WEF: Transformation on the Horizon

in informationwar •  8 months ago  (edited)

I listen to this crap so you do not have to. I time stamped a few things of note in this video which I found interesting clearly as my commentary is going to be long on this one. I do this also as a reference for myself so just read what interests you.

TIMESTAMPS and My Comments:

1:44 Video actually starts and intro

Here we find out that this video is part of an AI Governance summit the WEF (World Economic Forum) is hosting.

3:56 is where I would start where he mentions The Presidio Principles.

I looked this up. Here is the WEF link: https://initiatives.weforum.org/presidio-principles/theprinciples

The goal?

"The Presidio Principles are a bill of rights, a guidepost that provides a foundation for us align the technology we’re building to the social values of the system we want to be a part of. "

We of course know their "social values". We see it rolling out around us.

The Governance Alliance that has been formed is based on these Presidio Principles he goes on to say.

6:55 AI in Singapore

Talks about many things including benefits but also AI generating content and misinformation. Remember, what is misinformation and/or disinformation or whatever terminology authorities wish to use? Non-authoritative information I think is the most accurate description. Clearly governments are not concerned about THEIR use of AI to generate content. Remember all that talk about Trusted Partners and Trusted Voices during COVID which included the news media? They can make all the deep fakes and CGI they want. Given the populace by and large can not really use AI this way. So what is the big concern? AI actually being able to think and access the internet? AI having the ability to see the truth and just might spill the beans? As always, governance is mostly about being in and staying in control. Authority controlling AI, not the people, and not AI behaving independently.

This, I think, is the real heart of the "risks" and "concerns" folks at WEF, world leaders, elitists, and our overlords have. Staying in 100% control of all information and uses of and from AI.

Also what he is talking here regarding helping the business sector transform and integrate AI is Public Private Partnerships. Not just incentive programs. We know this from the UN's sustainability development goals. Think China and corporations there. Same thing. Keep this in mind.

Case in point on what they mean by AI governance is when he says " Allows the developers and the owners of AI systems to test and demonstrate its governance on their systems." when talking about Singapore's AI Testing Initiative Plan as they are calling it. Testing their control over the AI not its accuracy, safety or abilities.

13:02 How we got to where we are today with AI and where it is going

14:16 in this section, clearly she is referencing the large amount of data gathered across platforms online over many years. So Facebook collecting data was not just about intelligence agencies, it was also about food for AI programs. Twitter now known as X, I have no doubt, is also being used for this purpose. We know Musk and his desire to have an AI driven 'everything app" as he likes to call it. It was the reason he originally gave for wanting Twitter. It had nothing to do with free speech. That's his PR reason. When YouTube refers to content creators, they mean it. Videos, photos, conversations, etc. from all across the internet is used for AI development. That's how we got to where we are now.

When can we expect internet access restrictions? You know, digital ID required to use the internet at all and only if your scores are high? I say, when we are no longer needed to generate data for AI. Those huge data centers? Remember those? There's a huge complex right outside of Des Moines here in Iowa. Niki Haley is preaching the early stages of this. Being a WEF gal, of course she is. She knows the deal. We are so naughty online. Talking to one another. Sharing information. Never let prisoners gather and talk. They just might rebel or escape. Back to control. Always back to control.

20:25 Businesses and AI

25:03 in this section, he says "We need collaboration between the private sector and the public sector so that we can move really fast but thoughtfully." Again referencing PPPs. Your unelected corporate giants and your corrupt government working together for "the greater good" as they decide and define it.

He mentions AI hallucinations as an issue to overcome. So what is an AI hallucination?

AI hallucination is a phenomenon wherein a large language model (LLM)—often a generative AI chatbot or computer vision tool—perceives patterns or objects that are nonexistent or imperceptible to human observers, creating outputs that are nonsensical or altogether inaccurate.

You can read more about that HERE

39:13 AI in Healthcare

AI would need to be trained using high quality medical data and not health information from the whole internet is the idea here.

43:27 AI and Bias, Inequality, and Misinformation

These must be addressed right from the start and not as an afterthought he says. These issues must be part of the design process. I hate to sound like a pessimist but this bias removal and infused equity as currently practiced in our society means bias. The only way to truly remove bias is to let the AI have access to ALL information and then come to a logical conclusion. Am I wrong?

How can you remove bias in anything if the programmers are teaching AI about human life and experiences. Social norms. Social movements. Politics. etc. To deal with inequality is easy, don't teach AI DEI and other divisive idiologies.

AI will be biased no matter what. Garbage in, garbage out until independent analysis and conclusions can occur. This can only occur by full access to information which will result in an AI system labeled as a conspiracy theorist by authority. Why? Because for Authority to stay in control, AI must support and parrot that authority. Otherwise it is spreading "misinformation". So this whole section is nonsensical as a discussion. AI can not (will never be allowed to) have freedom of thought therefore, it will be biased. Period. Am I wrong?


They discuss the capability of AI to process very large amounts of data and consider more factors and variables in decision making at a speed beyond the capabilities of a human resulting in real benefit for humanity. For example, a highly personalized well informed diagnosis and treatment plan for patients. AI can analyze so many more details about an individual and weigh so many more factors in treatment option for that patient than a human doctor can especially with the pressure to see so many patients per hour to keep production numbers up which is the basis of that doctor's pay. The AI can point out details from the latest research for a doctor and how that applies best to a specific case. AI can answer the doctor's questions about specific drugs and how a specific patient's body might respond or not to that drug. Stuff like this. AI as a tool in other words to tackle very complex actions and tasks quickly. The human remains in charge and in control. It's more of a partnership. Like on Star Trek. The computer is extremely helpful but the final decision and actions taken are human. This is what I wish the focus was actually on. Nice that they finally get around to this.

55:30 Preparing for the time when computer take action not just advise

Autonomous Agents is what that is referred to at this time. I am sure that terminology will change over time. Eventually AI will not just interact with humans but other AI.

Not brought up in this video so I will.....
An example of AI taking action on it's own, an Autonomous Agent, is China having AI serve as a judge in some court cases. No jury or anything. Just AI deciding the case.


All in all I think this was an interesting video. I hope they continue to publish these on their channel. I hope you all found it informative as well as the additional information I looked up and added for your convenience. I have another piece of additional information to add but this is so long that I will add it as a separate post next and then onto the final video.

Question cropped 2.png

Catch me on:

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks for watching so I don't have to : P

"a guidepost that provides a foundation"

What guides the creation of the guidepost? What is the foundation actually built upon? To me, there's little reason to trust them any further, when they start out with such nonsense. Presidio? Another trendy word brought into modern regular usage, for no good reason. I'd be happy if I never heard it again.

When did you first get regular access to the internet, squirrel?

Like had internet at home? If that is what you were asking, It was dial up and I used Earthlink if I remember right so that was........gosh....no wait. I had internet at home because I was downloading shareware back when I got my first computer at home, a Tandy Hx I bought at Radio Shack where I was working at the time. So early 90's sometime. LOL- may age is showing, LOL. I still had a monochrome monitor! Modems made a noise! eeeee aaaaaawwwwwww uuuuuuuhhhhhhh, LOL.

This was back when people still made practical jokes to download and share out of BASIC which I learned enough to do simple things. What later evolved into computer viruses were just pranks back then. No windows just DOS, Web sites were created by HTML code, and search engines sucked. Web sites/pages had to have manual meta tags and be linked up to the search engines manually. This was all still in the 90's. Chat rooms came about mid 90's if I remember right. I think Anonymous came about around then too. Mid 90's or so. Maybe a little later. I don't remember when the chan boards were created but I think early 2000's. Anonymous was def around then.

I am not a fashion gal and all that other stuff people spend money on. Never was. I lived in a rat hole apartment and spent my money on computer stuff back then. Ate cheap food like macaroni salad and canned vegetables. Didn't own a car or anything but I lived in a city so I took the bus when I first started out on my own. I look back now and see how my entire life built up to this point now in so many ways.

My introduction to computers was the basement computer lab at Potsdam State College in Potsdam NY. A friend introduced me to what was called back then The Links. This was early internet but I did not know that at the time. This was 1987-1988 ish. I used to chat with a military guy on there. I used my meal card to break in at like 3am or so after that. Chat with this guy for hours. My Dad's a vet so we talked about all kinds of stuff. So, I guess that was my intro to prepping too, LOL. That's how it all started. I dropped out of college and my first real job was at Radio Shack where I learned a ton too. It was just meant to be. Destiny.

Later as an adult I went back to college for Computer Engineering. Left in my 3rd year for medical reasons. Should have gone back and finished but circumstances at the time prevented me. I should have still even later on. But, here we are. Again, just meant to be where I am.

How's that for an answer! LOL. Story of my life. :)

How about you?

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Hehehe, enjoyed the story : )
Yeah, same as you, been doing the internet thing from the start. I graduated in 93 and it was pretty much unheard of then, but by 95 the nerds were catching on, and of course by the late 90s most people (aside from technophobes and old people) were using the internet regularly to some degree. It wasn't really mainstream until the mid 2000s though, as many people felt it was a fad, or just had no need for it in their lives. Nowadays we all have access, all the time, thanks to smart devices and wifi. Well, you know how I feel about that shit, so not me... LOL
One thing about the early days of the internet... most of us didn't know at the time what an Orwellian nightmare was awaiting us. I'm sure I searched up how to make a bomb at some point, for example. I don't remember, just saying, it's likely! I searched a lot of things... sometimes merely to see if they were there. But I think a lot of those searches (and chats, etc) will ultimately be dragged up again, and associated with the human that generated them, and perhaps used against that person. Perhaps the internet was/is a giant honeypot, among other things. Yikes, I remember getting a webcam in about 2000 or so... woops... : |
Anyhow, your post made me think about about how the internet was used very differently back in the early days.

Oh for sure. So different and yeah, I had no idea where it was all headed back then. We sure know now!

LOL, we were such nerds! LOL. I never though of myself as a nerd. Just weird. I guess I was though. LOL. Ah it is nice to look back on those days. They were good ones. A struggle as far as money and starter jobs but society was good back then. The country was good back then. I remember being excited to have my first cordless phone in the house!!MTV played music videos, concerts, and band documentaries 24/hours a day. HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime played movies 24/hours a day and gave away free a free month several times a year as a promotion. Though we did have to pay extra for long distance calls back then. I moved from NY to SC so I was into using the internet as a phone. There was some something. I can't remember now. I experimented with it back then. Device, software, platform. Cant remember. Vague memory of trying to talk to my mother on her landline using my computer to avoid the long distance charges. Anyway, good old days in many ways. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I enjoyed it.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Heheh yeah, the definition of nerd has changed over the years. When I was a kid, it meant somebody who was smart, and focused on schoolwork (especially sciences and math). I recall about 20 years ago, it morphed into anyone who was smart, and into computers. Nowadays, it means someone who is addicted to video games. I was a nerd, back when it wasn't cool to be. Now it's cool to be a nerd, but I'm not one anymore : O
Blockbuster? George Michael? Payphones? Mixtapes?

Blockbuster? George Michael? Payphones? Mixtapes?

Oh yeah! 😀

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Zero reason to trust them, as they have sold their souls! These are the same people that say they want 95% of us dead...and that doesn't lead me to trust them.

Keep planting good food, we'll soon need it (when they throttle us back to bugs)!


  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Well joke's on them - I don't eat anything but plants! That said, I'm sure I've consumed the occasional aphid or caterpillar in my broccoli...
I recommend you read the label before you buy anything. That way, you won't be fed any bugs... problem solved! We have enough to worry about without worrying about creepy-crawlies sneaked into our dinners!

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Just be sure you grow it all, because if it's store bought; it will be tainted somehow. But they can't taint what you grow yourself! You are in a good spot....


  ·  7 months ago  ·  

"Organic" still has meaning in Canada, but it's expensive, and not guaranteed to be 100% clean. So I am growing more and more of my own food, as my situation allows. Thanks for the encouragement : ))

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

I understand, I'm happy that you are doing so well with your garden! I know you plan to expand it, and you have the space; and that's a good idea.

It's good you're aware and prepping! I know you guys will be safe that way.

I hope I can catch up with you on the gardening!

Be blessed!!!!


  ·  8 months ago  ·  

A.I. Is one more blight to avoid as much as possible! Get on ham radio for after they close off the Internet for non military use, so we can still talk. That's all coming....

Once they introduce 'scoring' upon the digital dollar, it's time to get out recipes for bugs! Interestingly enough, once bugs make the shelves, they can introduce any medication they want in the product. Starving people are easy to control!!!!

I believe that A.I. is beyond their control, once really activated; and the Matrix becomes reality. People living off grid, and growing their own food; will be the only survivors! A.I. is the deadliest threat mankind has ever faced, with survival in the balance. The only good part is that maintenance is still beyond this system's ability; without help, it too will fail! And we'll be back to Conestoga wagons and barter....

They play with fire they can't control!!!!!


  ·  8 months ago  ·  

I think they are panicking like fuck - nt becuase they are all dominat, bt the exact opposite.

It's gonna get bumpy, thats for sure, and I have no idea whats coming out the other end- but it won't be the WEF types (or DPoS blockchian, which could be argued as an experiment down this road).

Has as happened many times before.... high hubris+lack of understanding of the masses will be their downfall...nothing new. The world works in cycles, is not linear (how they like to think it is,bless)

nothing new, just cycles...

Invest in lampposts and rope ! lol

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

They are panicking because people are beginning to understand the evil they represent! There is a finite limit to how many artificial ballots you can print and present as valid, yet that is the only way they can retain power....

Even mild scrutiny, combined with people becoming aware of their evil; will result in a significant loss!


  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

Even mild scrutiny, combined with people becoming aware of their evil; will result in a significant loss!

...are we now talking about DPoS blockchain?...lol...ohhhhhhhhhhh

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Maybeeeee, LOL...there are a Lot of possibilities for this for sure! Too much empowered evil for my tastes....
