Old post about correlation between flu jab and deadly covid

in informationwar •  last year 

This is a repost of something I published you-know-where at the beginning of the covid con. In it, I discuss, and provide links showing, a suspicion I had at the very beginning. It has been edited a little to remove most references to facebook. We've gone far beyond this information now, but the info is still relevant.


I spend hours and hours gathering videos, studies, essays, articles etc regarding corona virus and posting them on FB. I have my loyal followers there to be sure, but most of my real life friends have unfriended me or even gone so far as to block me. You see, I am a liberal, a 47 year registered Democrat, who does not hate Donald Trump with an irrational passion, and who knows we are in the midst of the greatest crime against mankind in history. Please watch that video, which is both hilarious and painfully all too true. "It's hard to take Macron seriously when he is wearing half a bra on his face."

One day, I spent those hours trying to prove or disprove a statement in a meme I came across on facebook:

“Every single person who died of Covid, had the flu vaccine. Documented by CDC and WHO.”

I got pretty excited when I saw this because I was certain flu vaccines were involved, and I went to check out the provided links, which of course proved no such thing, but they did most definitely show a correlation between covid deaths and flu vaccination.

So I went on to look for more.

I reproduce all the studies, articles and anecdotal evidence that I found here. It's old, but still relevant especially now that children are seeing higher incidences of RSV, which I believe is probably related to ARI discussed in the first article below.

"Among children there was an increase in the hazard of ARI caused by non-influenza respiratory pathogens post-influenza vaccination compared to unvaccinated children during the same period."


Broad range of views and links:


This article discusses the correlations between vaccines, antacid medications, blood pressure medications and severe or deadly covid cases


Correlations between flu vaccine and covid deaths in the european union.


There has always been this one:


And lastly, an article that claims something I know intuitively to be true, that influenza vaccines alter our immune systems non-specifically to increase susceptibility to other infections.


If you can find information from Dr Zach Bush, please go read and listen to everything you can find. He hypothesizes that the people who develop severe cases of covid are those of us with high levels of toxins in our bodies. These toxins come primarily from medications and vaccines, which explains why persons who have pre-existing conditions or are old are especially susceptible. Covid is alerting us to the toxic conditions in our bodies.

We must listen to the messages of covid. It is here to save us.

Image is by @wales, Dean Moriarty.

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Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you!

video already removed

btw, there is a new vaccines side effect , it seems funny but if it is true then it is not funny at all


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Sterilizing male babies in the womb!!! omg...

Thanks, am getting to learn more about this COVID vaccine and it health hazard it's causing kindly check out @drutter post too he has written lots of post on this subject matter