The GNM 'Gravy Train'

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

Source unknown a meme posted on FB (Sami Tanamly?)

When I was about 11 I came across a small medical dictionary. No idea where it came from but I was fascinated and started reading it cover to cover.
I became quite a little hypochondriac reading through all the horrible afflictions and self diagnosing became quite a nasty habit. I'm sure it affected me for a long time and not in a good way.

So when I wrote my article 'The Future of Medicine' which was to try and explain the problems with people writing whole websites about gnm processes, symptoms and what-not for Joe Bloggs to come along and read and self diagnose I realised this was the same thing I was doing all those years ago and giving myself nightmares in the process.

I've always been hungry for knowledge then but sometimes knowledge can be overwhelming and especially if it's based on inaccurate or incomplete 'knowledge'. At the tender age of 11 I could hardly be ready for the scaremongering of modern medicine.

I already had an 'allergy' to anyone in a white coat. I remember being taken somewhere because of a head wound which frightened my mum into seeking medical attention for me. It actually only needed some butterfly stitches to my relief BUT then the nurse decided to try and give me some 'booster' or other. It's a clear memory even tho I cannot have been older than 3-4. I saw the needle and had a meltdown and kicked out at her. Thankfully my mum declined the nasty needle for me so no harm done to me, can't say the same for nurse Ratchet tho.

But I digress. The point of this piece is to answer some valid questions which my original article clearly didn't address and which a friend brought up in a post on FB. So I thought I should write up the answers to his questions here so more people can benefit.

Here was his post. He had made some derogatory posts before this which I chose to ignore like this one LOL


but this one was less angry and seemed more open to discussion.

German New Medicine...
Criterion 1.
"Every “disease”... originates from... an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating conflict shock that occurs simultaneously in the psyche, the brain, and on the corresponding organ."
My dictionary defines "PSYCHE".. as
"That which is responsible for one's thoughts, feelings, and CONSCIOUS brain functions;.." (my caps)
But according to GNM, every "disease" originates from a shock of which we're only subconsciously aware. GNM is effectively redefining "psyche" .
So how can Criterion 1 be proven?
It can't. Evidence of "tumours" may show up in brain scans but where is the causal link between this and any shock? It's suppositious.
GNM dismisses much of allopathic dogma.. virology, contagion.. and has plenty of good advice about overcoming fear and conditioning, and there has clearly been some decent research done, leading to possibly useful findings relating to how toxicity or the lymphatic system's state may register in the brain.
However, in much the same way virology assumes causation from looking at cell debris, GNM is assuming shock causation from CT scan evidence.
This notion is central to GNM but it is clearly unsound, rendering further discussion of the nuts and bolts redundant.
But the implications are very relevant.
The road to perfect health has already been mapped out in the principles of the Terrain Model and Natural Hygiene. TM & NH describe a simple, logical mechanism that drives human health, one that is totally in accordance with the Natural imperatives of efficiency, economy and symbiosis, where possible. Its efficacy can be proven beyond question, by anyone, by the simple and irrefutable expedient of simply trying it. What better proof could you ask for!?
Yes, you can ease your passage to better health with advice on TM if you wish, but if you gently change your diet and lifestyle in accordance with its principles, you will get well.. guaranteed.
Your health is your responsibility..
the tools are at your fingertips..
do it, or don't do it..
your call.
GNM, on the other hand, takes the simplicity and elegance of TM & NH and fabricates around some similar ideas a highly complicated doctrine that mirrors the allopathic dynamic in two ways.
Firstly it retains the patient/practitioner relationship ... the informed specialist who's expertise must be supported, sought and paid for by the "ignorant" sufferer via CT Scans, poison prescription (pharmaceuticals and supplements) and consultations.
It keeps personal health beyond the reach of the common man and self determination, keeping it firmly in the hands of an elite.
And secondly it denies our sovereignty, disempowers us and leaves us at the mercy of others... the few who, if history suggests anything at all, will follow in the wake of allopathic medicine and capitalise materially on the power we surrender.
The patient/practioner dynamic played a major rôle in the deception and abuses of modern medicine and its retention by GNM is continuing in the same vein.
Germ Theory is on its last legs. The smart money is on GNM. A cynic might suggest its adoption by some existing qualified medical practitioners represents a way to avoid obsolescence, sidestep the demise of The Germ, and sustain their status and income stream.
"[GNM] is preventive medicine at its best!"..
~do we want to be constantly fending off sickness or would we rather not even have to think about it?
~Shall we try to stop "disease".. or just embrace wellness?
~Do you want to not be sick, or do you want to be well?
GNM makes much of positivity and the psychology of wellness but its doctrine and practice are entirely at odds with this, and on that essential contradiction alone, we should dismiss it.

(TM = Terrain Model and NH = Natural Hygiene)

I also asked the same questions and more. It's only your last sentence I really have issue with -
"GNM makes much of positivity and the psychology of wellness but its doctrine and practice are entirely at odds with this, and on that essential contradiction alone, we should dismiss it."
Isn't his just throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
Modern medicine is useful for emergency saving of lives and surgery in a few rare circumstances so we can't throw it all out. It is 'disease' that trips up MM and that is where the co-operation needs to come in.
Just like industries that have all the equipment/logistics already set up are useful for switching to plant-based products as we are starting to see. Rather than build back better, keep the infrastructure and change the end product.

So you have a defunct doctrine.. allopathic medicine. It's demise threatens your security as people are not going to continue supporting and expensive discipline that makes them no healthier.. they want something new.
But they're conditioned to have others take responsibility for their wellbeing.. it takes less effort and there's someone else to blame if it all goes wrong.
So the smart Rat leaving this sinking ship looks for a parallel notion that retains the expert/ignorant paradigm, provides a better health option (though still not the best one), for which your existing qualifications provide you with credibility, and which you can turn to advantage, in terms both material, personal status and in peer respect.
You make it impenetrably complicated so none but a psycho-disciple can understand it, then you post reams of information about it on your page.. just to make sure.
Job done!

Another excellent point born out of reading charlatan websites no doubt tho. So now I see what is making him so angry. He feels gnm is just going to enable MM to continue. It won't but there is room for change in the system rather than demolish and rebuild from scratch -

GNM has been here since the 80's and was born of a MD working in the system before any signs of its demise. Of course it has shades of 'medicine' in it, it was born out of a doctor who spotted the problems and tried to fix them. It's still a work in progress. All you've learned about it is from people who have stolen the original charts and gone off on their own with it. It happens with all alt paradigms I'm afraid. The only option we have is to stick with the original person who was given the job of 'bringing it to the English speaking world' (Dr Hamers words). Ilsedora.

"All I've learned about it".. how TF do you know what I've learned about it?!
I tell you some of it if you like.
I've learned that it's based on an unproven hypothesis of shock causation, (the activity and invocation of the subconscious affords great scope for invention!), advocates taking poisons in many cases (10%).. drinking strong coffee even!.., upholds much that is wrong with allopathic medicine, contrary to its claim it actually disempowers people via the expert/novice.. practioner/patient dynamic and highly complicated, impenetrable explanations, leaves personal health at the mercy of the potentially unscrupulous and is totally.. TOTALLY superfluous and unnecessary to human wellness.
A bit of decent science "does not a [medical] summer make".

This is where he proves my original article's point in reading charlatans websites and taking it as genuine GNM. Like I said I don't know where he's getting this info from but it's all false. (Actually I do, he said it's from 'learninggnm' Makolin's website which is the one I specifically said do not go to.

It's from a GNM page. As I said, this is what GNM represents, like it or not.

No it's not and again proved my point but here comes the rub -

My point here is that this the GNM people are going to find. This is the stuff googling (yes.. I know, but what people do) brings up. Official or not, this is what GNM is in the real world, not what you or anybody else might prefer it to be.

Isn't that exactly the point I was trying to make in part 1? He's right and I know it which is why we have to somehow nip this in the bud, even tho it's no longer a bud it's a whole tree with many branches.
"This was exactly the point I was trying to make in my article. There are lots of charlatans out there selling their own version of Hamer's work and as you clearly demonstrate they are harming it, not helping.
Anyone selling diets or supplements is not genuine gnm."

Where's the causal
link between shock and all the rest?

"It's a good question. I could ask similarly: Where's the causal link between a person's fear of bears and his sympathetic fight-flight response? Since "fear" is subjective, it's not something we can assess materialistically. We cannot isolate the fear and then show that it causes sympathetic fight or flight responses in a control group. However, no one doubts that "fear" of a charging bear "causes" physiologically measurable responses in the body. So on to your main question: how do we know a biological conflict shock causes the HH in the brain and the simultaneous biological program of cellular adaptation in the organ? It's simple. 1. Everyone with the HH in that specific part of the brain recounts a very specific type of subjective shock. 2. That HH dissolves into edema ONLY upon a resolution of the specific conflict in life. That second one is really the hard proof for me." John Ohm

Then someone else asked the question wouldn't it be grand to be able to know exactly what is going on in the body from a CT scan (as GNM can do) and this question really riled him up. I can see his point here again even tho it kind of misses the point again too -

Why would I be interested?
I'm 71, I follow TM, I haven't had as much as a common cold for at least 12 years (since I changed). I have no sickness or ailments whatsoever. The "arthritis" I had in my hands disappeared within a month of going fruitarian.
Two hospital visits (pointless on reflection) with broken bones.
A few bad cuts I sutured myself.
Not a single doctors visit.
Yesterday was chopping bush with a machete.. today ill be 40ish ft up, topping trees above the "house".. tomorrow who knows.
Why would I need a CT scan?!
I'm not specially anything. But I'm honest with myself, logical and I think critically. I eat my specie appropriate diet and avoid environmental toxicity.
The last thing I need is a hugely complicated doctrine that preserves a lot of what's wrong about allopathic medicine, is disempowering and would mean thinking about my health again.
With respect you're stuck in the "disease" paradigm.
The ultimate empowerment is to be able to totally forget about ill health. I don't worry in the slightest about my health any more.. don't even think about it.. its a hugely liberating experience, and you want to take that away with the superfluous dogma of GNM?
I don't deny the discovery. I challenge the point of GNM.

John Ohm then gives this reply which is quite succinct as it is -

"So how does GNM help?" Most "metastatic" cancers are the result of the fear-shock given from the doctor's "death scare" diagnosis from the first cancer. The secondary cancer is still biologically meaningful--it's the biological response to the life-threat--it uses up additional energy and causes a weakening of the system over time. The key is, the doctor should not be causing additional fear-shocks in a cancer patient. This stupidity will cease to happen, once GNM causation is recognized. Then we will see the rates of death from cancer drop probably 80% right then and there. That's one, initial BIG help. Secondly, with any chronic disease, including cancers that don't go away, many people try all sorts of interventions and lifestyles that do not end up working. This has been a mystery to many models of health, until GNM came around. Now, people can understand why the disease is chronic, and can address the issues at the root cause. Thirdly, this knowledge doesn't require any technology (even though the CT scan was vital to "prove" the GNM, it's not actually necessary in practice in the majority of cases), nor does GNM require any drugs, supplements or even anything from the supermarket. In time, when people become familiar with the Knowledge of GNM, they will not need anyone's help for their or their family's so-called "diseases," (except in exceptional cases requiring external help/intervention/technology.) When our western culture wakes up to GNM, we'll see a new renaissance. Because GNM represents the end of the ignorance of what causes "scary diseases," this means it represents the end of stupid superstitious fears that cause so much evil and additional harm. GNM helps in so many ways.

It then got into a diet discussion which would make this too long suffice to say that GNM does not claim any dietary causes or cures. If someone claiming to use gnm does push their own biased dietary views then walk away. Telling a hard-core vegan he has to eat raw liver or he'll die is just as bad as the allopathic voodoo curse and could have just as devastating consequences by their own gnm rules.

Can such predictions be made without a CT scan?

I'm like you I do not even have a doctor and never want to see one again but the majority of people still run to them for every sniffle. You don't NEED a CT scan to use gnm but if you have been diagnosed with some cancer or other 'killer' disease then they will do one anyway and gnm can read it and tell you what is ACTUALLY happening. For instance, those rings on the brain will be diagnosed as a brain tumour by MM when gnm knows it is nothing of the sort. That is a life and death diagnosis right there which gnm clears up.

What good is gnm?

It takes away the fear of disease, especially cancer. It tells us that what is going on in the body which modern medicine tells us will kill you without their toxic drugs, is actually a healing mechanism.
It tells us how we adapt to our environment by changing to survive.
It makes chemo and antibiotics not only obsolete but dangerous as they prevent us healing.
It makes vaccination obsolete along with germ theory and viruses.
There are so many more implications.
Like you tho I do not claim it is everything. Terrain model and gnm must work side by side or both will fail. Most people do need guidance and reassurance.
The people taking on gnm and following their own agenda are pushing the WAPF diet.
Hamer who discovered gnm was a normal MD with a doctor's nutrition perspective so virtually no training in nutrition. He also was not up with new findings like Lanka's 'New Biology' and Robert O'Young's interstitial fluid and new theory on digestion.
What I'd like to see is all 3 to come together and collate their knowledge so we can have a complete understanding of all illnesses.

I hope this Q+A session on fb answers a lot of questions. There were a lot more in it so I've just included the most important ones. If you'd like to read the whole thread it's here:

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

psychosomatic is considered like a "fake disease", all in the mind.
But, maybe, psychosomatic is a real cause!
Hence, there is evidence - it's just been brushed aside as "not real", meaning non-pathogenic.

Yes MM recognises the placebo effect tho but they can still make money on that one. Even psychiatry is another drug market now. Hardly any counselling just drugs. In a way gnm is a better form of counselling. They go deep.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some years ago, I found a research grant being offered by a pharmacon to anyone who could eliminate the placebo effect from drug trials!! In a sense, pre-screen those humans who have lost their ability to self-heal. mmm... almost there.

Wow that's profound and yes almost there HOWEVER I don't know that anyone can 'lose the ability to heal'. If we are not healing we must be dead.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It isn't an all-or-nothing case , but degrees of power. I was thinking in terms of endemic toxicity, and the ignorance that it is there, so can normalise sickness plus pretend that the cause is unknown - or worse, blame the patient's genetics an behaviour. there is then not even the awareness that one can self-heal. Yes, the body will try, but it will likely struggle, for many people.

It is my solid belief after years of research that if people would just get out of the way of the bodily processes it can deal with more than we know. It is interference of medical doctors and drugs that interfere with that process along with the psychological trauma that goes with it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm. I have no such beliefs. If an organism is unable to perceive their toxic environment, then that organism will react in what become chronic manners. That the pseudo-cures may make matters worse, still doesn't mean that the organism would thrive until the toxicity is removed.

You don't believe the body heals itself?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Respect for dealing with the argumentation in such a factual way without ridiculing it. A balanced approach to criticism. It's good that you wrote something about it. Any "new medicine" that claims to have discovered THE cause of illness is also viewed sceptically by me personally, and I am too old to become enthusiastic quickly. :)

Thankyou. I think I'm balanced because I gave up on trying to persuade anyone rather I'm just answering queries which I myself had about 10 years ago regarding it. He's taken another turn and posted his new attack in a group that I left because they just deleted everything I posted while at the same time tagging me LOL. He's still got a bee in his bonnet but that's his problem lol.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This post has been manually upvoted by @epistem

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This article was synchronistic as I just had a discussion with my sister about alternative treatments for her blood disorder... 🙏👍

It's funky isn't it how many of these synchronicities are happening now, it's like we ARE all connected somehow. I hope it helped in some way but if you need more info let me know.

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🎉 I've just upvoted your (@northern-tracey's) content. 🎉

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