Inspiration: Comfort in times of crisis

in inspiration •  4 years ago 


A little advice :
Do not worry yourself about things you have no control over. Do not worry about your little looses and things you imagined you would achieve but was unable to achieve probably because of your background, the kind of home you were born into, the economic condition of your country or the state of bad governance in your country.

Don't waste away your laugh worrying and living in regret. Stand up, dress up and go out and enjoy yourself. You are alive and it's enough reason to live happily because when there's life, there's hope. You don't know what tomorrow holds for you. Live today like there's no tomorrow.

Have fun, connect with people, make friends and be nice to people. Reconnect with people you truly miss. Spend time with people who make you happy and take your mind away from worries and struggles of life.

Have a pure heart and lead an upright life. Do not think too much. Be easy on yourself and let people around you be themselves.
Love yourself (loving yourself is the greatest love of all) pamper yourself. One day everything will be alright.

Reaching out to those who are going through alot in this time of crisis. We are all together in this and we will strive. This too, shall pass.

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