Beware The Latest Distraction

in informationwar •  last year 

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We've all heard the stories about plagues, spread via human to human contact, which wiped out hoardes of humans. Many of these illnesses have been drilled into our consciousness as givens - we assume the stories we have been told are true. As a result, we carry with us a background noise of fear of contracting diseases from our fellow human beings.

We all know healthy and vibrant people who were suddenly diagnosed with cancer, or had heart attacks, or developed dread neurologic diseases such as ALS. Autoimmune disease happens to a lot of us. Uncurable diseases abound and can strike anyone anywhere for no apparent reason. We bend over backwards to pay for so-called "insurance" to guard against losing everything we own to medical expenses. So we also live in perpetual fear of sudden, unexplained, health events.

So when the deadly virus from China made its appearance on the world stage, our fear level was easily tipped into rampant and unreasoning dread.

We were psychologically assaulted with 24/7 news about who, where, when and how humans were dying, all over the globe. We were told there was nothing that could be done, that nine out of ten patients who ended up in the hospital ended up dead, that if you didn't die, you could very likely suffer forever after from the effects, and more of that sort of thing. Catastrophe! Even though the story was unbelievable, it was believed.

We quickly divided into two camps - those who were terrified, and those who were not. Those who complied, and those who did not. The compliant were then encouraged by their governments to fear and loathe those who would not, or could not, comply - domestic terrorism had a new face, the face of your neighbor and friend.

Those deemed domestic terrorists were now afraid too. Of their neighbors and friends. Afraid to be reported under those handy red flag laws that got passed just a few years ago, and robbed of all rights, property, and liberty.

A very nice trick was pulled on us, I have to admit. Very skillfully done, very effective, and disarming to all of us.

The injections, developed at warp speed and not properly tested on humans, were designed (with help from DARPA no doubt) by not a small number of pharmaceutical makers. The formulas were all radically different. The products were manufactured in umpteem locations around the world, on the spot, shipped willy nilly everywhere, stored under dubious conditions, and administered by just about anyone with thumbs. What could go wrong?

We all knew this. Some of us refused, many of us lined up for their injections.

The injectees got to feel safer for a while there. They still feared and loathed the refusers, but they went around hugging complete strangers, so happy to be able to smile and touch again. They still feared those who had not feared the virus enough to line up for the experimental and shoddily produced injection of toxins . These posed a real and present danger to public health.

Up pops the shedding problem. We hear a tiny bit about this around the edges of mainstream news. Those who were not previously afraid they could catch anything terrible from others, are now afraid they can catch the bad effects of the injection from others. Terrible! Frightful!!! A flip flop in who fears what. Again, very skillfully done, and highly effective at disarming a growing part of the population.

The virus peters out of the news. The uninjected get to go back into the clubs, the restaurants, the theaters, the schools. Some of them get their jobs back. Most of them are allowed to attend family functions without either consenting to a medical procedure first, and/or impeding their bodily function of breathing. Life goes back to normal, except for one thing - the fear factor has been ramped up considerably, and carried on all of our backs.

We all start noticing people dying of dread diseases more than we used to. Cancers that kill before treatment can even be begun. Paralytic diseases abound. More folks seem to be shaking as they hand a cashier a credit card, or text a message on their phones. Auto-immunce disease seems to be striking every family. We see athletes collapse on the playing fields in real time. We are told these things just happen, for no reason and without notice, all the time.

The news starts spinning. A new tale is told. Yes, in fact the injection might be causing heart events.

Suddenly every heart attack is looked at suspiciously. Had that person been injected? Gatherings in coffee shops are talking about all the unexpected and deadly cardiac events around them. They put two and two together and think "I could be next!"

Cue the fear, uncertainty, and dread.

A blogging friend of mine, @dreemit, had been vocal about her vaccination status, was compassionate to those who had chosen to get the jab, and encouraged public discussion about the jab - a hero of these times. When I heard that she had died at the age of 45 of a sudden cardiac event, I was shocked.

Here are a few of my earliest fears: Was it the shedding? Did she get the shot because someone made her do it to visit a grandchild? Did she have an unknown cardiac condition? Had she been poisoned by a vaccine fanatic to throw us off?

The news is a tool of control. If we are told something via MSM, it is an attempt to control our thoughts.

Even though what gets reported in MSM news these days is largely false, we can get clues to the truth if we listen to it. For me, that means if something is reported in mainstream news, it is false. Which has led me to the following conclusion

The injection is not what is causing the heart attacks

but we sure are expected to believe it is.

If it's not the jab causing the heart attacks, then what is? Because there have definitely been more cardiac events in the world. This is now statistically indisputable.

The jabs are petering out too. Only 18% of us have gotten the latest injection. That game has been played. But as long as we think the jabs are the culprit, we will give the matter our fears, and not our thoughts.

A good way to discover what might be the culprit is to go back and see what is not being discussed in MSM news. Let's make a list:

toxins in our food
toxins in our water
toxins in our clothing
toxins in our building supplies
pharmaceutical poisoning for chronic illness
the dangers of vaccines in general
radiation of all kinds

Isn't it possible, or even likely, that the broad range of side effects from the lethal injections is a result of a broad range of toxicity levels and types in the population? Could it be that, if we really looked into the details of the cases of all cardiac events in those with no history of cardiac disease, we would find something the cases have in common, or a combination of factors?

It is time to ask, not "Are the injections killing us?" but rather "How have the injections exacerbated the ill effects from other known toxic conditions?"

For instance, to examine if the culprit is radiation, we could ask how many of the cardiac cases were in high radiation environments, such as schools, hospitals, venues with lots of phones on wifi, media events, stadiums and arenas. How many happened as the victims were driving past 5G towers or the like? How many were on their computers or phones when it happened? If they died in their sleep, were they sleeping next to their phones, or is their router near their bed?

I suggest that, if we follow this line of thinking, we would discover there are things that can be done to protect ALL of us from whatever is actually killing these people. If we do not do this, we could ALL remain vulnerable, whether people keep getting injected or not.

Here's one possible scenario. We know graphene is in many of the iterations of the injection. Could it be that there are a disproportionate occurrence of cardiac events in persons who received a graphene laden jab? If so, then here is a short list of easy steps those recipients can take to ameliorate the bad behavior of graphene in the presence of radiation:

wear radiation protective clothing when outside
use radiation blocking devices
hardwire your devices
stop using your cell phone - get a landline

In conclusion:

If something in the news creates fear in a certain demographic, it is probably false.

Health is not, nor has it ever been, a crap shoot.

image is by me

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  ·  last year  ·  

Interesting point of view and worthy of reflection. What we can safely say is that whatever it is, the top elites believe they and their bloodlines are safe from it. So it is something that effects us and not them. That would help narrow it down.

I agree with you about the shedding. I have had a hard time believing that one. Protein on our skin is not going to harm us. Breathing in a few spike proteins is not going to do much. Having your body flood your system with it (because you are generating them) is a completely different matter. No one is going to shed enough in a way that would be invasive enough to due any real harm to others. Especially with no exchange of bodily fluids. You know, like kissing and such. Keeping my tongue to myself helps so much when it comes to public health risks, LOL.

So, I agree with the fear card being played for both sides. Great breakdown to the foundation of the provided info. That's what we all need to get really good at. Looking beyond the story to see the fundamental root/idea behind it. No matter how good the story sounds or plausible. We are being told it for a reason. Seek out that reason and be enlightened. I like your thought process here.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes the shedding theory is really predicated on viral theory, that one tiny speck can make you preposterously sick, that there are tiny demons floating in the air, ready to strike us dead or nearly so. When the frontline doctors first came out and that one doctor was ridiculed for her religious beliefs that there were demons floating on the air, I thought "uh, that's exactly what our supposed science IS telling us." Absurdities open paths to truths.

Shedding: After being feared myself, I decided that to fear others was counterproductive, so I chose not to. I believed my lack of fear closed the door to any shed toxins from harming me. Now I don't believe in shedding at all, nor in viruses. It is more believable to me that nothing is contagious. Imagine the world if we all stopped worrying about contagion. So many horrors could not have been committed if only humans were not so quick to fear other humans.

The vaccine is petering out because it is no longer needed to kill many of us. Something else, or many other something elses, will finish us off. These other things we can protect ourselves from. Pfizer may be sacrificed to further distract us, to make us think the alphabet agencies are doing their (unnecessary) jobs of protecting us. We need to be on our toes! Ready to readjust our thinking to the latest evidence, the most recent absurdities, and clues from the rulers via MSM.

If they tell us to fear something, that is probably not where the real danger lies.


Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you!!!

  ·  last year  ·  


The State of Health is
For all intents and purposes...


A Public Record 🥓

  ·  last year  ·  


what party controls all of these cities?

She's such a hoot. People still take her seriously! I never understood what they saw in her in the first place.

I live in an affluent, white town and all the buildings, houses, churches and schools have lead pipes. What constitutes clean water anyway? Many of us are on wells with good clean pure natural water. The problem with the inner city is not the pipes, it's the water that is piped into every single structure in the city, rich, poor, black, white or blue.

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Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

@frot claimed she wasn't jabbed. They put the stuff from jabs which undoubtedly causes the deadly bloodclotting into certain masks AND the brain itching tests as well, and who knows how many other products. Just because you are aware of your own mortality doesn't mean the fear of death is manifesting cancers or other health effects.

  ·  last year  ·  

She wasn't, I know this for sure. And she was a very active outdoorsy person. Toxins everywhere, in masks, the tests too.
Fear opens you up to illness.

  ·  last year  ·  

I'm confused, you're saying she wasn't jabbed?

  ·  last year  ·  

Right. That's what sent my mind off on the tangent of "what if it's NOT the injections causing the increase in heart events?"

  ·  last year  ·  

Strokes also happen for the animals .
The other day i was walking and i saw a cat having a stroke , i massaged him
And kept him cold , i am also a healer so i did what i did and cat came back on his feet and we both went on with our day .
I see many people having health issues , mental and physical , zero jab.
So yes , something else is going on

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

If it is allowed on the news, it is a distraction. Then we go all "there's the problem!" but the problem not there at all. It is an illusion fed to us. I believe we are being actively poisoned in just about every way it's possible to poison people, even going so far as to blatantly inject it into our flesh. And we go along with it.
People will feel safe if they just don't get any more injections, but that is another ruse. That so many just go along with this nonsense is far scarier to me than that some entity is trying to do it to us.

  ·  last year  ·  

I agree fully

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Now, you say 'fear opens you up to illness', would it be a stretch to say that you're inadvertently spreading fear of fear?