The Black Stone (Arabic: ٱلْحَجَرُ ٱلْأَسْوَد, al-Ḥajaru al-Aswad, 'Black Stone') is a rock set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba, the ancient building in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.
The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. According to Islamic tradition, it was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 605 CE, five years before his first revelation. Since then, it has been broken into fragments and is now cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. Its physical appearance is that of a fragmented dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of pilgrims. Islamic tradition holds that it fell from heaven as a guide for Adam and Eve to build an altar. It has often been described as a meteorite.
Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba as a part of the tawaf ritual during the hajj and many try to stop to kiss the Black Stone, emulating the kiss that Islamic tradition records that it received from Muhammad.[3][4] Muslims claim that they do not worship the Black Stone.
I have seen rumours of September 24th here here on Blurt. What happens if nothing happens on September 24Th ??? Maybe There will be a nuclear attack ? Hope you have a bunker bro.
Some German politician did a speech ,.. saying , the 24th of September will become a day we will all remember ,.. a day we all will remember what exactly we where doing when it happened .
Food for mucho speculations ,. 23-9 is a date used in many disaster movies and as numbers on clocks and watches on music video's for hidden in plain site messaging or mind controlling .
Last day of times .
Ho' and yeah ,.. if nothing happens ?
We will have a good laugh at that German politician ,..
yeh really, good luck when all those NASA sorts come in and clean up. Did you hear that bit of moonrock NASA gave to the uk turned out to be petrified wood? maybe that's why they don't want any old Joe analyzing anything.
I engage with the high energy posts! I think of this one as "thought provoking."
It begs the question: How much of what we have been TOLD is actually true? Do we really need to eat so much and so often? Do we really need to register our births? Do we really need to partner up for life? Do we really need friends? Do we really need sex? Was that photo really taken on the moon?
Apply "where did that rock go?" thinking to everything we assume to be true.
No-one stated it was on the moon. It's clearly on earth somewhere, thanx for giving us the exact location tho. I think Owasco was alluding to the fake moon landings.
My question about these craters is how do the supposed meteors hit the ground at a perfect 90 degree angle when the earth is supposedly spinning at whatever that speed they made up is?
It wouldn't it would create a long scratch mark like a crashing plane does.
It's only about 1600km a hour at the equator . goes down to zero at the axle ( poles ) .
It's nothing compared with the speeds things move in space , like the speed of the entire solar system true the Galaxy ,. or a wandering rock . Where lucky a electro static atmosphere is held to this planet , so we won't float of . ;-)
I don't believe the Earth is flat , but everyone is free to make up it's own mind .
As i don't know for sure either ,. might only have one question ,..
Why can't i see the Southern cross from Norway ?
What's the southern cross? Is it somewhere in antarctica? We can't see very far even with amazing telescopes coz you'd be trying to see through the soup of atmosphere. I do know we can see things over the supposed curve tho that's been proven. So either their maths is wrong on the curve or the size of the earth is wrong.
The Southern cross is the star sailors use at the southern half , below the equator of the planet . As from that position they could not see the Norther cross ,. the pole star anymore . You can't look true the planet .
If the Earth was flat , why do i see everywhere at the edge of the map the same stars , the southern cross .
Take a camera with timelapse function ,. point it at the North star and let it take a picture every 5 minutes .
From dusk till dawn ,. and play the video at some frames per second . All stars turn around a point , the axle of the ball . Go to the equator and do the same at a 90 degree angle to the ground , the stars fly over in almost a straight line . Repeat in Australia but point at the southern cross ,. they all turn , opposite from the north star view .
I am in southern Norway ,. mid summer i see the blue glow from the Sun cross from west to east in the far north sky of the night . Very aware of the fact , that i am moving much slower then when i was in Greece .
Good points. I didn't now that about the southern cross. You see the sun cross west to east? How do you see the sun if it's on the other side of the globe? That is weird. I remember being freaked by the moon being on it's side in Thailand too. I don't know how a FE would explain all those things. I have seen the time lapse of the stars going round Polaris but never seen them going in a straight line. Is there a video of this?
You seem to be overly sensitive to my alternative truths, facts, hyperbole, triggers, and sarcasms …
Snowflake Definition :
an overly sensitive or easily offended person, or one who believes they are entitled to special treatment on account of their supposedly unique characteristics.
"these little snowflakes will soon discover that life doesn't come with trigger warnings"
It sounds like you are trying to set up "Blurt Conspiracy Pub". Great Idea! You will publish once a week post like this one, I will vote best comments. Interested? Let's try it.
Thankyou and thanx for upvoting best comments, that's what I do too ;-)
Not sure if I can stick to once a week, I will just post one when I get a hmmmmm moment. I just had another one hahahaha
You are clearly just spewing the narrative we've been given without going 'hmmmm' at all. If the meteor exploded into lots of tiny pieces where are all the other bits?
After reading true the comments , i wonder , who was triggered ?
From there all went tit's up .
Something wrong with your reading glasses ?
get some others ,.. with pink glasses preferable .
You don't have to force your truth on others .
It's not your ( or my ) job ,.. just engage in respectful debate ,.. or not .
There's no need to start a war .
When a large object impacts the surface of the Earth, the rock at the site of the impact is deformed and some of it is ejected into the atmosphere to eventually fall back to the surface. This results in a bowl shaped depression with a raised rim, called an Impact Crater.
Do asteroids vaporize on impact?
Except for objects smaller than a few meters, the impacting asteroid or comet is obliterated by the energy of the impact. The impactor material is mixed with the target material (the rock on the planet's surface) and dispersed in the form of vapor, melt, and rock fragments.
hmmmm verrrry interesting, like much more believable than rocks from outer space which dissipate some magical energy and blast themselves into nothingness.
It's simple , if i drop a egg from 50cm most of the egg will be at ground zero where the egg hit the ground .
Now shoot the egg with 200 km/h to the floor and very little egg will be found back at ground zero .
That's one .
Let's shoot a metal red hot almost liquid ball at a concrete floor at about mach 2 .
It will create a crater ,.. and the metal ball will mostly vaporize .
Good luck finding back traces of that one .
Meteors , they come from the cold , heat up in our dense atmosphere until they explode or vaporize hitting the ground . I have seen some fireworks in the night sky ,.. i know what i saw .
Saw that one ,.. the lowest i have seen so far .
Still , lot's of evidence of other more electrifying times , as not all craters came from meteors .
Hard to see on video . Oslo is a 3 hour drive up North from me .
I was outside looking North ,.. the sky lit up for some second from the thing hitting the atmosphere .
My distance to Oslo and the meteor to me exploding still high in the night sky tells me that it didn't come low enough to do any damage ,.. it exploded in to dust . Looked nothing like lightning to me .
I have given many different theories, opinions, and hypothesis .. I think my latest one is the best one though…. The people collected the bits and pieces and walked away with them. They probably all died of radiation.
Why always have that back-up ,.. you knew it before you went looking .
It's not about winning a argument , do you constantly search answers on your phone during a conversation in a pub or bar ? Just engage with what you know in your own words , it an't that hard .
It makes the communication a lot more real and human ,.. even when there is disagreement .
A copied answer can easily be taken as an insult , keep a open mind ,. have some fun .
I don't know where i picked it all up , probably somewhere , does it matter ?
I did like your latest one about people picking up the bits LOL. I just didn't see it as proof. And smallaxe is exactly right I wanted conversation not google crap. Your own thoughts not what we're all supposed to think. He's not right about it being a 'woman thing', not sure what he means by that remark LOL. Maybe men always like to be right and to know it all?
No prizes here for being intelligent/sciencey or right even, just a friendly chat about whether meteors really do hit earth or not. Personally I believe it is another fear-mongering campaign and I don't like fear-mongering as you well know. So instead of getting all hung up on who's right and who's wrong just have fun. Ya know like we used to down the pub.
Like this guy, I'd rather listen to him all day than some google pasta.
As a arc welder i hammer the glass from my stick welds .
Black glass , from the sand in the electrodes covering protecting the metal from vaporizing in reaction with oxygen in the air . No meteor needed . Electric arcs turn silicon in to glass . No mystery to me .
Cool, I love Charlie. The end is niiiiiiiigh! hahahahaha. Do you think this is why they're bigging up the meteor story to prime us for the next 'end is nigh' fantasy?
Hmmm,.. well let's engage ,.. but first some music to go with it ,.
Yup , the Grand canyon ,.. a river splitting a mountain plain by running against gravity . And where did all the slush and sediment go , the material that the river carved out ? It's not in the Pacific ocean or the Gulf of California . Hmmmmmm ?
Hear this from a long gone past :
Mars was kind of a dickhead planet , arguing and starting war's all the time .Boosting himself in a narcissistic and ignorant way to it's neighboring planets . Venus was fed up with it , Earth had just created dinosaurs and other life forms when Mars launched a full attack .
( this attack might have created the Grand canyon , who knows ?)
Anyways , Venus threw a spear in to Mars , ripping of it's atmosphere destroying it's magnetic field and leaving a gaping wound ( valles Marineris ) behind .
Earth and Mars are children of Saturn , Venus probably not , other axle angle and not capable of creating any significant life form ( yet ,. as forever is a long time ) . Still she protected the Earth , Mars didn't stand a change with her .
( someone should start a religion on that ) ;-)
Now that crater ,. the meteor ? ,.. melted and vaporized on impact , or electrical arcing between planets and stars ?
Hmmm,.. well , some craters could be from a meteor .
But a lot of them certainly do not .
Great post ,.. had fun reading/looking at it .
Have a nice day .
Thankyou and as always great engagement. I don't think there's enough of it on here. Very few people actually engage. Is it a fear of triggering or upsetting? People do not want to discuss things any more like grown ups.
Thanx for ur imaginative input but the vaporized thing doesn't ring true either. Where's the debris? How does a solid thing that went past the 'van allen belt' not vaporize before hitting? What causes things to vaporize? Not impact.
Meteors do fall from space on Earth , i saw some in my life ,. red smoking tail falling apart before getting low enough to do damage . And some even do damage or hit the ground sometimes , but that's very rare .
And i have to admit , good find @offgridlife , they official claim is that they did find some remains of the big rock in this crater , could be made up for tourist attraction , but i think that's even a bit over the top . Still a rock hitting the Earth with enough mass would not burn in the belts or atmosphere , and most of that energy will be released on impact , in a split second . Vaporizing most of that rock in to the atmosphere .
Same as the engines of the plane that flew in to the pentagon ,. vaporized , not even a burn mark .
Hmmmmmm,.. ? ,. sorry wrong example ,. i think ?
Anyways ,. who's throwing these rocks at us ,.. a evil alien race ? ,.. NASA ?
Hmmmm ? ,. NASA has tungsten rods on satellites they can drop on any city they like .
One can destroy a small city , leaving no trace of the tungsten rod .
Want some more rabbit holes to explore ?
Electrical Universe theory ,.. lighting created the stars and planets , and a lot of craters and mountains on the solid objects while doing so .
I liked the guys original story of a lorry exploding, seems odd that he would create such a story to cover up a 'natural' meteor strike? Very odd. Just coz you've seen burning stuff falling from the sky doesn't mean it came from outer space. How did this thing not take out some of those satellites up there on it's way down? Maybe it WAS a satellite.
Very dramatic but none of this proves it was a meteor and not some kind of missile made to look like a meteor? Also how come NASA and all the other spave buffs knew nothing about it?
NASA - Never A Straight Answer .
It could be anything ,.. aliens , secret technology ,.. things that monger more fear then naturally sometimes space rocks fall from the sky . It would worry me more if i knew someone was doing it on purpose .
Did NASA not know or saw it heading for Russia and just didn't care ?
No there are Russians in NASA too. It's 'international' remember. Why would manmade worry you more than natural? Manmade we can do something about, nature always wins and nothing we can do will change it. Plus nature always seeks balance, man just tries to tip it constantly.
As the shock waves expand into the planet and the meteorite, they dissipate energy and form zones of vaporized, melted, and crushed material outward from a point below the planet's surface that is roughly as deep as the meteorite's diameter. The meteorite is usually vaporized completely by the released energy.
They dissipate energy? Where does the energy come from that they dissipate? It's a rock no? Do rocks store energy? I know crystals do but not enough energy to blow a hole in the earth.
It was caused by our giant ancient ancestors who are using a primitive big flying contraption that crashed vertically like the asteroid and meteor crashes on the Moon whom NASA didn't land on when there is a space race for the first man to set the first foot over there and thereby fooling Russia because of an elaborate Hollywood production trying to make chem trails to keep the future generations for being so intelligent so they will not annihilate each other which apparently they failed to do so.
Maybe collected and placed in buildings ….
Huu' yeah , i heard they will blow up this temple on the 24th this month .
Hmmmm? ,.. or was it the Rock temple in Israel ?
Or something ,. if it does ,. it wasn't me .
I have seen rumours of September 24th here here on Blurt. What happens if nothing happens on September 24Th ??? Maybe There will be a nuclear attack ? Hope you have a bunker bro.
Some German politician did a speech ,.. saying , the 24th of September will become a day we will all remember ,.. a day we all will remember what exactly we where doing when it happened .
Food for mucho speculations ,. 23-9 is a date used in many disaster movies and as numbers on clocks and watches on music video's for hidden in plain site messaging or mind controlling .
Last day of times .
Ho' and yeah ,.. if nothing happens ?
We will have a good laugh at that German politician ,..
Yeh I did a post about it!
"It has often been described as a meteorite."
Has it ever been confirmed as a meteorite? How would one confirm that?
You would need to go take a piece and analyze it.
Good luck.
yeh really, good luck when all those NASA sorts come in and clean up. Did you hear that bit of moonrock NASA gave to the uk turned out to be petrified wood? maybe that's why they don't want any old Joe analyzing anything.
Ha ha … that is hilarious
yeh maybe it was revenge for the old London Bridge sale huh?
BTW ,.. this looks like a filled up potty for infants .
Like yeah ,. let's worship a alien infant shit bowl with some droppings left in it .
I wonder how many people here on Blurt have actually made Hajj and visited Mecca and touched this very mysterious Blackrock with their actual hands….
I engage with the high energy posts! I think of this one as "thought provoking."
It begs the question: How much of what we have been TOLD is actually true? Do we really need to eat so much and so often? Do we really need to register our births? Do we really need to partner up for life? Do we really need friends? Do we really need sex? Was that photo really taken on the moon?
Apply "where did that rock go?" thinking to everything we assume to be true.
In response to the comment above (not the OP)
It’s Not the moon …. It’s Arizona.
It’s good to ask questions…. It’s good to find answers.
Answers :
No-one stated it was on the moon. It's clearly on earth somewhere, thanx for giving us the exact location tho. I think Owasco was alluding to the fake moon landings.
My question about these craters is how do the supposed meteors hit the ground at a perfect 90 degree angle when the earth is supposedly spinning at whatever that speed they made up is?
It wouldn't it would create a long scratch mark like a crashing plane does.
It's only about 1600km a hour at the equator . goes down to zero at the axle ( poles ) .
It's nothing compared with the speeds things move in space , like the speed of the entire solar system true the Galaxy ,. or a wandering rock . Where lucky a electro static atmosphere is held to this planet , so we won't float of . ;-)
I don't believe the Earth is flat , but everyone is free to make up it's own mind .
As i don't know for sure either ,. might only have one question ,..
Why can't i see the Southern cross from Norway ?
What's the southern cross? Is it somewhere in antarctica? We can't see very far even with amazing telescopes coz you'd be trying to see through the soup of atmosphere. I do know we can see things over the supposed curve tho that's been proven. So either their maths is wrong on the curve or the size of the earth is wrong.
The Southern cross is the star sailors use at the southern half , below the equator of the planet . As from that position they could not see the Norther cross ,. the pole star anymore . You can't look true the planet .
If the Earth was flat , why do i see everywhere at the edge of the map the same stars , the southern cross .
Take a camera with timelapse function ,. point it at the North star and let it take a picture every 5 minutes .
From dusk till dawn ,. and play the video at some frames per second . All stars turn around a point , the axle of the ball . Go to the equator and do the same at a 90 degree angle to the ground , the stars fly over in almost a straight line . Repeat in Australia but point at the southern cross ,. they all turn , opposite from the north star view .
I am in southern Norway ,. mid summer i see the blue glow from the Sun cross from west to east in the far north sky of the night . Very aware of the fact , that i am moving much slower then when i was in Greece .
Good points. I didn't now that about the southern cross. You see the sun cross west to east? How do you see the sun if it's on the other side of the globe? That is weird. I remember being freaked by the moon being on it's side in Thailand too. I don't know how a FE would explain all those things. I have seen the time lapse of the stars going round Polaris but never seen them going in a straight line. Is there a video of this?
goes to show how closely I read everything NOT. lol
Hmmmm ….
I thought the earth was flat ?
no you didn't, you're just being sarcastic. 🤪
Hmmm ….
Why so triggered ? Don’t be such a snowflake bro. 🙃
I'm no snowflake as you well know. Is this also a meteor crater? Looks like one but I guess they chose to not lie to get more tourists.
You seem to be overly sensitive to my alternative truths, facts, hyperbole, triggers, and sarcasms …
Snowflake Definition :
Doesn't make any sense to me the crater story we have been told.
No it doesn't, neither do most of their stories. I might make a habit of these things that make you go hmmm. What do you think? Good idea?
People will get very triggered by alternative truths. There are Snowflakes everywhere
well ain't that a shame, maybe it will bring them out into the daylight. All that sitting alone in dark rooms is not good for them.
Great idea 👍
It sounds like you are trying to set up "Blurt Conspiracy Pub". Great Idea! You will publish once a week post like this one, I will vote best comments. Interested? Let's try it.
Thankyou and thanx for upvoting best comments, that's what I do too ;-)
Not sure if I can stick to once a week, I will just post one when I get a hmmmmm moment. I just had another one hahahaha
Great idea.
Hmmmm ….
This is Barringer crater in Arizona (on Earth) that was formed by meteor impact 50,000 years ago.
This is the largest piece of the meteor found that created this huge crater :
Most of the meteor was turned into dust and vapor on impact. The same thing happened on the Moon and Mars.
You are clearly just spewing the narrative we've been given without going 'hmmmm' at all. If the meteor exploded into lots of tiny pieces where are all the other bits?
HMmmm …..
Clearly they were vaporized on impact.
Have a very not nice day!
Convenient excuse. Like the twin towers?
An Inconvenient Truth bro.
Why so triggered by my alternative truths ? Don’t be a snowflake ❄️ dude.
After reading true the comments , i wonder , who was triggered ?
From there all went tit's up .
Something wrong with your reading glasses ?
get some others ,.. with pink glasses preferable .
You don't have to force your truth on others .
It's not your ( or my ) job ,.. just engage in respectful debate ,.. or not .
There's no need to start a war .
Amen ..
It’s just some alternative truths or views.
What happens to meteorites on impact?
When a large object impacts the surface of the Earth, the rock at the site of the impact is deformed and some of it is ejected into the atmosphere to eventually fall back to the surface. This results in a bowl shaped depression with a raised rim, called an Impact Crater.
Do asteroids vaporize on impact?
Except for objects smaller than a few meters, the impacting asteroid or comet is obliterated by the energy of the impact. The impactor material is mixed with the target material (the rock on the planet's surface) and dispersed in the form of vapor, melt, and rock fragments.
Hmmmm…. Very interesting.
hmmmm verrrry interesting, like much more believable than rocks from outer space which dissipate some magical energy and blast themselves into nothingness.
It's simple , if i drop a egg from 50cm most of the egg will be at ground zero where the egg hit the ground .
Now shoot the egg with 200 km/h to the floor and very little egg will be found back at ground zero .
That's one .
Let's shoot a metal red hot almost liquid ball at a concrete floor at about mach 2 .
It will create a crater ,.. and the metal ball will mostly vaporize .
Good luck finding back traces of that one .
Meteors , they come from the cold , heat up in our dense atmosphere until they explode or vaporize hitting the ground . I have seen some fireworks in the night sky ,.. i know what i saw .
Saw that one ,.. the lowest i have seen so far .
Still , lot's of evidence of other more electrifying times , as not all craters came from meteors .
I saw no meteor, looks more like lightning. Plus is there a crater we can see and compare?
Hard to see on video . Oslo is a 3 hour drive up North from me .
I was outside looking North ,.. the sky lit up for some second from the thing hitting the atmosphere .
My distance to Oslo and the meteor to me exploding still high in the night sky tells me that it didn't come low enough to do any damage ,.. it exploded in to dust . Looked nothing like lightning to me .
OK maybe one of their failed rocket launches then? So no crater or evidence that time.
What ever we think of could be ,.. but mostly failing rockets look different .
Where did you copy paste this from?
Oh wait, here lol -
Why bother posting a Source ???? Then you snowflake midwits don’t even read what is written, you just attack the Source. Hypocrites
What i think she meant was ,.. we want to chat with you ,.. not with google .
Give your respectful opinion in your own words ,.. that's all .
And i know , it's hard ,.. woman's logic ,.. it's probably not even about meteors .
I have given many different theories, opinions, and hypothesis .. I think my latest one is the best one though…. The people collected the bits and pieces and walked away with them. They probably all died of radiation.
Hmmm… Can I do research with Presearch or Duck Duck Go Go ? Where could I do my research ?
Why always have that back-up ,.. you knew it before you went looking .
It's not about winning a argument , do you constantly search answers on your phone during a conversation in a pub or bar ? Just engage with what you know in your own words , it an't that hard .
It makes the communication a lot more real and human ,.. even when there is disagreement .
A copied answer can easily be taken as an insult , keep a open mind ,. have some fun .
I don't know where i picked it all up , probably somewhere , does it matter ?
Ok. Will try that.
I did like your latest one about people picking up the bits LOL. I just didn't see it as proof. And smallaxe is exactly right I wanted conversation not google crap. Your own thoughts not what we're all supposed to think. He's not right about it being a 'woman thing', not sure what he means by that remark LOL. Maybe men always like to be right and to know it all?
This is not going hmmmm either, it's finding the narrative and regurgitating it. It is not thinking, using your own brain.
Hmmm… interesting theory
No prizes here for being intelligent/sciencey or right even, just a friendly chat about whether meteors really do hit earth or not. Personally I believe it is another fear-mongering campaign and I don't like fear-mongering as you well know. So instead of getting all hung up on who's right and who's wrong just have fun. Ya know like we used to down the pub.
Like this guy, I'd rather listen to him all day than some google pasta.
Best comment ever.
hahaha you like? Glad I could make you laff :-)
It is also possible that the ancient people collected the bits and pieces of meteorite glass for their jewelry.
Lightning in the desert sand creates glass beads.
And they claim to have found black glass beads on the moon .
No need for rocks to hit for that . ;-)
All kinds of wonderful mysteries. It is most likely that it just walked way…. With the help of humans of course.
As a arc welder i hammer the glass from my stick welds .
Black glass , from the sand in the electrodes covering protecting the metal from vaporizing in reaction with oxygen in the air . No meteor needed . Electric arcs turn silicon in to glass . No mystery to me .
I'm sure there is some reasonable explanation... Just ask Charlie...
Cool, I love Charlie. The end is niiiiiiiigh! hahahahaha. Do you think this is why they're bigging up the meteor story to prime us for the next 'end is nigh' fantasy?
All I know for sure is this... Don't Hex the Water
I'm not sure what relevance this had to the OP but what a very cool fillum that was. Thankyou
Everything is connected... we just don't see the 'strings'
The Truth Is Out There...

Hmmm,.. well let's engage ,.. but first some music to go with it ,.
Yup , the Grand canyon ,.. a river splitting a mountain plain by running against gravity . And where did all the slush and sediment go , the material that the river carved out ? It's not in the Pacific ocean or the Gulf of California . Hmmmmmm ?
Hear this from a long gone past :
Mars was kind of a dickhead planet , arguing and starting war's all the time .Boosting himself in a narcissistic and ignorant way to it's neighboring planets . Venus was fed up with it , Earth had just created dinosaurs and other life forms when Mars launched a full attack .
( this attack might have created the Grand canyon , who knows ?)
Anyways , Venus threw a spear in to Mars , ripping of it's atmosphere destroying it's magnetic field and leaving a gaping wound ( valles Marineris ) behind .
Earth and Mars are children of Saturn , Venus probably not , other axle angle and not capable of creating any significant life form ( yet ,. as forever is a long time ) . Still she protected the Earth , Mars didn't stand a change with her .
( someone should start a religion on that ) ;-)
Now that crater ,. the meteor ? ,.. melted and vaporized on impact , or electrical arcing between planets and stars ?
Hmmm,.. well , some craters could be from a meteor .
But a lot of them certainly do not .
Great post ,.. had fun reading/looking at it .
Have a nice day .
Thankyou and as always great engagement. I don't think there's enough of it on here. Very few people actually engage. Is it a fear of triggering or upsetting? People do not want to discuss things any more like grown ups.
Thanx for ur imaginative input but the vaporized thing doesn't ring true either. Where's the debris? How does a solid thing that went past the 'van allen belt' not vaporize before hitting? What causes things to vaporize? Not impact.
Meteors do fall from space on Earth , i saw some in my life ,. red smoking tail falling apart before getting low enough to do damage . And some even do damage or hit the ground sometimes , but that's very rare .
And i have to admit , good find @offgridlife , they official claim is that they did find some remains of the big rock in this crater , could be made up for tourist attraction , but i think that's even a bit over the top . Still a rock hitting the Earth with enough mass would not burn in the belts or atmosphere , and most of that energy will be released on impact , in a split second . Vaporizing most of that rock in to the atmosphere .
Same as the engines of the plane that flew in to the pentagon ,. vaporized , not even a burn mark .
Hmmmmmm,.. ? ,. sorry wrong example ,. i think ?
Anyways ,. who's throwing these rocks at us ,.. a evil alien race ? ,.. NASA ?
Hmmmm ? ,. NASA has tungsten rods on satellites they can drop on any city they like .
One can destroy a small city , leaving no trace of the tungsten rod .
Want some more rabbit holes to explore ?
Electrical Universe theory ,.. lighting created the stars and planets , and a lot of craters and mountains on the solid objects while doing so .
Thank you very much. Keep an open mind.
I liked the guys original story of a lorry exploding, seems odd that he would create such a story to cover up a 'natural' meteor strike? Very odd. Just coz you've seen burning stuff falling from the sky doesn't mean it came from outer space. How did this thing not take out some of those satellites up there on it's way down? Maybe it WAS a satellite.
Very dramatic but none of this proves it was a meteor and not some kind of missile made to look like a meteor? Also how come NASA and all the other spave buffs knew nothing about it?
NASA - Never A Straight Answer .
It could be anything ,.. aliens , secret technology ,.. things that monger more fear then naturally sometimes space rocks fall from the sky . It would worry me more if i knew someone was doing it on purpose .
Did NASA not know or saw it heading for Russia and just didn't care ?
No there are Russians in NASA too. It's 'international' remember. Why would manmade worry you more than natural? Manmade we can do something about, nature always wins and nothing we can do will change it. Plus nature always seeks balance, man just tries to tip it constantly.
As the shock waves expand into the planet and the meteorite, they dissipate energy and form zones of vaporized, melted, and crushed material outward from a point below the planet's surface that is roughly as deep as the meteorite's diameter. The meteorite is usually vaporized completely by the released energy.
They dissipate energy? Where does the energy come from that they dissipate? It's a rock no? Do rocks store energy? I know crystals do but not enough energy to blow a hole in the earth.
They absorb quite a bit of energy when coming in hot … most of them explode before they ever hit the earth.
Any meteors that actually hit the earth are pretty much ready to explode.
It was caused by our giant ancient ancestors who are using a primitive big flying contraption that crashed vertically like the asteroid and meteor crashes on the Moon whom NASA didn't land on when there is a space race for the first man to set the first foot over there and thereby fooling Russia because of an elaborate Hollywood production trying to make chem trails to keep the future generations for being so intelligent so they will not annihilate each other which apparently they failed to do so.
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LOL nice comment, fun and good to know others don't believe the bullshit too.