The Gaslighting of the Jabbed

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

If you see this man spouting his pseudo-science on a so-called 'truther' video and you know NOTHING about the pseudo science of genetics I suggest you cover your eyes and ears and run, as fast as you can, away from his nonsense.


His name is Dr Daniel Nagase and he is a fully indoctrinated medical allopath. he also calls himself a 'science nerd'.
He talks about the 'science' of genetics like an 'expert' but he knows as much about genetics as any layperson who can read knows but he does not understand that he is just spouting genetics industry propaganda as 'science'.

Here is one of his speeches -

I've listened to his speeches and he trips himself up a few times talking about where he thinks they are in genetic research. (Looks like the old 'fake it til you make it' ruse worked on him.)
For example, at one point he mentions 'silent DNA' and how they can insert new genes into the DNA and if it goes into a non-readable' section of the DNA it will not affect the body but get passed on and may resurface in the offspring. Sounds feasible right?
Then later he describes in a throwaway comment that there is no way to detect the silent genes if they are in the unreadable section of the DNA.
Sorry? So if they can't detect their own manufactured GMO'd genes in an unreadable section of the DNA how the hell do they know it's gone there? They don't and it's nonsense.
The way they 'read' genes is by detecting which proteins are being made. This only happens in a tiny fraction of the DNA and this fraction is the only bit they can 'read' because it codes for proteins. They don't know how to read the unreadable bits, the bits they originally called junk DNA, because they can't detect any proteins.

Everything he is saying these mRNA jabs will do to our genes is unproven and hypothesis.

he loves to talk about reverse transcriptase too because hardly anyone can understand what the fuck it is so just mentioning it makes you sound like a super-expert. Doctors love to talk about RT I've found especially when they're talking to laypeople who haven't a doodleydoo what RT actually is.

From what I've gleaned over the years of arguing with shill online 'doctors' about it I can safely say it is nonsense too.

The first big giveaway that it is nonsense is that it was discovered in the case of HIV. It is a bit of RNA from a virus which is said to be able to rewrite the DNA. But hello!! They never did isolate any HI virus so that means whatever RNA they claimed could rewrite the DNA must have come from the hosts own cells.

Reverse transcriptase is said to come from 'retro-viruses' a made up term for a new kind of virus that no-one has ever really found. I suspect they made them up just like they made up viruses because their theory was still not being proven to be correct. Germs were not proven to be the cause of disease so they made up viruses, then they could not find any of those so they made up retroviruses.

Reverse Transcriptase is the thing that the PCR test looks for in case you hadn't already guessed that. This is why PCR, mRNA jabs and HIV are all being connected up. None of it is real. It's all pseudo-science. Do not be fooled.

I'm not sure if this doctor is riding some kind of 'meaning of life' wave midlife crisis and believes everything he says, in which case he's a useful idiot. When he talks he constantly holds up the old 666 hand signal too so he could be a controlled opposition puppet. Either way he is not to be trusted to tell you anything true.

He's certainly not delivering good news to the jabbed, in fact what he says could just tip them over the edge. He even predicts a 'Handmaids Tale' kind of scenario to prevent the jabbed from breeding and passing on their 'silent GMO'd DNA!! There is another little agenda clue right there. I told you they don't want us breeding. So if the jabs don't sterilize enough of us then they can control who breeds by claiming their DNA is ok or not. How tho if they can't test for it coz it's 'unreadable'.

I could go further into the whole DNA hoax and the fraud of genetics which all this is based on but I already covered that side in this old article -

This is a rough draft for a possible future article so input or suggestions are welcomed.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Phase 2 of the that a huge number of people are injected, get them all to believe they are even more fucked up than they really are so they think themselves to death...

exactly!! Plus suicides are through the roof already

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Mentacide ... It's a thing 😐

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's the biggest experiment in the history of humanity. Interesting if we will all survive this or not. How do you see people let's say 1000 years from now ? Maybe there will be no one left and that's sad to say. Self extermination.

I don't think they want to kill us all no. The Georgia Guidestones are a good reference as to how many they want rid of.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know about that. But I mean if they have such plan to kill only some and let leave others, they may kill everyone in the end because of their experiments and thinking that they are gods who can even change genes.

We are harder to kill than they thought. They've been trying for a long time but we just don't die enough. Their research is wrong. They know jack shit about genes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This psy-op has levels upon levels. And it is definitely a coo by doctor. Just that word, doctor, has a negative connotation, though most don't see it that way.

Indoctrination itself has levels upon levels. Ffs, we were taught since childhood that doctors were these practically infallible, superior beings worthy of the utmost respect, in a field we should all aspire to. Remember the game Life? Everyone wanted to land on the doctor square, make that great salary around the board.

And speaking of handmaid's tale, I was just remembering how nuts it was that so many people who watched the show did not find it odd that masks were introduced as muzzles just before covid hit. They must all zealously believe in coincidences, because that's just one of so many things.

But yeah, depopulation appears to be the goal, and they will take advantage of any method to attain it.