The US Surgeon General, On Loneliness

in informationwar •  last year 

Vivek Murthy, who serves as the US surgeon general today, also held the position during Obama's administration. He wrote an op ed for the NYTimes that was published today.

In this article, Murthy laments loneliness in America today. He talks about the loneliness he felt after his first tenure as Surgeon General ended. He graciously shared with us the various methods he used to ameliorate his loneliness: phone calls, video conferences and texting with distant friends and family.

The final paragraph is

I agree with him on one part of that statement:

our need for human connections is like our need for food and water: essential for our survival.

Ya think?

He suggests the solution lies largely with government regulated entities such as schools, workplaces, medical personnel, listing personal human connections dead last as entities that can assuage loneliness.

There was no discussion of why Americans are lonely, and no acknowledgment of the harms done, under his watch, during the covid con. We taught our children to never share their toys or hug their friends. We taught our children to not touch their faces and to wash their hands obsessively. We taught our children to be afraid of the breath of other human beings. We taught our children to stay away from their grandparents whenever the government tells them to.

We taught our children to be afraid of being in the company of other human beings.

In short, he charges the very entities that mandated us to STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER to show us how to remediate our loneliness.

Here's an interview he gave in 2020, just before being confirmed a second time as surgeon general. Apparently, combatting loneliness has been a mission of his for quite a few years.

He cites fear as a large reason for loneliness and as highly detrimental to general health. He said that when kids feel disconnected at school, it affects their performance. Prior to covid, he knew that loneliness was a very big problem, yet he fully supported all the covid measures that deepened those feelings.

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  ·  last year  ·  

I have stopped looking to people and organizations that created a problem as a potential solution to that problem. The state will not alleviate loneliness. It's almost like they're trying to take over the roles of family, friends, culture, and community.

  ·  last year  ·  

The state should not even try to alleviate loneliness. It is not their job, it's mine. Whenever they start trying to make things "better" for some of us, all of us are stripped of choices. And yes, they are trying to take over all the important functions of humans, giving us fewer reasons to even stay alive.

  ·  last year  ·  

It's like when they come at you saying "we are going to do some things to you, for your safety".... run away and don't look back!

  ·  last year  ·  




  ·  last year  ·  

Love me references to Ayn Rand and her Atlas Shrugged. So much of what she predicted is happening now. She missed the medical tyranny piece of it all though.

This is a great video, thanks for posting it.

  ·  last year  ·  

That was a great reference. I bet Ayn would have been interested in Bitcoin ...

I always appreciated John Galt 🥓

  ·  last year  ·  

I dunno. They were pretty into their tangibles, paying in physical gold for everything. Back in the day when people would be incommunicado for months if not years, but no one worried about them. She did predict that we would be told not to think, but to simply obey alphabet agencies, that victimhood would be elevated and producers reviled. Fascism employed to protect the losers. The world populated mostly by zombies with no backbones of their own. Very much like today.

So help me out here - what is the relevance of that video, which I skimmed to the end and can't find the connection to this conversation.

  ·  last year  ·  

Probably no reference... just random stuff gets tossed about on the webs...

from time to time 🙏

  ·  last year  ·  

Is that Ayn?

  ·  last year  ·  

I believe so...


  ·  last year  ·  

This is great. She's so solid in her philosophy. Wallace doesn't seem to be able to grasp what she is saying. There should be no regulation, no forms of control. A separation of state and economics, just as there is a separation of state and church. The regulations are creating robber barons. Both parties are for socialism, control. Free economies never break down.

  ·  last year  ·  

In short, he charges the very entities that mandated us to STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER to show us how to remediate our loneliness.

Amazing isn't it. Lucilogic. (Luciferian inversion statements). I just now came up with that. Accurate description I think.

  ·  last year  ·  

The object seems to confuse us so roundly we no longer bother to think for ourselves.


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Thank you!!!