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Today my friend Karyn posted this little jem which inspired me -
"Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the alleged side effects that are perpetuated across social media from anti-vaccination groups. Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process. This brief review will offer data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine. A mini review of published literature has been conducted and found that mental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration. The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups."
To die, sometimes you need only believe you are ill, and as David Robson discovers, we can unwittingly ‘catch’ such fears, often with terrifying consequences.
Beware the scaremongers. Like a witch doctor’s spell, their words might be spreading modern plagues.
It’s a consistent phenomenon, but medicine has never really dealt with it
We have long known that expectations of a malady can be as dangerous as a virus. In the same way that voodoo shamans could harm their victims through the power of suggestion, priming someone to think they are ill can often produce the actual symptoms of a disease. Vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and even death, could be triggered through belief alone. It’s called the “nocebo effect”.
Doctors have long known that beliefs can be deadly – as demonstrated by a rather nasty student prank that went horribly wrong. The 18th Century Viennese medic, Erich Menninger von Lerchenthal, describes how students at his medical school picked on a much-disliked assistant. Planning to teach him a lesson, they sprung upon him before announcing that he was about to be decapitated. Blindfolding him, they bowed his head onto the chopping block, before dropping a wet cloth on his neck. Convinced it was the kiss of a steel blade, the poor man “died on the spot”.
This article by the BBC goes a bit too far with this tho claiming even vaccine side effects could be 'nocebo' thereby saying it's not the poison being injected into you making you ill it's all in your head. A step too far IMO.
My point being, those who took the covid shots believing they would protect them and did not get ill or 'die suddenly' should not be now exposed to films like 'Died Suddenly'.
I was suspicious from the very outset seeing who was behind the film - Stew Peters who's shows are always sensationalist and fear inducing. He was the one who promoted the 'snake venom in vaccines' story using the back-to-front analogy of snake-oil salesmen.
THEY have known for a very long time of the nocebo/voodoo effect yet they are totally ignoring the fear-porn propaganda the world was subjected to starting in January 2020 with video's of Chinese people dropping dead supposedly from a 'novel virus' which was going to spread around the globe and kill us all.
None of that could have been the cause of illness tho, no sirree. But now suddenly they are allowing the voodoo curse to spread again among those who refused to succumb to their poison concoction? Allowing so-called 'anti-vaxxers' and faux truthers to unleash this second dose of voodoo on the masses is quite a slick move on their part but it's a fine line they're treading because God forbid we should put two and two together and see that THEY unleashed theirs first and this is just a 'booster'.
Which is why I avoid all the 'truthers' who peddle horror stories and fear. They are not on our side whether knowingly or not.
More on the Nocebo effect in this article -
Have You Been Medically Hexed? Break the Spell and Take Back Your Power - Aviva Romm, MD
If you want to poison someone do you warn them not to take the poison before you administer it (anti-vaxxers) or do you administer it then tell your victim they have taken a deadly poison?
Can you even kill them with saline if you then tell them it's a deadly poison?
Are you getting it yet?
Remember those long lists, which grew and grew, of possible covid symptoms? Every symptom known to man was a sign you had it.
Remember how we were made to fear hugging, kissing to eventually even talking to each other?
Did anti-vaxxers spread those fears? No.
'Experts' did.
Just to top this 'conspiracy' off a new film comes out in December called 'Nocebo'. Not knowing the complete story I can't comment on what truths or lies (or even propaganda) it will contain but it'll be interesting to find out. Made by an Irish director, filmed in Ireland too where big pharma has a huge presence.
Trailer -
I estimate 98% of "humans" here still wear face diapers - now that's voodoo!!
Where are you? I havn't seen a mask in weeks now here in Ireland (the wild west that is)
Masks are coming back in New York State, now that we have survived the monkeypox and polio, we gotta worry about RSV or some such crap. Every fifth or sixth person is wearing one now. It's incredible that people want to believe in this garbage. I'm planning a holiday party.
It's pretty bloody obvious that this 'rsv' is a 'side effect' of the flumist they again gave out to all the primary school kids. It happened again in uk. It's now a yearly occurance it seems with a 2 year respite during covid. I remember my daughter got seriously ill during the 2019 flumist drive as she was working in the school when they were dishing it out. Even the very air musta been toxic from it.
I had to look up flumist, I never heard of it. But check out the fine print on the very first page of the first link I found
Who the eff is letting doctors put this up their child's nose?
It's not even doctors doing it, it's those school nurses.
oh, that isnt even a research paper
pure propaganda peddled by a salesman.
Mental stress-induced myocardial ischemia (MSIMI)
Mental stupidity induced by medical indoctrination, more like.
Well spotted, I saw that too and it made me lol as well.
This whole shit - and every step leading up to it - is what happens when a species prefers to play or watch stupid games rather than play the real game of life, the universe and everything. Now it will get worse - metaworse!
oh yeah, im in the "land of smiles", except you can't see any of them. Very few seem to know how to smile with their eyes. Anyway, the sheep are lost without a shepherd. This is why the global scam has different tactics in different countries - it is a mistake to think that local conditions happen across the world. Many populations are already ovine, so there is no need to "break their spirit" that most don't have.
It will keep getting worse until we hit 100th monkey syndrome. Trouble is will their be 100 monkeys left?
I'd focus on just the 10 monkeys closest to you - friends, family, neighbours - those you need protection from.
Been doing that too yup. My family and friends are strewn all over the world tho.
Only the people who are scared to die or lose their connections to this system , take the vax .
Only the people who are scared to lose their connection to God , refuse the vax .
In both , there is a need to stay "alive" in their own way .
Fear is on both sides but faith takes the power for the anti-vax
No one to judge , God is almighty in its plan
Did this person realize that this is exactly how people died of COVID ?

"Scare Tactics" is also how Pharma makes record profit year over year...
Until they run out of Rats to experiment on 🥓
They didn't tho - just fraudulent coroners and fake death certificates - very very few had the balls to do their jobs, usually under extreme pressure from pissed off relatives. Also proof how easy it is to scam a whole profession - fear, extreme fear, with no gain for disobedience.
I've had to burry a few relatives...
So far none from the jab.
Plenty of lung and heart tissue damage to a few that their doctors won't acknowledge as vax injury... Plenty of other Stupid reasons for myocardial issues and lung blebs that doctors can charge for.... And those relatives keep going back... Shouldn't be much longer... Winter speeds things up. 🥓
Yes she is well aware, she is being sarcastic medear. She made me laugh anyway.
This is exactly what was used to scare people into severe disease and a hospital rush especially in the beginning of COVID. Every time a person sneezed they would be terrified they have COVID and are gonna die. They would then worry themselves sick or convince themselves they are horribly ill and can't breathe. The news media peddled a hyped fear mongered respiratory disease and remember the COVID symptom list? I still don't understand what COVID toe was! Same psychological magic was done on the global population.
So now they are projecting their methods to pass blame for Vax reactions. Yup. Sounds right. Calling people Nazi's over here in the US as Biden pushes for Mandates. Yup. The left calling us Nazi's while they push for censorship. Yup. Satan is not only a liar and a deceiver, apparently he's a chronic projectionist as well.
Lol you literary genius. Oscar Wilde couldn't have put it better.
Struck me today that the PCR method is very much like propaganda.
Start with a weak idea - such as that bullshit paper - and churn it through many cycles until you get the required signal strength. Thus speculation turns into a new truth.
Projections - another thing I've taught my kid as an analogy. If your own projections are weak then you will be in thrall to external projections. What you then think are not your own ideas, but those of others.
This lull was an op to kneecap some of the perpetrators - oh well.
The PCR was the only thing that kept the 'pandemic' alive. Yes it is very much propaganda.
mmm... I think we should stop blaming "the state", as the world is run by powers much higher up the food chain. This has been centuries in the making, ever since "the corporation" became a legal entity. It is fairly obvious that a structure with unfettered growth (the corp) will at some point be more powerful than an entity limited by jurisdiction (the state). They are now coalesced into corporate-totalitarianism - the logical end-point. But always blaming the state avoids the real targets.
That quote is allegedly from Goebbels, didn't they ship them over to the USA (operation paperclip) and install them there under the guise of NASA/pharma and the 'deep state'?
OK, but that is a mouthpiece of "the state" using that construct to blind the public and to shield the actual "power of the state", which is ultimately violence. We now see the fusion of economic and social powers while hiding this through psychological powers. Funnily, this has always been reflected in the House of Lords, with the old division of powers temporal and spiritual.
The UK had its own version of Op Paperclip.
OMG a perfect illustration of this scenario. Brilliant. Well done.
They just keep the crazy going.
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BUT THEIR FEAR MONGERING DID NOT IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SEVERITY OF "COVID" which is not even a thing. They KNEW people would die if they told us what they told us. Do not believe a thing they say, not one thing.
oh haha I see you get into that
They made the fifth part of "Psycho" movie, which we watch in real time and in which we are the actors, no one can be 100% sure what is truth and what is lie until the last scene. For the moment we know two facts
no one had to die from covid
vaccine is killing
It kind of has been like being hit with a shovel. Such strange times! And still folks acting like they can just sit at their tables with a nice cup of tea and everything will be fine. Just before they get whopped with a shovel.
The masks are back, the tests are back, the social isolation is back, people are nuts again. I'm having a party.
Yes I try not to spell it all out and let people discover things for themselves. It sticks better then.
Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with pseudo-scientific training (CDC, FDA etc) to terrorise people into staying homem masked, dripping with cleaning toxins, and dying along, is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more illness seen in the zombie population.
Selective scientism.
On to the rest of this. I've been waiting to hear what you think of this film.
I could also have pointed out that Stew Peters film never once mentioned the 'no virus' conspiracy which he is well aware of so watchers of his film are damned if you do and damned if you don't effectively. Those of us who know there is no virus have no fear you see. He knew that which is what makes this more ominous.
Amazing chess game isnt it? Shills like stew peters are the second wave!
People here in Canada are dropping dead every day.
And this has never ever happened before. 😂
Ha ha ha ha… get out there and enjoy your life. 🌞 🏝 🛶 ⛺️ 🐶
Stop listening to these Fear mongers.
Bob seems to be ok… treated for Dehydration.
Why so much FUD with you people ? FFS
You appear to live in Perpetual Fear of death. Enjoy life man.