The magic of Compound interest … 🏦

in interest •  2 years ago  (edited)

“ Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it”

  • Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein famously referred to compounding interest as the eighth wonder of the world. He went on to state that those who understand it, earn it and those who don’t, will pay it. It is therefore important to understand what interest is, where compounding interest fits in and how to use it in your everyday life.



I’m pretty happy when I find something that pays Compounding Interest …

Anything over 5%

So now on Cointiply I am trying to stack 1 million coins ($100 USD) and earn 5% interest on those coins …

Cointiply :

$100 USD = .00338 Bitcoin

With 1 Million Cointiply coins earning 5% interest compounded weekly I will earn an extra 52,000 coins per year….

1,000 coins per week that get deposited to earn more Interest.



Cointiply 5% Interest :

Compound Interest Calculator :

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Very true.

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