Achieving your goals

in inspiration •  4 years ago 


When you set goals develop the willpower and guts to achieve those goals. Pay close attention to the things that matter the most. Always take a break at each point to retrace your steps and see if you left anything behind, in other words, pursue your goals not only with zeal but with conscience. Be intentional.

Never succumb to procrastination. Whatever it is you have set out to do, make a move and start immediately. Procrastination they say say is they killer of destiny. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Start today.

You have these dreams of who you want to be, where you want to be in the future and things you want to achieve, yet you haven't made any move to make this dreams come true. You sit and fantasize all day.. Make a move today. Set out in the part that leads to the actualization of your goals. Make sure the people around you are people who drives and encourages you to achieve your goals.

And dont forget, in all you are doing, make sure you do it with conscience. When pursuing your goals and working to achieve your dreams, develop a conscience. Humans are tamed by conscience. Let conscience be your guide.

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