Welcome To Our World

in informationwar •  last year  (edited)
My home planet is dying. I was sent to the planet Earth to ascertain whether or not it is a suitable planet for us to relocate to. What follows is my report on the conditions supportive of, or detrimental to, life for our kind.




After much thought, I chose a fairly average woman through whom to take form on Earth. She was of mixed heritage, was raised in a typical Earthling family as the eldest of five children. Her parents operated under superlative work ethics, and had both earned advanced educational degrees. Education was a top priority for her family, as it seemed to be for most people on the planet.

My mother was herself highly educated and had a sound work ethic. She loved to produce music and good food for others. She found a great deal of joy in nature. She was just a tiny bit uneasy with herself, always self-reflecting and looking to others for advice. She was very very good to me in utero, playing music for me, eating food that sustained and nourished us both, avoiding toxic substances, and loving me deeply even before I had left her womb. I felt confident that this human I had chosen as my mother would follow Earth's best practices for raising their young. Things, so far, were looking good.

I emerged. That was, as often happens on Earth, traumatic for both of us. After a few lovely moments with my mother, I was removed from her hold, poked, prodded and hung upside down until I cried out. Something stinging was put in my eyes. My skin was punctured, twice, while my new new parents looked placidly on, as if nothing were wrong! My skin burned at the injection sites. My entire body felt as though it had been poisoned. A nurse forced some nasty liquid down my throat. I cried long and hard for a while there.

I did not like this place!

But a day later my mother and I left the cold, noisy and sterile environment in which many of Earth's babies are born, and went home to a quiet, clean, happy and loving home. There, I had a big sister who loved me, two parents who adored me, and two creatures called "cats" who could calm me with their purrs. I began to settle in nicely.

One day about a week after I arrived, my new home was teeming with people. I was at the center of attention, no longer in my mother's arms. My body was unclothed, a strange man said some strange words, and ... EXTREME PAIN! What had they done to me?!

I had heard of genital mutilation occuring in some places on earth, but my understanding was that this was done only in backward, atypical places. I had thought that surely my kind would be able to take form on Earth with out losing any body parts.

I was wrong. Good to know.

I had a few good years there, except for those times my mother let me cry myself to sleep, which were horrible times indeed. But when I woke, she would hold me to her breast so that I could take nourishment. We went for long walks in pretty places with my body pressed to hers. I learned to run, jump, climb and play with other children joyfully. I felt love, I felt safe, I was thriving physically, and I had started to think the Earth might just be a place where my kind could thrive too.

As I neared an age called "school age," my body was again punctured, and not just a few times. My mother again looked placidly on, as if inflicting this harm on children were perfectly normal. I screamed! My entire body seized up with excruciating pain! When we returned to our once happy home, my mother made me take that very bad tasting "medicine" she sometimes made me take. It did nothing to ease my extreme pain. I felt my body temperature rising, and I began to uncontrollably shake. The happiness in our home was shattered. I was very sick for a few days, eventually coming back to a calmer state. But I was never really the same. I began to have terrible stomach aches, which caused me to squat down while I waited out the waves of pain. My mind felt a bit muddled too, allowing anger to more easily arise.

Off to "school" I went. I was stoic those first few days. I needed to find out what school was all about. We children were herded, like cattle, into crowded rooms that reminded me of that horrible hospital I was born in. I was forced to do meaningless "work" all day long. I was expected to sit quietly for long periods in a hard chair. I was expected to walk single file in the halls, even when we were about to receive a bit of respite from the horrors of school - 15 minutes of free time in the playground. Worst of all, I was expected to obey orders from clearly deranged adult earthlings. I wasn't good at that part.

After a few weeks of this, the pressure was too much for me. I came home one day and said to my mother

I feel bad all the time.

I will now fast forward to my leaving of the planet Earth. I had spent more than twenty years being injected, infused, smeared with, and forced to swallow a great many toxic chemicals, ostensibly to make me feel better, but I just got sicker and sicker. Every year was much worse than the last. My muscles became weaker, my bones broke easily, my mind was muddled. My mother had to tend me night and day by the time I died, I could not leave my bed for my final eight years on Earth. I learned that, incredibly, lots of humans live in this same state.

I had made one good choice in coming to Earth. I died in my mother's arms, embraced by an endless love. I can say that Earthlings are capable of the purest of loves.

I was happy to leave though. I was ready to go home.

In conclusion, I have found that Earth is not suitable for life of our kind.


This is my entry to a weekend experiences challenge. I chose to write about what aliens would think of our world. My aliens found three things of grave concern - circumcision, vaccines, schooling - and one of inestimable value - the human capacity for love.

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Should any of you wonder why I think and feel as I do about modern western medicine, this is why. I once asked a psychic if my son would ever get better, and she said "no." She said he was a being from a dying planet, who was sent to Earth to see if it was a suitable home for his kind, and that he had found it was not.

Blurters: I posted this you-know-where yesterday and, not surprisingly, it received very little attention and support. Since a post of mine of this nature, but not of this content, usually does well for me, I can deduce that it was actually read by, and deliberately ignored by, my few remaining curators. They say they don't do this, but they do.

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The two final images are by my hand.

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  ·  last year  ·  


Curated for BLURT by a Human Being!

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Earth could be a wonderful place for any kind of life, but unfortunately this planet and its inhabitants are ruled by parasites. Their power should be ended as soon as possible. Here's how to do it (use auto-translator)

  ·  last year  ·  

Curated by an alien with no planet to return to .

  ·  last year  ·  

Maybe some people choose not to curate this because they don't believe in psychics, and wished the person who told you your son wouldn't survive had instead given you hope instead of hopelessness? I myself don't believe the future is already set in stone, and up to us to create, so I believe hope is important. If the future is already decided, and we are powerless to change anything, why are we trying?
It's not that it wasn't written well, or that it wasn't interesting.
Again, I'm very sorry about your son. What a lovely boy he was. What age would he be today? I have 4 children, they are 20.5, 18.5, 3.5, and 51 weeks. The eldest 2 (sons) were taken from me without notice, and I have never seen or heard a single thing from them since that moment, so it's essentially from my perspective like they died. I'm happy they didn't, though, and hope they're okay. I think about and miss them every single day.

  ·  last year  ·  

My son would be 28 next week. He was 27 when he died.

Taken from you by whom? How old were they? That would be brutal!

I have noticed that my posts about vaccines, which I post regularly, ALWAYS make far less than ones that have no vaccine content. And that whenever I do post one about vaccines (and that ilk), I stop getting my usual (relatively small) curations on even the best of my creative writing, and for some time after . I don't post for the money, I post for readers, especially on something like this. That no curators even gave me an upvote suggests to me that they actually read it, and decided the content was too hot to support. Perhaps it's just coincidence, like all the dying after injections.

  ·  last year  ·  

Wow, only months since he died? Wow... and I remember you telling me about his death several months ago, so that must have been immediately afterward. Ouch, I'm shocked you've been able to bear it so well, after such a short time.
Regarding curators, I hear you. I don't post for money either, that's a distant second to getting my voice/message out there. But curation does help with that, as it gets the post more visibility, so it's nice when you get some support for your content.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes it is very recent. I am still often completely floored by grief. I have also been empowered by his death. What matters to me has shifted. It's like I have existed on the edges of tectonic plates, and they shifted. The entire world is changed. He was my rock, now I am my own rock.

  ·  last year  ·  

He's so lucky to have had you. You showed him true love. Thank you for being there for him.

Firstly so sorry to hear about your son that is so very sad :( my two cents on readings, I’m probably the queen of psychics I had a connection that was rly unexplainable by words and a kundalini awakening at age 28 and was just so unsure what was going on and I had about 200 + psychic readings of various quality. I do rly regret that time but anyways! I feel I have a huge market research on it. I also have friends who had tons too. I also then started reading myself and I have psychic and medium friends so I have rly seen a lot in this world.

Can people know things that you couldn’t possibly know … absolutely but I realised that there is absolutely no way anyone can read the future and we have the ability to create our own reality to a large extent. Readings sadly I feel can almost disempower one to create something based on a reading too as you can take it on as a belief. I do feel you can often intuitively feel that perhaps someone is in a bad relationship or with the wrong person but it’ll be up to them if they stay in it a week or a lifetime .

I had readings occasionally that came true but most didn’t and the ones that did I would go back to then the next thing wouldn’t. I honeslty believe in manifesting I think more than psychic readings for our future these days but that’s just my opinion.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for sharing, uvm :)
I think you may have meant to respond to @owasco so I will tag her here so she can be notified to check it out too.
Enjoy your day!

Yeah I must have replied wrong sorry!

  ·  last year  ·  

I'm not surprised - galenkp is one of the Hive inner cabal - so a fullblown vaxtard, just like they all are - hell, that is why I was blacklisted on there...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

hm. I don't know. I haven't seen anything that suggests anything like that from him, and he's been supportive of my work. I know that he read it.

The downvoting is so absurd now - at least it wasn't downvoted. Buildawhale seems to have switched missions and is downvoting small accounts -way to go building whales.

In my (few) conversations with inner cabal members, I find they are mostly acting for the good of all. The problem is that they consider what is good for them is for the good of all. We all do this to some extent. I don't think they can see what I see from my small account vantage point, which is lousy posts from the inner cabal members making 100 times what a quality post from a small account makes. That can get maddening. They tell me to downvote posts that I think have made too much! HA!

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

I have seen nothing but corruption on that platform, so never use it.

The cabal works for the good of the cabal, that is how circle jerks works. To be honest, i loath and despise the lot of them, they make the worst of steemit look not that bad!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

I use it for creative writing (which is not strongly supported here), and occassional edification of my readers about the dangers we face. But you make a good point - in supporting the platform, I support the cabal. hm.

I had an argument with one member of the cabal, and he absolutely cannot see that what he and his friends do is circle jerking. $100 and up payouts for drivel if you ask me. I circle jerk all the time!!! Except I do it with small accounts, who. in return for my small upvote, give me their small upvotes. But we do read and comment on each others work.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

I left when I was making 70 dollars + from posts not to support those evil people I had to make it so I never went back as I get it’s tempting but it’s supporting a terrible corrupt system and bullying essentially as well cause you have to turn a blind eye to everything going on arojnd you that’s shite to get votes if you stand up for anyone your done for yourself. If enough ppl just left and came here it would get a lot better here Altho at the same time I at least appreciate how calm it is here these days if it got way more ppl it might make them all come over too.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

One of them that used to tell me I was over rewarded used to get 100 dollars for a twitter link and that was ok, same guy downvoted ppl for posting on steemit but he’s farm ing on steemit constantly! lol there is this dude on me on d tube right now called team humble who shares the most boring miserable content ever but thinks he has a right to go around telling others what is worthy of getting payouts and not. Seriously I’ve never felt more miserable watching a video in my life go watch one!

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

He is one for sure and has a very similar kp addition to the name that a major cabal member has and they work in tandem. They clearly still share offline chat groups and coordinate together cause they can come within about 5 seconds of one another. I noticed one of them got a stroke and I did wonder if it was from a vax. The timing was weirdly lined up and I’m sure he isn’t that old maybe early 50s? Which is pretty young to get one. Obviously we don’t know who had it and what causes things but it was a big red flag to me it was another vaccine injury.

Curated by @ultravioletmag