RE: The UFO Psy-Op

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The UFO Psy-Op

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

Hear this , unidentified objects flying true our planets atmosphere .
Posing no harm or threat of any kind .
Governments react by shooting them all down .
Logic tells me that it is not aliens , if it is , would shooting them all down be wise ? Like attacking a life form way more advanced as us humans ?
Even doing that to obtain some far advanced alien technology i consider very stupid and putting all mankind at a certain risk .
Making contact in a peaceful manner could be more profitable , as it would open opportunity's for trade and who knows learning some tech from them .

Now it could be that our government hidden projects are already way past the point of making contact and peace , like it didn't work . So now they got greedy for the tech and started shooting them down for that reason , obtaining the tech . Where they already know what kind of aliens they are dealing with and have no fear of them starting a all out war against us humans .
If so ,. still the most stupid thing to do , for war is never the answer no matter how weak or strong the enemy they made by doing so is .
Still we have some really stupid governments these times , if this is the case it gives only more reason to abandon and disband all governments .

Not alien , not from a other planet , but what is it then ?
Ariens coming from Antarctica , the ones that Admiral Bird "wrote" about ?
Nazi's from a base on the dark side of the moon ?
Nope , they are just made up bullshit story's to spread confusion and keep us away from looking at what is really going on in our world . Just like the flat earth religion set up revived and pushed by CIA agents from the 1930ths on . Psy ops to separate and divide us for a divided people is so much better to control .

Rule by fear , control true fear ,. distract and lead away from reality .
It is all a big spy op ,. not long before you will be ordered to stay at home for there are UFO's in the sky that might harm you .
UFO's to you and me , but in no ways to our "friendly" government .

Fact is , they want us all being very scared of aliens .
Just look at the average sci-fi movie produced by holly-wood .

But who am i , i might be wrong ,. so i keep a copy of the next song on my hard-drive , just in case .

( bin a while , good to see a post by you )

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Thanx dude it has been a while. Been reading the big book trying to make sense of stuff. Thanx for your views as always. Fear is their main weapon so yeh we have to always keep that in mind. I don't believe in 'space' either so don't fly with the 'alien' agenda but there is defo room for alter-dimensionals or as they were called in the old days - demons.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Been reading the big book trying to make sense of stuff.

Interesting , just remember , one does not have to be able to read to know God , to know wrong from right . And the book is probably written by the same people that now control the news .

Your believes are yours and personal , i respect that , like i get along and love my neighbor to , who is convinced it needs a submarine to visit the stars in outer space .

And as i am convinced to have a eternal spirit , i by that know there must be demons to .
Where demons can only enter our dimension if we let ( or call ) them to , for a demon can not exist in the brightness of our inner spirit if we are connected to it .

Don't let the spirit burn in a demons fire , let the spirit burn the demons .

Have a wonderful day . ;-)

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