NYTimes Screenshots 3/16/23

in informationwar •  last year 


So in 2020, when the plandemic was raging and supposedly killing people worldwide, it was not killing pregnant women until 2021, when the vaccine was introduced. One must be brain dead to not be able to see the lies in this information.




this image is from the NYTimes article today

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  ·  last year  ·  

Pregnant women (of all people) should not be taking those shots. Hell-to-the-no.

That said, the spike proteins on the virus (or any virus, really) should be avoided during pregnancy as well. But I think women have some built-in protection from viruses while pregnant, or their immune system handles them differently. Katie didn't stop attending anti-lockdown anti-mask anti-vaxx protests while pregnant with our youngest, who was born at the height of segregation, Freedom Convoy, and martial law here in Canada. Second half of 2021 and early 2022 she was pregnant, and around all kinds of people, some of them actively sick... and she never got ill once. (I did... and soon after developed myocarditis.) Thankfully, she was untouchable by illness. Lilly is extremely healthy and happy, having just passed her first birthday.

Pregnant women, please stay away from those shots! Even if YOU seem okay, will your child? Ever heard of transgenerational effects? It's when a drug (or mRNA injection) seems okay in the recipient, but their children can't have children, or can't have healthy children. In other words, it affects your GRANDCHILDREN! We will not know if that's the case with these shots until the first recipients (late 2020) have children that have children. In other words, another 15+ years. Covid is probably not a risk for you, nor your baby. Think twice (or more) before rolling up your sleeve for something that could be harming your descendants!

  ·  last year  ·  

It's bizarre that we can't give babies under one year any honey, but we can shoot-em-up with toxic cocktails starting their first few moments out of the womb.

I know three young vaccinated women now who have had seemingly healthy babies. My goodness I worried for them! We won't know, as you said, the effects the jab had on those babies for a very long time, long enough to get the jab into a whole lot more mothers. It's one thing to do it to yourself, and quite another to do it to your unborn child. I was so careful while I was pregnant! But that was back in the day when pregnant women were not urged to get any vaccines.

  ·  last year  ·  

The standard of care for pregnant women has ALWAYS been no vaccines, no unnecessary medications, and NO experimental drugs or procedures of any kind. Since the dawn of medicine! That all went out the window 3 years ago. Insane.

You were an excellent mama, from the very first moment, and you learned a lot that you can now pass on to others. I'm sure you've helped or even saved people because of it.

I was so freaked out the first time I heard "get the Covid vaxx for yourself AND your unborn baby at the same time, it's a 2 for 1!" Just about puked!

  ·  last year  ·  

I remember having a conversation with a midwife at least five years ago, who was "active" trying to get black pregnant women vaccinated for DPT and flu because they have a higher mortality rate than white women. "Are they dying of flu and pertussis?" I asked. Of course they weren't, but I don't think she understood the futility of her actions. She also got the flu, with long-covid-like effects, every single year, even though she also got the flu vaccine every single year. She took tamiflu every single time too.

Our blind faith in the medical industry, especially regarding vaccines, is killing us.

  ·  last year  ·  

Here's a bit more BS, from 3/18/23 NYTimes
