TNX-801: Franken-vaccine For Monkeypox

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

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Synthetic Biology is here beyond the shadow of a doubt. Well, it's been here but soon it will be available for use on the general public. Check out this new vaccine, TNX-801. According to the pharma company who makes it, Tonix, it is a "live virus vaccine based on synthesized horsepox". Let's unpack that one little statement shall we.

  1. We do not have horsepox anywhere near humans. No risk to us whatsoever. So this is a LIVE vaccine. Yup, nothing going wrong here. Remember that article from Stanford University re: vaccine derived polio and the reason given was the fact that live virus was being used? I did a report on that in the past. I will see if I can find it and provide a link to that.

  2. You see, synthetic mRNA exists. Synthetic DNA exits. They want to use the DNA for data storage actually. Look that up. Interesting stuff. Anyway, so we can literally create life. Well, when you are creating life you start with a single-celled organism. A virus will do nicely. Make no mistake. This is technology not science. Science is the study of creation. Technology is when human's do the creating. This is literally playing God. Nope, nothing bad gonna happen here. Human's are as smart and wise as they think they are. Yup. Sure.

  3. Did you know that synthetic vitamins like vitamin C are not absorbed by the body the same way as natural vitamins? How synthetic vitamins are processed in the body are not identical either. So, why would I think for a second this new product sounds like a good idea.

All that from that one simple statement.

Notice also the logo for this company:

TONIX logo.png

Noticed the symbol used for power/on + off button (tech) and notice the X is used. The "x" is not simply a play on word spelling. Not at all. Like Space-X, X-Box, X-Factor, The bones laid in a "x" in the skull and bones symbol, and so on. What does that mean squirrelbait? It means we know from the logo this is a cult owned and funded company. The enemy. It also means transformational technology. View it as part of the transhuman agenda.

Back to the info these folks provide.

Tonix states on their website that "TNX-801 has been assembled using synthetic DNA fragments." As I have said in a previous post, the roll out of DNA vaccines was what they wanted but knew folks would never go for it so they put in a step, mRNA vaccines. A DNA vaccine solution for a DNA virus. Perfect. Just the name Monkeypox will get plenty of folks to line up. Picture synthetic DNA, which they will insist does not alter you at all, inside your cells. It's just fragments so you'll be a zombie, I mean fine. Yeah, no thank you. The arrogance of these folks!

No one can explain to people suffering from auto-immune diseases what causes it or how to cure it because " Well, we just don't know" but all of a sudden they understand the immune system well enough to inject people with stuff like this?!! I don't think so personally.

Oh but it gets better. A little tidbit for ya. According to Market Watch in an article dated June 1, 2022, Tonix was issued a patent for TNX-801. The patent is titled. "Synthetic Chimeric Poxviruses". What do you think of THAT title? I found a link so you can read it here:
Read the "in some embodiments" statements. It tells you all this company can do with their synthetic biological tech. It's insane.

We saw a serious lack of informed consent with the rollout of mRNA vaccines. Serious lack. We must stay vigilant when it comes to the medical system and stay on top of what they are doing. This goes for oral medication too. Know what you are complying with.

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TNX-801 - Tonix Website

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Shares 66% Higher After Patent for TNX-801
Published: June 1, 2022 at 12:28 p.m. ET

Patent for "Synthetic Chimeric Poxviruses" :

Hidden enemy: Emerging form of poliovirus threatens hopes for eradication

Catch me on:


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No one can explain to people suffering from auto-immune diseases what causes it or how to cure it because " Well, we just don't know" but all of a sudden they understand the immune system well enough to inject people with stuff like this?!!

Exactly!!! Why we trust these bozos, who can't even cure the common fucking cold, escapes me. I know how to cure the common fucking cold. I let my body, which knows more about the common cold than all those other bozos combined, handle it.

The neighboring county regularly publishes the breakdown of covid cases between vaccinated (defined at completing the initial one or two doses) and unvaccinated. I just added up the data from the past six weeks. Here ya go:

Cases in vaccinated 649
cases in unvaccinated 388

This county has essentially 50% vaccination (heretofore called the lethal injection) rate. This is proof positive that the lethal injection resulted in MORE CASES OF COVID.

Just imagine the lies that they will tell us about this next one.