The War On Your Minds

in informationwar •  3 years ago 

I came across this shocking bit of evidence today of why we are being subjected to so much manipulation and propaganda. Much more than usual I feel and seemingly ramping up by the day -

"In January 2021, NATO published the final draft of a lengthy study it called Cognitive Warfare. Its intent is to explore the potential for manipulating minds—those of others, our own—beyond anything heretofore even attempted. “The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century,” the document asserts. “Humans are the contested domain. Cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”

In a subsection headed “The vulnerabilities of the human brain,” the report has this to say:

“In particular, the brain:

is unable to distinct [sic] whether information is right or wrong:

is led to believe statements or messages it has already heard as true, even though these may be false;

accepts statements as true, if backed by evidence, with no regards to [sic] the authenticity of that evidence.“

And this, which I find especially fiendish:

“At the political and strategic level, it would be wrong to underestimate the impact of emotions…. Emotions—hope, fear, humiliation—shape the world and international relations with the echo-chamber effect of social media.“

No, we’re not in Kansas anymore. Cognitive Warfare is a window onto diabolic methods of propaganda and perception management that have no precedent. This is war waged in a new way — against domestic populations as well as those declared as enemies.

And we have just had a taste of what it will be like as these techniques, well-grounded in cutting-edge science, are elaborated. Yet more disturbing to me than the cold prose of the report is the astonishing extent to which it proves out. Cognitive warfare, whether or not the NATO report is now the propagandists’ handbook, works, and it is working now on most Americans."

Don'tcha just love the way Americans only include themselves in worldwide problems?
Hasn't the propaganda gone too far?
Aren't most intelligent people now ignoring the mainstream bullshit?

Besides all that, is it just me who notices the fact they've been trying to introduce some kind of nano-tech into everyones brains for the last 2 years under the guise of a 'vaccine'? AND maybe even the test swabs?

Just wondering if they've been trying to hardwire us into the propaganda machine so no more trying to win 'hearts and minds' they can just bluetooth the reaction they want straight into your graphene-laden brain.

Zombie apocalypse anyone?

I heard the CDC website preparing for a zombie apocalypse was a kind of marketing joke. But was it and why did they take it down if it was so successful?

We're still hearing an awful lot about these 'bio-labs' and what they are doing inside them. Judging by the new jabs they foisted on the world in 2020 I'd say they know the germ theory is dead.

They are using bacteria in all their forms in the new bio-tech labs to do the work of chemists and CRISPR gene splicers.

The only way they can come up with a 'dangerous pathogen' is to merge biology with technology. In other words they have been trying to BUILD a pathogen. They cannot do it. But maybe they can manipulate you into believing they can.

The way they will manipulate the world is to swap democracy for technocracy.

What is technocracy?
"Technocracy is a form of government in which the decision-maker or makers are selected on the basis of their expertise (in their opinion) in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge."
source: Wikipedia

Hello. They've already done it!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

(in their opinion)
wikipedia, the accepted authority on veracity
This is horrifyingly obvious to some of us, but utterly incomprehensible to a great many. It is bizarre out in the world now. I seem to cross over into other realities. Thankfully, I keep coming back to a reality in which I am the top authority on anything that affects me.

the words in brackets were mine not wikipedia's. Hope that's clear.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

no lol I thought it was theirs! hahahaha makes much more sense now lol

hahaha thought you'd know me by now. Maybe I should edit it better

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sure seems like they are trying to control Nour brains via various means.

Technocracy is the hardware, communitarianism the software. One thing's for sure - we're not in Kansas anymore.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


First it is necessary to define MICE. MICE stands for Money, Ideology, Coercion/Compromise, Ego/Excitement. Some spies like Robert Hanssen spied only for monetary reward.

Ideology is another common element; Sergei Skripal believed in democracy and settled in England after his career with the Russian intelligence service ended.

Coercion/Compromise describe situations where individuals spied because they were forced to, or to avoid some worse punishment. Mathilde Carré was captured by the Nazis and forced to become a double agent during World War II.

Finally, Ego/Excitement. Frank Nesbitt defected to the Soviet Union in 1989 in order to get some excitement in his life, he claimed.

Posted from

Very interesting thankyou

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great article.
I'm sharing it with noobs. ✍️ 😎🥓 👍


Thankyou, hope they like it too x

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think it should make them uncomfortable first
