Be brave and put fear aside

in inspiration •  3 years ago 

"Put all the excuses aside and remember this; you are capable."

Most times your mind play a fast one on you. Some part of your inner self tells you, you cannot do it. That part begins to tell you not to try. Why waste your precious time engaging in a fruitless process that will not result to anything?

There will be many excuses not to engage. Everyone that has done something great will tell you that the most difficult but important step is the first step. That is one step that you require faith, courage and guts to take. Many people are stuck in the mud of fear because they are not able to make that first step.

Whenever you want to do something, you will observe excuses screaming in your head. Some of them will look so real that you may look mad ignoring them. Some friends and close pals will show up to tell you how funny and crazy you are thinking about such things.

Those who have never tried also out of fear will show up to tell you how impossible it is to achieve such feat. Others who have tried but lacked the resilience to get to the finish line will try to talk you out of your goals and dreams.

Always remember potential is not the same thing as achievement. You may have potential for something, but you must work the work required to achieve it. Like wise talent alone may not get you to the finish line, you need character and that 'can do' spirit that will keep you steady on your toes to move out of the comfort zone.

Someone described FEAR as false evidences appearing real. Sometimes, it looks like it is so true. Many of the things that keep you from trying, most of those fears may not also be real. Some are circumstances meant to frighten you and keep you away from trying and winning.

You already have the winning DNA, all you need is to charge it like you charge your mobile phone battery and immediately it will connect to the network of strength and you will become an achiever.

Always develop the strength to put all the excuses aside. Develop the courage to face your fears, be deliberate about engaging any process or persons that poses as threat to your dreams.

Nobody have achieved their dreams that didn't have to fight for it. They all sacrificed pleasures, comforts and other vital things just to achieve their set goals. There must be opposition in all things. It is that opposition that sometimes helps you build your relevant resilience strength and capacity to win.

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