What Is The Future Of Medicine?

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

If you followed the link from David Icke's website to here please note this is a rough. The finished article is actually here:-

I've been asked to write an article on GNM so thought I'd do a rough on here, inflict it on you lot first in our little blurty bubble.

I won't be explaining the details of GNM yet.
A. because I do not know the intricate details and
B. I am not qualified to teach them (this will be important later in this piece.)

Many people are starting to hear about GNM now and with Lanka's public seal of approval it feels like the time is right to lay all the cards on the table and work out how we move forward.

Modern medicine has kind of hit a wall over the last 2 years. Many people have seen the cracks now and how big they actually are. It has kept us all in it's claws using fear. Fear of illness, what it's about, the scary treatments and impending death and suffering if we don't comply. The culprit allegedly being our own bodies, badly designed and out to kill us at every turn it seems. If it ain't the dreaded germs and viruses that'll beat you it's your very own body that will.
That's about the gist of it anyway.

The only thing so far that we've been told can save us from ourselves and the bogeymen are those knights in white cotton overcoats. The mercury wielding pharmakeia merchants. Their story hasn't changed over the last 200 years it has just evolved lots more bells and whistles, tinsel and baubles.

Some of us are left wondering if they simply overstepped the mark with this silly pandemic ruse. Most of the new money-spinner drugs seemed to be anti-viral drugs so were they trying to boost sales? Fuel the fear factor a bit more? Could be. Anti-vaxxers were on to their game and sales were plummeting pre-covid. They needed a boost.
BUT we saw the dancing doctors and nurses while being told they were 'overwhelmed'. We heard the stories that just didn't gel of a new deadly virus. Then we learned they had no virus, the vaccines weren't vaccines, the figures weren't adding up.

Not to mention the very sick and twisted treatment of our elderly, locked away and murdered with death row drugs and starvation.
Suffice to say a lot of respect has been lost and replaced with mistrust and anger.

So what do we do now?

Now we have an emerging new outlook. Many have looked into 'terrain theory' and many are now preaching of new paradigms and methods. But are they preaching facts or putting their own slant on an old methodology. They've certainly dusted off the old 'Hygienists' writings but they seem to be taking a giant black marker to their writings too. Terrain theory is not just about environmental issues it's about diet. Look up their methods for yourself and see what they recommended to keep your body 'clean'.

Never before in the history of wellness has eating dead animals been recommended for a healthy body until the last 50 years maybe and definitely pushed even more in the last 20. Now even the vegans are being blamed for agenda 2030 or being mocked as 'victims' of propaganda. I think the word mirroring springs to mind (or is it projection) who cares.

Apart from terrain theory what else do we have? Energy medicine, chakra's and tuning forks. All possible aids maybe but do they actually cure? Nothing is proven yet. There's no money in big harma verifying their opponents and they hold all the money and power.

Another less-known 'bandwagon' is called German New Medicine. It is definitely new by modern standards as it was discovered in the 80's by a German oncologist.

The wiki intro to Hamer is hilarious -

They give the game away that this was written with 'sour grapes' with their first ridiculous claim of him being an 'ex-physician'. You can't be an ex anything before having been that thing previously. So he was in fact a PHYSICIAN. Yes he was struck off obviously, the same goes for anyone who dares to question the modern medicine modality. Toe the line or get out. (Wakefielded)

Wiki also explains Hamer's Iron Rules quite well and accurately from what I can see but they seem to have added an addendum at the end of them -

They had to get a little dig in there at the end lol. How ingenius.

Moving on, it's not scientific to attack using ad hominem but they have to because Hamer's work IS scientific. He developed it while working in oncology and universities, by collecting data and brain scans of his sick patients and even learning from his own cancer diagnosis. He ticked ALL the scientific, methodical boxes in his work but it was the results the establishment were not happy with for very obvious reasons.

The two main things they are not happy about is

  1. GNM pinpoints the exact cause of a disease so none of those wishywashy causes modern medicine likes to blame. Your genes, your lifestyle, your genes, oh yeh did I mention your genes?
  2. GNM takes the fear out of cancer to the point where people will refuse modern medicine's disgusting, degrading and mutilating treatments taking their custom elsewhere. Goodbye profit margin.

For just these two reasons he had to be stopped. He was chased out of his country and even imprisoned for a time for trying to help people who had already been through conventional treatments or some who never would submit to them anyway. No money lost for them then. So far Dr Hamer just seemed to be mopping up the cancer industry's mess instead of leaving it under the rug where they want it.

Fast forward to 2022 and where is GNM now?

But first I'm sure you'd like to know what all the fuss is about. So here's a brief and simplified explanation of GNM 'dogma' sorry, yes sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.


GNM in one paragraph -

We all know what 'instinct' is don't we? Well GNM is a kind of instinct in the physical body. It's a survival mechanism we all have programmed in us, animals too, to deal with threats. Originally they were probably only physical threats but with our modern lives those physical threats may be attached to our home, family and other day to day issues.
This program kicks in instinctively to bolster our chances of surviving said threat. But only if we are genuinely caught off guard and resolving the threat is beyond our control. It may build tissue up in a region or it may dissmantle tissue in another for a short term boost of physical power/strength to get us out of danger. Once the threat is resolved the process reverses.
This process produces a mark on the brain which can be seen on an MRI and which shows where in the body the process is working and how far along the process it is.
The two phases can make themselves felt (symptoms) depending on the organ and what the particular process entails at which point modern medicine will tell you, you have a deadly disease with a fancy latin name or simply cancer, and so the nightmare begins.........

Obviously that is very simplified just so you know the kernel of what it's about and for time's sake.

There has been much coming and going in GNM from it's beginning to now. Some people jumped in took what they could get then jumped out again and went off on their own path. Some even took to expanding Hamer's work with their own ideas based on nothing but the will to succeed. Not necessarily in curing anyone, just succeeding. GNM is not a cure. It is a process that has always been there, just misunderstood until now. Anyone who claims it is a cure-all, beware.

If you google GNM you will see the same faces splattered all over youtube. Ask yourself why youtube allows these people to openly tout their versions of GNM when the creator of it got put in a very real prison as opposed to a virtual one.
On all search engines the first website that comes up is one called 'Learning gnm'. It all looks very official and has lots of pages on specific symptoms and diagnosis' but buyer beware. It is I'm told NOT accurate. Not wrong enough to alert a newbie but wrong enough to cause possible harm yes.

Up until now there have been few alternatives where Joe Public can go to try and make sense of their own sickness. I too went to Learning gnm and thought it helped me. But when things didn't seem to change I realised it hadn't helped. I needed someone who could really get to the bottom of my case. At which point I found the official GNM people.
Here is the official GNM learning website with an intro to GNM a bit longer and more accurate than mine -
It doesn't seem to come up on websearches. Funny that.

These charlatans hogging all the search engine result pages must be being left alone because they are harming the future of GNM. They may not know they are harming it and there's the rub. People like me and many others who think they are learning the basics may be learning lies and sadly some are even charging for it too. That's when it becomes not just negligent but fraudulent. A scam. Where did these people learn gnm? From the same website - 'Learning gnm'.

If GNM is to succeed we need to spread it by word of mouth just like the charlatans are. From bottom up, as the top is where the vultures hover. We need to do what the charlatons are doing and reach out on social media and we need the official people to come out from their GNM schools and meet the public. Talk about GNM in simple terms. We don't need a sales pitch, GNM will sell itself because it is factual and it makes sense. But we need to see the real deal and have them meet us on our own social media grounds. We can't shut up the charlatans because GNM is not regulated like modern medicine (yet) but we can learn from their success by copying it. Beat them at their own game so to speak.

Now that the cat is out of the bag I expect to see all the German video's on Youtube translated into English and Ilsedora Laker getting her face out there (or her trusted spokespersons at least) to let people know where they can go to get some real help until we have a GNM certified practitioner in every town. So far we have exactly zero in Ireland.

I like Lanka's idea of letting it grow organically alongside the other modalities as he says it sells itself, people will see what works and naturally move towards it. I especially liked his idea of a brain scanner without radiation and hopefully without having to go through modern medicine to get one.
See my latest post of his talk for more on that here -

I do believe we are at a crossroads now in health care and 'sickness' management. The crossroads also means we can go backwards. We don't want to do that and the only real way forwards is to take GNM with us.

This is just a rough. I may add to it and show it to GNM officials for advise or more info. Then I might do a more in-depth look at GNM without stepping on anyones' toes hopefully.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It does look interesting. I noted from the first few pages that it doesn't agree with Lanka's research into cell theory and 'dna' though. I am saving it for a read, it's very indepth. Lots to go over. The last bit about him getting all his info from God is a bit perplexing. Thanx for it tho it's interesting indeed.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, some writing is like wading through mud to find the gems. And this is kinda how knowledge forms - from a primordial soup of data and speculation - sometimes with a large dose of metaphysics added... just coz they wanna keep their beliefs.

The cascading sequences of cause n effect are interesting.

And, with the stubborn and malicious refusal for funding boards to fund anything interesting, we piece together from those scientists who don't need to bend the knee. Tho, actually, there is lots of fascinating stuff, that then gets distorted near the conclusion - eg stuff on resonance frequencies, the neural-chakra system, the self-healing that is always ignored as atypical etc. The guy's title tells its own story - a psycho-neural-oncologist!

It is very 'sciencey' and based on official dogma. He is also making stuff up when he talks about 6 phases of cancer with links to GNM in there. The GNM officials pointed out that this is his own made up theory not backed by science or by GNM. This is exactly the kind of thing they are having to deal with which is why I am writing this article (which is not finished yet).

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK, good, look forward to it.
GNM is also a proto-theory, so I wouldn't keep jumping bandwagons - just keep the same equilibrium as always.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

btw a lot of GNM books avail on z-lib.org, so one can have a thorough read and not rely on websites.

I've been researching cancer for about 40 yrs now. When I discovered GNM about 10 yrs ago (maybe more) I didn't believe it. I kept putting it on the back burner and continued down all the other rabbit holes but eventually I realised this was the answer. As always I have used it on myself and it has effectively ended my research in that area. So I wouldn't call it a bandwagon as such more like a final destination for the cancer bandwagon. I realise there are other health issues not covered by GNM though so there is always more work to do. I'm not sure what you mean by 'proto-theory' tho. It has been scientifically proven to be correct the problem now is does it need building on, tweeking or not and who regulates and polices that build. Hamer died very recently and the 'bandwagon' is being piled on for easy pickings.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to hear that - you may have written on this before, but what was the process you used ? Was it a cancer, or pre-cancer?

yes, proto- (as in first, or early, or start), so an early version of the theory and, yes, I had in mind what you mention above, that its focus on a narrow, yet important, class of issues.

Ahh... similar story with Becker (Electromagnetic Man) and his healing EM frequencies - there is a range of frequencies that "appear" to heal but he discovered are actually an aggravated reaction, whereas real healing (of bones) happens at lower powers. Many manufacturers begged him to add his name to the shitty products - he refused. The "aggravated healing" would lead to brittle badly-formed bones.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I used it recently for a stomach ulcer issue I've been dealing with. Been stuck in a hanging healing. Nothing I tried brought me relief until I found (with help) the cause of it. Simply knowing the cause helps enormously and that only came through a proper GNM person helping me. I've tried down the years many of the 'alternative' methods for various things on myself and my family and spoken with others who've tried too.
Yes GNM is relatively new but it has been verified but the death of Hamer has left it open to abuse. he left it in the hands of Ilsedora Laker and she is staying true to his methods and rules in carrying on his work and teaching it.
Are you talking about the Beck's machine? Yes I have one of those too and tried it out on myself LOL. Can't say it did much but it is very useful for making colloidal silver. Now tho, not even sure how that would work when the germ theory is debunked. Same with MMS which I also tried. I even almost did the exam to become an MMS peddler years ago.
Personally and more recently GNM helped my best mate to forego chemo and radiation for 'breast cancer' and she is very happy it did. That was 5 years ago.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Avoid medicine … just grow your own natural food without pesticides and chemicals and you will be very healthy. Drink Clean spring water, Home grown Fruits and vegetables and lots of long walks with your dog…. That’s all you need …


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Yes very wise BUT according to gnm these programs care not how healthy we are. They can still be triggered by a shocking incident. Then again GNM teaches us not to be afraid of the body's ways and it's healing methods so I'd say the most important thing to avoid is doctors LOL.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ha ha … yes, I certainly avoid doctors …. Unless I need some colchicine for my gout. But I could control that with diet also. The problem is I like beer, wine and fish too much. Oh well…

have you tried making ur own beer and wine too? Maybe that's where the problem is?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It’s the purines and uric acid in beer, fish etc … somebody needs to make a “Gout Free Beer “ …

It would be called Water.

Uric acid is produced when the body breaks down a chemical called purine. Purine occurs naturally in your body, but it's also found in certain foods.

Beer and distilled liquors are associated with an increased risk of gout and recurring attacks. Moderate consumption of wine doesn't appear to increase the risk of gout attacks. Avoid alcohol during gout attacks, and limit alcohol, especially beer, between attacks.

Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/gout-diet/art-20048524

there you go listening to allopaths who know nothing about our true biology. Did you even watch the video in this post? I suspect not or you wouldn't be getting your info from the mayo clinic, one of the most corrupt bedrocks of allopathy there is.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Sorry. I don’t know all this stuff.

I could not get your video to work.


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

yeh been having problems with it but everyone said it's working now. I've changed the link now see if it works.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Well this is weird I get this

What is that about? Who's blocking the link and why? I wonder if @rycharde can help?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the introduction to GNM.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I will be honest and admit I had not heard of GNM mefore but I have an open and inquiring mind and will have a look in more detail of the links you have posted here. A very informative article

Thankyou and if this has peaked your interest in GNM then job done. Nice one.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oy. The Lanka link says no content found for me.
Great post!

I will look into this GNM, thanks for that link (which does work for me), but until I learn more, here is what I think: we have self healing abilities, of all kinds. What we call diseases are actually the body healing from some trauma or poisoning, and most external attempts to "heal" anything are simply interfering with that process, weakening the body's responses not only to the immediate problem, but also to future attacks. Stand back and let it do its thing! Listen to its messages and do as told (Hurts? don't do that. Not hungry? don't eat. Chills? cover up...)

I just read a little of the Hamer article: I suffered a horrible event recently that I was prepared for, knew was coming. It hurts horribly, but I do not expect it to make me ill. Then again, I don't expect much of anything to make me ill. Except for poisonings, which are all around and I do what I can to avoid toxins. Not much I can do about them raining down on my damn head though...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If you were prepared for it then no it wouldn't make you ill. It has to be something that takes you by surprise and that you feel you have no control over. Yes you are right and Hamer would agree. There are no 'diseases'.
Re the link, for some reason when I post the link on blurt it doesn't recognise the end, something to do with the brackets, so maybe try copy and paste. Maybe @Rycharde can tell me how to fix this coz I'm stumped.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You can link it like this:



Or like this

 Or like [this]([https://odysee.com/@northerntracey:a/20220809_WIR_Stefan-Lanka_TEIL_2_YT_English-Final-(1):3]) 

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Thanx for the tip. Knew it had something to do with the brackets. I'll give it a go.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com
