment minimum. It requires 3000 points. I made 1 point with my article. That how much winning I expect.

Cent - is pretty much depressive to even go there. Not because of my own content. I have a lot of platforms where I can deploy my work and an each will give me a different feedback. Some will not of course, that is also a possibility. For example, yesterday content got nothing. It is depressive because of other people effort which I see but it is like there is nobody there to read any of that.

ReadCash - continues to surprise. Got a downvote. Probability of success very low or even zero.

Publish0x - total earnings of 1 cent. What a gain. I guess not a page that accepts variety of topics.


Splinterlands - played some but I think I should definitely upgrade my favorite summoner.

Appics - reinstalled it onto my phone, will continue testing it.

LBRY - didn't have much time today, but I will be more active tomorrow.

Style for Hiveblocks

.col-md-4::before {
    padding: 5px;
    display: block;
    color: #A57164;
    background: #111111;

#body {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

tbody {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.col-md-8 {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.op {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.op-mini {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

code {
    color: green!important;
    background: black!important;
    font-size: 16px!important;

.well {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;
.well-xs {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.panel {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;
.panel-warning {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.container {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

header {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.idx {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.post-title {
    color: green!important;
    background: black!important;
    font-size: 18px;
.well {background: black!important;}
.well-sm {background: black!important;}
.post {background: black!important;}

.md {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

.row {background: black!important;}

pre {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;
    font-size: 14px!important;

.post-votes {
    color: white!important;
    background: black!important;

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