Inspirational nugget.

in inspiration •  4 years ago 


Everyone makes mistakes, you can't always get it right in life. It's impossible to always do everything right all the time. Mistakes are what makes us human. But if there's a way that you can avoid or prevent making mistakes then you should try..
The best way to enjoy life is to make out plans and follow them with the mindset of goodness, honesty, openness, honor and integrity.
Also have in mind that trials, challenges, and disappointments are unavoidable, even occasional bad decisions happen. But you should carry out your plans with no intent to hurt or rob or destroy someone else.

In all you are doing, make sure it doesn't distort someone else's opportunities or ruin their lives or stand against their success.
Do not decieve or scam others, do not manipulate people in your pursuit of self greatness and happiness. Whatever is not yours, do not take.
I know it's hard to live without doing wrong, we are humans, but do not wake up with the intent to do harm

Do not allow anyone (friends or family) to lure you to form a habit of doing wrong. The day you knowingly dip your hands into bad behaviours is the day you put a nail on how your life will end.

Good deeds leads to a peaceful and happy end while intentional misdeeds yields a regrettable and troubled end.

Be good today!

Thanks for reading

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