Jan 6th Witchhunt Strikes Again...Conveniently

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

FBI arrests Michigan gubernatorial candidate on charges related to involvement in January 6 riot


Before I get into what I want to say about this article and it's actual significance, let me remind you of a few things.

Gretchen from MIchigan.jpg

  1. Michigan was a lockdown state unleashing havoc and ruin on it's people.

  2. Gretchen Whitmer (The current Governor) made no attempt to hide her enjoyment of her new found powers. She was queen and she loved it.

  3. There is no way these midwest folks will ever vote for this lady again. I lived in Michigan for many years and I am telling you, the idea of telling people she won by a narrow margin like the no confidence votes, elections, and so on happening around the world is not gonna fly. Everyone knows better.

The only option to keep her in power, and I do mean power, is to discredit or "get rid of" her opposition.

Kelley's arrest adds another twist to an already chaotic Republican primary fight. It comes after the Michigan Court of Appeals earlier this month rejected efforts by two Republican candidates for governor to have their names placed on the August primary ballot.

Now onto why I think this article is important. We all know Jan 6 was a set up and and a tool. Add in some lies and POOF! Well, now you see the tool in action. This is SS stuff. Real SS stuff folks. I can not stress this point enough. This guy is being charged and they raided his home.

Looking for what?! Why not press charges like a year ago?! Is this the playbook from now on?

If they will do this to him out in the open imagine what they will do to little people like us in the near future perhaps..................

"Squirrelbait Arrested As A Jan 6th Instigator"

A woman who goes by the online name Squirrebait was arrested as a Jan 6th insurrection instigator and sympathizer. A search warrant was issued and served at her apartment in central Iowa. She is one of many arrests this week spanning several states.

"These people are a disgrace and a threat to our democracy", stated housespeaker Nancy Pelosi this morning. The President also made a statement this morning promising, "The whole of government is laser focused on protecting our democracy from these extremists."

She was picked up by the FBI and will be prosecuted by the DOJ and held without bail by the DHS after being interrogated by the CIA.

prisoners 2.gif

I bet I am pretty darn close to the news story you would read. This is serious folks. Real SS/KGB stuff here. Take note.

Question cropped 2.png

Catch me on:

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/squirrelbait/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1250291

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They will not let go of it and continue to come back to this... Its desperate and it is sad.

Yes, it is desperate. It's all they have and it's not even real. They can't fight with the truth ( which is why Christians are taught to do so), they are violent and hateful ( which is why Christians are taught to be sly as a serpent but gentle as a dove) and so on. They literally at the end of the day have nothing but smoke and mirrors. That and force. That's it. I am so proud of my fellow Americans for seeing this. Take away their smoke and mirrors, and that leaves force. Their desperation shows we are forcing their hand. Let's get this done and over with! Bring it on!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow!!!! Holy crap. Have there been no other candidates to qualify? You're right, there's no other way but for there to be no challenge to her. She clearly demonstrated that she is deranged, much like NYS guvs, Hochul and Cuomo before her. I wonder if they'll pull the same tricks in NY.
Thanks for alerting us to this.

Posted from https://blurt.live

You are very welcome.

Yeah, we will have to see how NY handles keeping the WEF tools in power. Hochul is a lunatic. They gave her meth or something. Maybe shock therapy. That seems to fit better cuz her mind is blown. She acts like a religious fanatic does. That election will be interesting to watch. Either they will keep her or replace her with some less obvious but just as dedicated person is my guess. Anyone who still thinks we vote rather than just participate in a empty ritual is beyond me. So 100% obvious now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Until the Trump/Biden election event, I thought my vote mattered. But when I went to cast my vote, there was a line 1/8 mile long, outside, everyone faced forward, silent, masked, six feet apart, not straying from their line, and I saw a line of slaves lined up for an annual bone. I turned around and will never bother to vote in a national election again. Maybe local elections. There are some interesting goings on at the local level here.

Posted from https://blurt.live

Yup. It was like a bad sci-fi movie.
I did a mail in just so I could cast a vote for the Libertarians. Why not.