Digital Mobility Credits - A Pilot NWO Program

in informationwar •  last year 

call up your car.jpg

Personal travel account

digital mobility credits
mobility as a service

What's this about?
Up and coming?

To understand this apparently we need to look in the UK.

Mobility Credit definition:

"Mobility Credits provide a cost-effective way of delivering targeted transport behaviour change. Owners of the most polluting diesel vehicles (typically pre-Euro 5 diesel) are incentivised to scrap their cars in return for a ‘mobility credit’ that can be used to pay for a range of different public and private transport modes, including buses, trains, trams, bikes rental, car clubs and car rental."

Oh I see where this is going. Is this an actual, like, plan for us all? Well, look at this from the Coventry City Council in the UK....

Mobility Credits is a trial scheme where Coventry residents have been given credits to spend on sustainable travel, in return for scrapping an older, heavily polluting car.

The credits can be spent on public transport, and other transport services such as car clubs, bikeshare, taxis and on-demand bus services. The credits are loaded in a pre-paid Debit card.

Mobility_Credits_Coventry City Council.jpg

This is not on CNN or Fox now is it? How about you folks in Canada? Are you hearing about this wonderful program?

So let's take a look at this now before it rolls out where you and I live. I like being informed. Don't you?

How do Mobility Credits work?

In return for scrapping their car, participants will receive mobility credits (£2,500-£4,000 is suggested) that can be redeemed against travel journeys with a range of transport providers. This can be done via:

  • A Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform (e.g. Whim, which is already being trialed across the West Midlands) – a smartphone app that provides a one-stop shop for a range of transport modes, either on a pay-as-you-go basis or as a subscription.
  • A pre-paid transport card that can be used to make digital payments for a range of transport modes. This scheme could be particularly useful for citizens that don’t have a smartphone or bank account or are not comfortable with technology.

What are the consumer benefits?

In contrast to the previous UK car scrappage scheme, which provided a contribution towards a new car, Mobility Credits will encourage participants to own fewer or no cars. The average privately owned city car spends 97% of the time parked up. Mobility Credits enable people to abandon the cost and hassle of ownership (MOT, insurance, parking, servicing, depreciation), safe in the knowledge that they can still access a car if they need to. They also act as a catalyst for people to embrace more sustainable modes of transport.

They just come out and say it now. What we were told was paranoia. How can the electrical grid handle all these electric Vehicles rolling out? How can we supply the electricity for an all electric society? Where are we going the get all the critical minerals needed? Why can't we get a straight answer as to the wonderful plan for all that? Now you see it for yourself. The plan is to not have you drive any vehicle. The electric cars are not planned for you, just the important people who have places to go. Freedom of movement to enjoy. Not you.

They say you're safe in the knowledge that you can still access a car if you need to. You can rent a car or call something like Uber. What about availability when you need to get out of town because a hurricane or whatever is coming? What then? The bus? Not a city bus, you need a greyhound bus or whatever you have. How are you going to get to the station? I highly doubt if you want to leave for whatever reason you have, you can just call up a car to take you there. Let's get real. If you don't own it, you don't control it.

Are these "connected cars" aka IOT vehicles like I reported on in 2019? If so, trust me when I say they are using geo-fencing if they are. These cars have a range limit either now or added later after enough people give up their car. I'll include that video I made down below.

If is is so important for "sustainability" then why not give people the credits for daily travel around the area and let them keep their cars for other uses like going on vacation, going camping, visiting distant family, moving, leaving an area that is about to lockdown, you know, all the important things in one's life. Freedom of movement. Freedom of travel. Can't car camp in a taxi.


More people would participate in that scenario and if it's so important, so earth saving, then why not? Why encourage people to give up their freedom? Is it really necessary to go that far?

And of course there are all the global reasons to give up car ownership. Trust me, it will be your home next. You've seen the info haven't you? Your home being used/repurposed while you are away for the day at work. We will share space rather than own it? Yeah, just start reading anything related to housing put out from the UN.

Personally, freedom of movement is key to my psychological well being. Ask anyone who is aware of my reaction when states started to restrict travel by highway across state lines during the whole COVID show. I flipped out. To me, lack of free movement equals being trapped. This is not a program for me and I will own the type and age of car I can afford. I'm sure some people will really like this idea. It may actually make life easier for some folks. I mean, helping people use public transportation to get to needed services is something we would all support. But.....I don't think the intention here is to be helpful. They admit the goal is to modify behavior because they decided so. Personally, I think this is the beginning of putting the animals in the barn. 15 minute cities. Where you never leave. Just sayin' we better really think about this and the ultimate destination programs like this have.

You will own nothing and be a happy renter/subscriber for life

More reading:

ZEV Mandate will supercharge decarbonisation in the fleet and mobility services sector

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is an area in London, England where a fee is charged for driving the most polluting vehicles.

Design and classification of tradable mobility credit schemes

My video from 2019 about Connected cars:

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  ·  last year  ·  

"Just rent a car"
No longer possible without a bank account, credit card, and recent government photo ID. If you (the same person) don't have all three of those, no renting of a vehicle for you! No staying in hotels, or flying on planes, or many other "privileges" either.
Everything gets more and more restrictive all the time. "For our safety." We aren't allowed to refuse it. And it's not just restrictive, it's tyrannical. Basic freedoms are no longer considered a right.
Credits: No thanks, don't want any credits. Very generous of you, but please, keep them for yourself! They're made to sound like a good thing, when really it's like being "given" a prison cell. Gee, thanks.

  ·  last year  ·  

at least John Deere lost a Right to Repair challenge finally.

  ·  last year  ·  

We can embed Odysee videos here now? First time I've seen that.

What code do you have to use to get the Odysee video to embed in Blurt? 🖖

  ·  last year  ·  

It is a LBRY embbed technically.

<iframe id="lbry-iframe" (TO BREAK THE CODE, DELETE THE BRACKETS AND THIS TEXT)width="560" height="315" src="$/embed/after-ten-years%2C-john-deere-finally-lost/33006af5d9f6d0464b41393e4e7033db2c82ae70?" allowfullscreen>

Very cool, thanks. Have you tried this with any other platform embed codes, like Rumble?

  ·  last year  ·  

some dont work with the iframe is all i have really gathered, i frames are rumored to be security flaw infested too

I tried the embed codes from Rumble, but none worked... so I guess this only applies to Library/Odysee?

  ·  last year  ·  

yeah make sure to use the LBRY domain, i had more issues with odysee embeds even tho LBRY redicts to Odysee

  ·  last year  ·  

That's exactly how I see it. They are offering a prison cell dressed up as a trendy lifestyle. They are corralling the herd into the barn and locking the door. I hear the mountains calling my name again.

  ·  last year  ·  

All the better for the AI's to keep track of you. Me, I'm old and having a vehicle is important to my survival if I want to continue to have freedom. But as a liberal once said why do you worry about freedom for your grandkids? They will NEVER know the freedom you had growing up, hence they will never miss it." Stay well.

  ·  last year  ·  

Julian Assange: 'This generation is the last free generation'......

  ·  last year  ·  

I got you covered

In the Association OfFICE Home-Owners. 🥓

  ·  last year  ·  



  ·  last year  ·  


Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  last year  ·  

When we use apps like these for any reason at all, we help them develop the tools to enslave us. Put down your phones, they are our enemy's weapons.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yup. No smart phones, no apps. No apps, no control. It's the best resistance. Non-smart Flip phones are cheaper too!!

  ·  last year  ·  

Sad thing is most people don't understand what this will very likely leed us into, more control over us.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Yup. You can't leave your home city without transportation unless you hike out. Lockdown takes on a whole new meaning under this mobility credit scheme. It's only beginning with the "polluting" cars.