It's always hard to find the full videos of these things, so I thought I'd spare you the trouble.
A few notable statements:
"NATO was created to prevent war", and is now "more powerful than it ever has been."
So why is there more war on earth than ever before?
This is the moment to seek the truth and to bury lies.
as he lies to us all
You can't love your country only when you win
He got a standing ovation from his worshippers for that one. I have no idea what he was talking about.
Political violence has no place in America. Zero place
Wasn't the country founded via political violence?
Women are not without electoral and political power. You're about to realize (incomprehensible)
He threatens the Supreme Court at 50:30 over Roe v Wade, and here are their faces when he does so
You get the gist. This was a campaign speech. Watch it if you want to. It's making me sick.
Biden starts the speech at forty minutes.
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You realize he gave the exact same speech now 3 years in a row .
I do. I've called him the Preacher Man from the start.
Brandon's in his own League
lol laura ingraham tweeted that Biden is writing Trump's campaign material for him. It's true. Idk what Biden was on, but it was astonishing. He delivered the drivel very well.