FDA Releases Plan To Ban Menthol In Cigarettes, Cigars

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

Kools Cigs.jpg

(Google Images)

"....the proposed rules represent an important step to advance health equity by significantly reducing tobacco-related health disparities."

"Menthol has particularly high rates of use by youth, young adults and African Americans and other racial and ethnic groups."

Yes, it's not a stereotype or racist when the government says it but here's the biggest news. Our African American and young brothers and sisters will see first hand why a Big Daddy Government is really Mommy Dearest. You see the wording in that statement above? "health equity". By telling folks what they can and can not do through legislations, regulation, taxes, and anything else they can think of and who is the fascist? Who is the Nazi? Not your neighbor but Mommy Dearest. Now they will get it!!!!!

I think this is awesome!!!

Everyone knows about the health implications of smoking. We don't need the government to step in and save ourselves from ourselves. How many times do I have to say, "It's not the government's place!"? I have the right to destroy my life and myself. That is part of the American way. If I want to drink myself to death, I can do that. If I want to keep my body pure, I can do that. If I want to skydive, I can do that. Go skiing, climbing, diving, hiking, or anything else with risk.

It's the family's place to guide and counsel the ones they love. Perhaps if more people made families instead of kids and relied on each other and themselves instead of Mommy Dearest, less people would live self destructive lifestyles. Self respect start at home! As a former smoker, I even quit vaping this year, I know why I started. It was a combo of stress and depression. I started to "calm down". Perhaps a better support system at the time or knowledge of Saint John's Wort would have saved me all those years of smoking.

Taking Menthol out of the cigs and flavors from cigars is not about health anyway. The same FDA poisons and kills us every day. People die from alcoholism yet they are not banning flavored beer, wine coolers, or anything else in that department. Nor banning cigarettes outright. They have Fluoride in our water - a neurotoxin. They don't care people are smoking. This is another step towards streamlining products. I will do a separate post on that. I know what they are setting up. What our "shopping" experiences will be like. Simpler. Much much simpler.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'll bet menthol is an antidote to some toxic shit they are forcing on us. I've heard tobacco is. Tobacco is a highly medicinal plant, revered in cultures all over the world. Tobacco isn't the enemy, the other toxic crap they put in cigarettes is.

Posted from https://blurt.live

Very true. Very true. Like most things coming out of manufacturing plants. Remember the pink slime added to hamburger. Anything to stretch out the product ( add fillers) for max money. Especially if it is health destroying.

I'm not convinced smoking tobacco is all that harmful (and yes, I've smoked longer than many on this site have lived, lol). I think most of the harm is done by both the pesticides used in growing coupled with all the extra chemicals they put in the tobacco.

If they were all that concerned most of our food wouldn't be like candy due to all the high fructose corn syrup they put in. They seem to love the high rates of diabetes we have since they allow that to be put in most everything now.

And one better have a large wallet to find food that isn't poisoned with fructose, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones etc. It's like the old mob protection rackets where you have to pay them not to fuck your shit up.

I read almost a year ago they are testing growing crops with the Covid vaccine in it.

Not sure how people haven't had enough.

Oh indeed. Tobacco and the smoking of tobacco has been around for ever practically. Only after manufacturing of cigarettes did cancer and other lung ailments come about. Cigarettes contain more than just tobacco. Tobacco products are not pure tobacco plant.

Corn syrup, synthetic flavoring, basically modern food production is killing us. No doubt. No outcry from our politicians or government agencies.

We will be eating food cubes next.

Based on how much they are destroying both the supply chain and the food chain I suspect they prefer us to go the way of the Donner party.

You could very well be right.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oh yes I just said that too. Tobacco is a highly valuable plant, and since they want us to stop smoking it, probably is an antidote to the vaccines and other toxins we assume are perfectly safe. Maybe menthol is too.

A whole lot of people have not had enough, are ready for more, want more, are already wearing those diapers on their faces and steering clear of others. Bizarre!

Posted from https://blurt.live

are already wearing those diapers on their faces and steering clear of others. Bizarre!

Some might have ulterior motives like myself. I relish wearing mine when out shopping now. It gives me an opportunity at checkout to channel my inner Karen and denounce everyone not wearing their face diapers because they pretend to think the vaccines stop one from getting and transmitting Corona. I cite many areas with the most vaccinations having the highest transmission rates according to the approved sources from the fact checkers. It gives me an opportunity to pretend to be one of them while informing those within listening distance the shots do NOTHING (unless one is counting those who got the "bad" batches and the shot was dis-eased to fatal).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haha, interesting strategy. I prefer to breathe freely.

My small town newspaper has been publishing the breakdown of covid cases between the jabbed and the unjabbed. I recently started collecting these articles just so I can prove what I have found: in the past two weeks here, there have been 174 cases of covid among the vaccinated, and 124 among the unvaccinated. Since our covid vaccination rate is under 50%, this means that there is a NEGATIVE BENEFIT TO BEING VACCINATED. Duh. The jabs are the disease makers.

Posted from https://blurt.live

You may find these links interesting. I collect so many I'm unable to do them justice really.



This next link is a treasure of information. especially once you get about halfway down the page. It takes forever for the charts to load however.


One chart that really stands out to me is

Vaccination status of new cases per 100,000 of population segment

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurt.live

Great post @squirrelbait. @practical thought and @junglegirl told me about you. Now you have new fan! Welcome to BLURT!

Thanks and Iike your content too. Now we follow each other. 👍 I really like it here. Lots of great people.