Integrity in Personal Life

in integrity •  5 months ago 


Integrity is the act of being respectful,being honest,adhering to our values, and consistently making good decisions to improve the everyone around you and the society - even when no one else is looking. Honesty refers to the act of being truthful, integrity is the act of keeping to principles. Acting with integrity has many personal, social, and professional benefits to you.
Acting with integrity gives you utmost peace of mind ,knowing you did what is right regardless of what other people will say about you. Living a life of integrity is very essential , it builds your reputation and reflects your character . A person of integrity will live up to their actions,there would be no contradiction.

Integrity includes the quality of being honest an honest person , but honesty does not always tell more integrity. The slight difference is the inner dedication to being trustworthy and telling the truth without lies or deception. A person of integrity lives without duplicity and hypocrisy.
A person of integrity will quickly acknowledge their faults and mistakes , It’s important to live a life of integrity because it’s a positive way to live. Your relationship will be built on honesty and truth.
It’s important you align your conducts and affairs with what is right and excellent .
Integrity is basically a way of life, what you do when others are around and in their absence .

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, upholding a consistent set of values and ethical standards. A person with integrity acts in accordance with their beliefs and values, even when it is difficult or unpopular. Integrity involves being truthful, reliable, and trustworthy in all aspects of life, both personally and professionally.

According to Maya Angelou , You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.

The quote above best explains how a person of integrity should fight for good conduct and what is right even when no one is watching.
Integrity is like your personal compass that guilds you to act right.

A person with integrity is honest; has probity; is upright; is moral; demonstrates rectitude; is incorruptible; has unimpeachable character; is a person of honor; is a straight shooter; is true blue; is trustworthy. And a bunch of other things.

Integrity is the greatest virtue and attributes that a man should obtain. A person of integrity stands for that which he believes.

“If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.” ― Peter Hamilton

We should all stand for integrity.

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