My 501(c) and ESG scores. IT'S HERE FOLKS!

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

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My 501c (a 401k for non-profits) now invests based on ESG scores. This is Stakeholder Capitalism. This is The Great Reset. It's here!! I'm pulling out my money. What's next? Carbon allowances, carbon based credit, and travel restrictions. That's what's next. Changing our lives by changing the systems in our society. That's what THEY say, not me. Doesn't matter who is in the White House or Congress. My retirement plan is a perfect example of this. Stakeholder Capitalism is here regardless of our politicians. How do we stop this? Mass noncompliance starting with me.

Thanks for watching! I wish I could embed my videos but this platform won't accept the embed codes from Rumble and BitChute.

Question cropped 2.png

Personal Carbon Allowance Revisted

Changing Behavior For Net Zero 2050,be%20halted%20and%20possibly%20reversed.

DO Black - The World's First Credit Card With A Carbon Limit

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Welcome to the platform! It's always great to have another free-thinking spirit join us.

Thanks for watching! I wish I could embed my videos but this platform won't accept the embed codes from Rumble and BitChute.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

'stakeholder capitalism'( a-la wef) will collapse and then eat itself with it's own competencies....It already started - they're just too dumb to realize it...bless...

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Yep, as carbon based lifeforms - the war is on us. Natural capital is another way they're attempting to commoditise and corporatise the earth under our feet.


Just another way to steal everyones retirement. Ring any bells of Solyndra?

Oops my bad. Turns out Green companies lose money. We lost all of the retirement investments. The important thing is we attempted to stop global warming. Don't worry, our leaders are frantically flying in their private jets to further discuss how we can combat this alarming ecological crises we are facing.

It's amazing how they craft their sentences to make ordering us to bend over sounds like an amazing process.

Fund your slavery indeed.

It is absolutely theft. I agree. Boy, I was angry let me tell ya.

I have an idea for you if you've never covered it. They are going crazy for years now declaring land federally protected wetlands. They are doing this without even holding hearings or notifying the landowners.

Many times the land owner finds out when they go to sell their house and find out it isn't worth much if anything now because of the designation. The only way forward is to then petition for a lowering of your property taxes which they say will happen, although the greedy folks will keep collecting that full tax on a faulty appraisal until you find out and petition.

No I haven't covered it yet and I remember seeing something related to this too in Idaho I think it was. Yeah, I think I printed it off. Gonna have to look. Yeah, I'll get some info on this. Great idea my friend. Project for this coming week. Yup thanks I'll do it!

Awesome. I’ll probably have a post worthy comment to add to your findings as well. I keep going down this hole (hard not to stop and watch a train-wreck, lol). Mine isn’t focused on the use of it for land theft which was my idea for you to cover. There is a lot of corruption taking place inside the dynamic itself I’ve been looking into. Which is an entirely different angle than the

we’ll create so many rules and regulations your land isn’t even usable

angle that I would love to see you cover.

Thank you.

I can't find the article I'm thinking of online so I have to go through my stacks of them and I have stacks! Is it me or does it seem like a chunk of the internet is missing? I have some content ready to do first but I did print off a bunch of stuff to read already so I have a jump on it.

I had to peek, but here are two links that initially made me concerned over this.

This second thread is a farmer forum where they are discussing the severe limitations to the property once it gets designated.

Some of their replies indicates to me that atop the federal regulations the states to varying degrees also impose what could be stricter regulations. I say this as one of the comments discusses they can cut trees down on them, but in the state I initially encountered this unless one can get a lot of permits through multiple agencies which requires hiring experts on soil, water and insect and other wildlife, one isn't even cutting a small branch off of a tree.

Yeah, states have jumped in on this too. Thanks for the links. If you see any personal stories that are from the last few years, let me know. I'm reading all the EPA info now and some "volunteer programs" from a few states as examples. Gonna do this as a post and not a video I think. Will be easier given all the info and people hate long videos. They don't watch them. I could do a video from the post and refer people to Blurt to read the post. Might do that. Not sure yet. Projects also tend to take on a life of their own.

May I mention you and give you credit for the topic idea?

Yes, if you wish to. But the credit will still be yours as you are the one doing the investigation and perhaps just as important, the presentation. :)

Hey, don't post on this topic til I do. It will end with a lead into you. For example, " So then why this obsession? If you don't know, my friends using the informationwar tag like @practicalthought will tell ya. " Then you can post about the tricks to end private ownership of property ( and other stuff) and how all this actually ties into the global government and our new way of life they envision for us. How Climate Change is actually a program to consolidate power....from us. Sound good? My post is already so long as it is. Teamwork!