How To Work On Yourself

in inspiration •  3 years ago 

Every person needs to work on himself, you need to learn to trust yourself more than others, be calm, achieve discipline and be patient. You need to take the word "no" out of your life and remain positive. Improving isn't easy, in order to make it easy you need to be disciplined and stay positive about yourself and the whole improvement process, when you get a critique don't take it offensively, take it as a chance to improve. Most peoples defensive mechanism is to attack, when they get critiqued it's taken as an insult so they fire back, instead of doing this take a pause between recieving the information and responding so that you can think about what you heard, the system looks like this.

Information - Pause - Reaction


In that pause you need to think about and analyse the given information, and form an answer, the pause should be your calm down process, don't shut off your brain and attack immediately take a pause in between.


You yourself are the key to improving, but your surroundings are a big part too, don't surround yourself with "friends" who can't actually help you improve and instead make you sink with. Take as an exemple 2 fish tanks, each with one goldfish inside it, the water in the first tank is dirty and it is barely cleaned while the water in the other tank is clean and cleaned frequently. Which fish will survive ? of course the fish in the clean water. So surround your self with smart people that actually think before doing something and can bring a lot to the table when it comes to improving, so that you can improve together and achieve overall faster progress.


Train your body and mind to achieve discipline because that is a part of your improvement, you will become a better, more calculated and precise person. Remember to never quit and fight back against your struggles. By facing your problems you will get closure and improve your endurance and overall life.


I encourage you to improve so that we can all be better together.

Have A Great Day @Steemitwarrior

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