Flouride in the Courtroom

in informationwar •  last year 

We Americans have been consenting to the flouridation of our municipal water supplies for a very long time. I remember when my town started doing it, way back when I was a child, and my father, a chemist, was happy about it. Yay! Everyone would have stronger teeth!

Ask yourself, do you have strong teeth? Few cavities? No root canals, crowns, or dentures? Do your friends?

Tobacco, lead, mercury and other toxins took far too long to come under any scrutiny at (useless) government level. This is yet another, and one that has dumbed us down in the process.

Flouride is, unsurprisingly, NOT regulated by the (useless) EPA.

Flouridation is forced medication. Vaccination is forced medication. Statins are coming closer to being forced medication.

ALL of these are medical experimentation.

Say no.

Derrick Broze is doing great work out there in California. The first few minutes of this interview are a clear and concise explanation of what is happening in a federal court.



Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  last year  ·  


Taxation is theft.


  ·  last year  ·  

Statins by the way is very harmful to the liver and must not be taken as a regular maintenance medicine @owasco. Fluoride is also poisonous particularly if it is added to tap water and consumed everyday, surely the body will develop ailments because of it.

Meanwhile the ultra-processed foods affects the body long-term simply because of the additives like even the yellow food color. There is an instance that I told my brother that if he drinks Tang Orange juice which my Father bought from working abroad that he will get the sniffles, sneezing and all that nasal allergy because we all know that he has a very sensitive nasal passages like my mother.

So, true enough he was already sneezing after he drank the Tang ™.

The other additives meant to preserve the ultra-processed foods and protect the flavor, color, maintain juiciness of meat products, free flow of the powdered products, etc. etc. is what makes people ill.

The least that we can do is to eat natural foods and drink only purified water because there is nothing that we can do anymore about the foods in the shelves of stores, the big food manufacturers are already monsters which already corrupted the regulators to approve bad ingredients added to processed foods which in medium to long-term consumption has a bad effect to everyone's health overall.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org