Unshackled minds - the internet

in internet •  3 years ago 


The internet does not make me happy.

I remember the world before the internet. I remember dial up modems, all the noise, screams, screeches, then online 56k and all. Most people only wanted porn, bored with their life, bored with their wife. I was single at the time, and there was a big world to travel, so travel I did.

At about the same time, car phones came along, big and bulky, I can still remember the first one I ever did see.
This self important man carried one in my local bar, he had a soft top Mercedes Benz, pink, suited him well.
He walked up and down inside my local bar, battery in one hand, not so mobile - phone in the other, strutting his stuff like a peacock.

Wow, Mr impotent, or is it important?

He must have felt like a king hey.

There is only so much of anything I can consume, be it the internet, be it rules.
With every "you can not do this, you can not do that" dictate, it brings out a side of me that says "fuck you" it is the way I have always been.

Tell me to wear a face nappy, I will wear a smile, tell me I can not go out, outside is where you will find me.

It has been an interesting two years, talking to the mindless followers amuses me, they have no logic applied, they get angry, shout at me, tell me to comply "because" they do, nope, not doing it, you live it if you want to.

Made some martyrs has it not, "the virtuous" I call them. Signal me this, signal me that, show how much of a good slave you are. Slave to who, slave to what?

"LOCK-DOWN" prison terminology.

It is the first time in history people, healthy people got told to stay at home, and they did, and they do.

It is the first time the word "asymptomatic" was used, had you heard of it before?

Asymptomatic means "healthy" just in case you are confused.

R numbers, bubbles, riddle me this, riddle me that, what think tank thunk them up? And for what?
Thunk as in thought.

Like I say, I am no good at being told what to do.

A free mind requires a free world, and as the noose tightens, the more the freedom comes alive.
With every dictate, there comes a freedom lover, who will win, which side are you on, freedom or prison?

I digress, back to the internet.

I used to drink "a lot" in my local bar, it was called the kings head, one day someone put an internet machine in, it looked like any regular video game console, but it was internet only, the aim was to get people hooked, it was free, but soon to be 1 GBP per hour.
Crowds huddled around it, I found myself being the one surfing, pulling up what people wanted, doing the searches, it turned out 99% of what people wanted was porn.

It was also the time everyone started using cocaine, and that I had zero interest in.
I got bored of it quickly, and flew to Thailand, leaving them to their internet machine, 1 pound an hour and all.

It is now more than ever the creativity is being sucked out of people, by those that are not creative, called politicians.

Career clowns I call them.

The children now are full on zoom lessons, online, broken connections, with friends, with the sense of touch, smell, happiness.
Yes I took my daughter away from the Nazi style schools, yes she still yearns to go back. As much as she hated it, she loved it too.
Internet lessons do not work, children do not have the attention span.

The internet also drags us all into other peoples worlds, takes us to places we do not want to be, shows us what people are willing to put up with, stuff of nightmares not dreams.
Is the internet good or bad? Straight up question.

The internet makes me 10% productive, from my own studies, how does it make you?

There are many things to note about "the internet" facebook being one.

People put their real names, birth date, selfies, where they are, what they are doing, the police do not even need to leave their chair, they know where you are, who your friends are, how you feel and how you think.

Twitter, just as bad, IMO.
Tik-Tok it, wait, that is only for overrun nurses and doctors, to do their choreographed dance routines, because they are busy, you see. 20 quid a jab is it? Next! Now how about a dose of the clap, that Will be on a Thursday night, you either get it or you don't.

Zoom it, twitter it, facebook it, get a nosey neighbour called Alexa. Internet it, your entire life, down a microphone, a delight or a nightmare?

The internet of things.

It can be social, it can be a joy, you can find anything you want on the internet, but it comes at a price.
Does it make you happy or sad?

Just asking?

Have a superb day, and balance that diet, a drug is a drug, and the internet can be one, consume as much as you like, but leave some behind.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hha. the people I knew back at the start of the internet were looking for information - not naked simians.
OK, I lie a tiny bit - picked up lots of women online - was just too easy - and never came across a bricklayer named Sarah.
The start is fuzzy as we had the net at univ - so i think it was 1984. lol.

IoT = invasion of technology

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wonder as time goes on it will revert back to being more of a tool, and less of a distraction for filling in time ? (western decadence and apathy).

The tough times ahead may well decide that for them....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

mmm... the addiction protocol would need breaking.
Like saying that alcohol should revert to being a fuel or disinfectant, and that humans will stop drinking it.
likely? lol
but addictions are soooo profitable - even the addiction-creators are themselves addicted to the power.

western? I'm sure you've seen eastern decadence and insanity too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Addictions are rarely anything to do with the symptom in which it expresses.
That needs addressing, maybe.

Using the term 'western' wasn't supposed to be definition, just a view of where things are at right now in regards to decadence and apathy of societies.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

OK, so what is the underlying malaise?
With tech, no need for bread and circuses every day - every minute now!!
Distraction from what?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

...decadence breeds apathy (a 60 years old , ongoing process).

You're spot on with the 'bread and circus's' perspective !... Ain't that the truth.

Distraction from wealth transfer and a one world gvmt.....keep the plebs happy with free funny money and pokemon, while the the real value gets shifted elsewhere.

I'm not 'religious' as such - but the comparisons of the 'good' v 'evil' cosmic battle, ring scarily true in their accuracy.
I see all bureaucracy/technocracy/control over other as 'evil', and thus the people that execute such policies are 'evil' - even if unknowingly so ('the banality of evil' -esque paradigm).... so it all fits - and far too uncomfortably.

Whether using logic and reason alone, or more 'esoteric perspectives' - the roads traveled, and destinations reached - mesh very closely.
Which is good ! - it means logic and reason are on the side of 'good'!...That'll do me !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have never quite fitted into any slot - from an early age I have been both a scientist and mystic - sure, there are others, not so many in public, but even people like Sam Harris would fit into this category of "scientific esoterism".

It made no sense to me that the outer and inner worlds would be disconnected. What is really disappointing is how few humans ever seem to think of this, and how few see the joy of discovering stuff, again, whether inner or outer - far, far too much believing - the homo fidelis syndrome, as I call it.

This preamble links to what you say, in that the weaponising of science, the tyranny by stealth, would just not happen if more humans were lucid and knowledgeable.

To expect more people to become lucid now, during a global coup, is IMO wishful thinking; I still don't see it, although glad to see a small cohort un-tranced. I also think it is that very cohort who need to become more powerful, whether to help others or merely help each other, I can't say.

Logic and reason applied to self eventually lead inwards, but what is interesting is that boundary between inner and outer science. eg that pulsed mobile phone signals affect all living organisms is, to me, staggeringly obvious. This also means that many "psychological" or psychosomatic health issues can easily be attributed to a physical external cause - just another aspect of weaponised science. Hence, no toxic chemical drug is going to remedy the problem; one has to remove the cause, or remove oneself from the cause.

That physical-spiritual interface is one hardly ever touched on by people who like to fall into one or other camp, rather than walking that razor's edge. Anything I can do to push that Knowledge I will gladly do.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A table full of food, and leave as much as possible, to show how rich you are, yes, dated a few Thai ladies, seen it first hand, 100 quids worth of food left to spoil, because.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

because of the flatulence, do doubt...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like a good fart, it only annoys everyone around me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

nouveau riche posture - the really rich don't do that.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The poor do, when they think they have a money tree "farrang" I noted.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What comes after decadence?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Fart face, only English like to friendly insult, do we not :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Scottish a pretty good at it to .
A scottish dude in LA was mixed race - and gay (and he grew up in Glasgow !lol). Really sound guy.

Our greeting were along the lines of...'c'mere, boy',....'you cracker wanker', ..etc....you can imagine...everyone thought we hated each other !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One of my best friends hailed from Glasgow, he used to work for me, he is brown bread now, but when I did not call him a Scotch git, he got worried.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Never done the online dating "thing" I prefer to see. smell and touch, never know when you get a minger with no sense of smell :-)
I was a bit late to the net, I was busy riding bikes, so for a guess it was 1993.

I was late to the internet, joining when aol was at 7.0. I felt its danger then to relationships, and have been proven correct over the years.

If it wasn't for my searching for ways yo make money to free myself I would have no internet.

My hope is to one day see this social crypto thing I do see me get a little land away from it all and have enough to pay the government their extortion rent called taxes with enough to be self sufficient and unplug from most everything.

At least when I joined the internet one could still find interesting things and learn. Now everything is so censored and bubbled that misinformation is being presented everywhere as fact to the bubbles they are tailored to, or hidden if it's the actual truth.

Everywhere I see so many mesmerized by their black screens and I just want away from them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think what we know now as 'social media', will taper off- especially if we're entering into a 'tough cycle' (economically and socially speaking).

I think the 'facade' and the 'reality' of life , will not mesh as expected by the postmodern morons.(which is all good).
In tough times, real value reverts to - or more closely correlates with - reality.

50 hours playing computer games for tokens, or 50 hours growing food to eat, when food it scarce...??

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think the majority will go for the games, I can then make a killing on selling food.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

nah....luxury is just that - it will always takes second place to fucking hungry ! lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And I grow the fucking food. Riddle me this, can they eat bitcoin?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

More to the point - if food is scarce, and crpyto means nothing - would you take bitcoin ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think food will be very scarce next year, same as gas, and electric, here like most places they are already stating gas will cost 50% more, and electric 25% more, must be nice to have that crystal ball, knowing the future, hey.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

....It's gonna get worse before it gets better - how's that? lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Do they walk along the street where you are, staring at screens? I see them in bars, it can be 4 people, most of the time their head is in the screen, telling people where they are, how much of a good time they are having, but the reality is detached from the truth - I watched a couple on a train, they both pulled out a phone, then a tablet, headphones the lot, not once did they look out of the window and the wonderful world.
Half way to Katowice, they put down the devices for 10 seconds, to show each other something on facebook, then headphones back on, heads down, and back they went into the internet of things.

It can be heaven, it can be hell.

Do they walk along the street where you are, staring at screens?

Yes they do. I remember the first time I saw someone doing that. I was shocked. You see them driving with their face in the screens too. I always know when at a light if it turns green and the person in front of me isn't driving they are staring at that screen.

I just don't get it. Like with the internet, I was late getting a cell phone too. I hated being on the phone before cell phones, and keep mine set to do not disturb at all times, and often leave it at home as well. If it's important leave a message and I'll get back with you maybe.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You sound like me, I am never happier than when my alleged smart phone is nowhere near me, I made it a habit, leaving it at home, Thailand was good for that, forgetting I even had a phone, if anyone wanted to see me, they had to find me.

And now I am getting like it again, forgetting it exists.

But tonight I am supposed to meet up with two strangers, and take my phone, think I might just turn it off.

Very slippery out, blanket of ice on the paths and roads, seems nobody cares to de-ice or spread sand here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What to post about when all you do all day is watching a screen ?

Time to turn it off and start living a real life again .

It's more fun to go fast on a 2stroke yourself then to only see others do it .
Like i became a decent snow mobile rider by now , by just doing it . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I agree with you, and today I make a 350lc, not talk about it :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's more fun to go fast on a 2stroke yourself then to only see others do it .

Stock up on plenty of lube then, ffs !...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oil, not lube, get your mind out of the gutter, you pervert. You have been in Thailand toooooo long.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Davos bro

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The Dutch threw in some hot babe master lawyers to stop the lockdown true national Dutch court .
recht people vs state.JPG
@lucylin will approve it ;-)
The judge will give it's verdict over two weeks , he has to judge between , our experts are experts because we say so ,.. and ,... solid information based on real independent science from real scientist's still willing to speak up about the bullshit .
For real , the judge only bought the oppressive government some more time ,.. time to corrupt the data some more in their favor . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Money backed by nothing is worth? And the debt, it explodes, many are going to have to learn to do shit after, when the comfort ends,

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I use the internet for information on things I want to learn and some Blurting so it works for me when I can use it to my benefit.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I just took my daughter to a singing lesson. The community centre was full of men and women in uniforms, miners, they do that here, they have uniforms for miners, they all had instruments, in the hallway they started a flash band.
1 guy on a tenor sax started playing stand by me, a guy on a trumpet joined in.
I must admit it was amazing, the moment, the fun. I applauded just as spontaneous as they started playing.

Yes, it is good to be alive, if we live it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome 👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hopefully more people will share their musical talents here on Blurt. Would be fun to see..l.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am leaning to more live, and in the flesh.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome. I just bought an electric drum kit and will make more music for Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Game on then, bang some tunes out, more contests coming in the new year, just wanted a week off.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good post, matey !

I have an..... 'interesting' relationship with the internet.
For me it was like being given access to the biggest never ending sweet shop in the world...(me and my pesky thirst for knowledge).

It offered me a way to capitalize on my noggin' a lot more, rather than 'doing stuff'.

As I've gotten older, and more impatient with 90% of the idiots in this world, it's allowed me to be the recluse that I always was, deep down . (growing up, I was too blinded by social norms and peer pressures to see who I was ...durrr!).

It think the internet now, is in it's 'children with a new toy' phase....(for many, not me).

Many of these children are adults unfortunately, and I think the internet helps them stay in that phase - at great detriment to themselves, and to society as a whole.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is superb to have the discussion. 7AM here, I have taken to doing what I want when I want, sleep any time I want, wake when I want, eat what I want, and when I want it, the lack of self discipline is horrendous.
I find my stomach getting bigger, muscles getting weaker & creativity getting lost.
But where is the creative side going, the part that does things, makes things, makes love, has passion?
Today I am going back to building motorbikes, 350lc Yamaha rd, I prefer doing that, yes indeed I do.

I tried it, full time internet thing, did not like it, I have to admit.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have taken to doing what I want when I want, sleep any time I want, wake when I want, eat what I want, and when I want it, the lack of self discipline is horrendous.

Step into my office... talk with an expert in these things ! lol

Today I am going back to building motorbikes, 350lc Yamaha rd, I prefer doing that, yes indeed I do.
I tried it, full time internet thing, did not like it, I have to admit.

If I found something 'tangible' to do, that I enjoyed as much (like you with yer bikes), I'd be doing it. no doubt at all.

My 'thing' has always been more of a cerebral bent ....(for the worse , more than better, imho).
...Luce loves spending hours in the garden but I do what is necessary, for example.

The same thing with fixing up my old cars, bikes , decorating, plumbing, farming....blah blah.
Everyone is made different, but I must admit - I have an envy of sorts (but that's the wrong word really ) for people who do not having the thing that I have going on...