The Latest Executive Order From The "President"

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

Here is the newest Executive Order from the "President".

Biden Puppet.jpg

Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals

I urge you to read this for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Here are mine.

This is wrapped in nice sounding words like "health" and "safety" as per usual. Talks about dignity and other wonderful agreeable words. What this really is about is taking the movement and going to where "the fanatics" said it would one day go. This is about normalizing fetishes, perversion, and baphomet worship.

You see, the elites have been transitioning their children my entire life and I am 53 years old now. It's done in secret in honor of the demon/watcher/fallen one/shiny one/etc Baphomet. The best way for them to come out of the closet is for us to join them. They used social engineering for at least the last 50 years slowly introducing more and more until here we are. Absolute total lunacy.

Meanwhile this order makes it very clear that the federal government must stop states from being able to infringe on their rights. What this means is the rights of the elite to indulge anyway they see fit. To do as thou wilt. They want a nation that approves of them and even at times worships them. They will be our idols.

The majority of this order is targeted guessed! Of course. Like we didn't see that coming. The mental health and counselling they are talking about is the same program that happily over-diagnosed ADD, ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder and autism. They screwed up a generation of kids and continue to do so. Picture 20 years from now. Just take a moment and think about all these kids all grown up. Emotionally needy and unable to reproduce while accepting anything that makes them feel better.

Yes, emotionally needy. Why? No cohesive family unit. The nuclear family is being destroyed. Daddy world government will be your guide and support.

There are also two pages about data collection. Of course. Always.

Now there are things in this order that I do agree with so I will give those things credit. It is wrong to mistreat people. Agreed. It is wrong to threaten people. Agreed. Of course, these things have been well known since civilization began. We already have laws on the books and I have already gone on a "hate crime" rant in the past. You do you and I will do me. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. There is room here for everyone. Go be you.

This whole "conversion therapy" program stuff is scary. Remember those camps parents could send their "rebellious" and "troubled" children to? You know, I screwed up my kids so you fix them for me programs? Remember those? Run by monsters who abused and even killed kids. That's all I can think of is that these conversion camps and programs are a more modern version. I would definitely be against that. I would also like to state that I am against ANYONE converting kids on either side of these issues. Convincing a child they are something they are not is manipulative and sociopathic. Unfortunately this order gives several agencies and those they fund the ability to do just that.

Am I an extremist? A fanatic? A bigot? Paranoid? Time will tell and I am telling you the end game here is depopulation through lack of reproduction and Raising your child in their image is their only hope.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Scathing critique 🥓👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sure is depopulation as far as I see it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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