Snake-Oil Salesmen And The Woo [UPDATE]

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

have you ever come across the 'skeptics'? If you havn't been on the frontline of the fight against big pharma for the last 20 years maybe not. You may have heard of 'Evidence Based medicine' tho? Same crowd. Led by a nasty character called 'Orac' of 'Skeptical Raptor' who many believe to be a sad little oncologist/surgeon called David Gorski who also went on to write 'Respectful Insolence' which was neither of those things and finally started 'Evidence Based Medicine' and revealing his real name.

All this time while revelling in cutting off peoples body parts he has harrassed and maligned anyone who deigns to peddle ANY alternative to pharma drugs and modern medicine. His (and his minions) favourite diss was to call the opposition 'Snake-Oil Salesmen' and anything not deemed as 'science' they called 'Woo' (yeh childish huh).

So on hearing this new theory I'm about to spell out I was gobsmacked at the sheer ironey of it and am not sure if it's satire. It's so unbelievably dark, like a blacker than black comedy, that, if true, could only be perpetrated by evil. Their weapons remember being mirroring and projection.

I'm talking about the recent interview on Stew Peters with a retired chiropractor (yeh Orac's nemesis traders in woo) called Dr Brian Ardis.
The program was called 'Something In The Water' this is explained near the end.

So he starts talking about Remdesivir (Fauci's medisin) and how that was killing people not a virus (which we already knew). It's just another anti-viral sprung from the old hiv business. Notice how they all end in 'vir' (except tamiflu). They made Remdesivir the ONLY treatment to be used on covid patients, nothing else was allowed. The whole who-ha about banning Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was actually NOT because it worked against covid (which doesn't exist) but in fact because it is an anti-dote to Remdesivir.

Now comes the interesting part. Ardin goes on to say that Remdesivir is made from snake venom!! WHAT? Of course I wasn't taking that on face value so did a search and the TOP answer was this -

I have to add at this point that I did my initial search on Brave and this was the top answer, went to bed leaving all tabs open but when it came to looking at this search the link I wanted to show was gone and replaced with this Dr Arden interview. I had to open Presearch and try again there and sure enough it popped up this time. Weird huh? Why has that link disappeared from the brave search engine?

HOWEVER this paper does NOT mention Remdesivir being derived from snake venom but it does list a number of other 'medicines' derived from it.
However hard you look tho the ingredient 'snake venom' is nowhere to be found because it is hidden under chemical and atomic 'science-waffle'. In other words they are synthesizing, breaking natural compounds down to their chemical structures and then rebuilding them from pure chemicals. This is chemistry not biology. Or should we call it 'Alchemy'?

I gave up trying to find proof of snake venom in Remdesivir and then saw this.


A UK company - "Venomtech has been at the forefront of venom research for drug discovery for more than a decade… we can now showcase our innovative technology, introducing the wider industry to the potential of venoms for the successful delivery of more leads, more quickly, for a broad range of [cellular] targets."
So safe to say they ARE using venom for many new and old drugs but now they are hiding it better.

This made me remember when I was researching for my Amino Age article and how when I tried to look into 'poison proteins' I hit a brick wall.


I was writing that at about the time that Dr Bing Liu was researching the 'spike protein' and about to announce his findings. He was promptly shot dead and his paper never materialized. Will we ever find out what he was about to reveal?

Yeh right, as if anyone will finish what he started when they know the consequences.

I also stumbled upon this from the BEEB HA


Some interesting snippets -

Recognize those symptoms?
and this -

Why is it 'running out'? Do you know what anti-venom is? Monoclonal antibodies, yes the other so called covid treatment they outlawed. The making of these monoclonal antibodies is the exact same method Jenner used to produce his original 'vaccinations' and is based on the pseudo-science of 'immunity' to germs and viruses.

I also found the link to Genentech/Roche which Arden claimed bought the company who found 19 toxic proteins in the King Cobra venom which is the one he claims they are using now to 'create covid'.

although that's as far as I got as they want you to register to read their crap.
I also found that the King Cobra was the first snake venom to be genetically sequenced around 2015.
Here's the paper Arden mentions that found the 19 toxic proteins in the cobra venom - with Genentech as the top affiliate.

The link to Moderna is found in this man -


So, so far Arden's claims seem to add up (sort of). His next claim, the one about them putting this stuff into water treatment facilities so causing what looks like an 'outbreak' of an infectious virus is going to be much harder to prove. I can verify though that a friend of mine and fellow researcher a few months ago was posting stuff about something being added to the water in Liverpool specifically. She claimed it was some kind of parasite which I doubted very much. She also showed symbolic statues being erected there which told her symbolically what they were going to do.
Her name on YT was Annie Logical (Banned)
Her name on FB is Anne Marie Carey but I'm banned from fb so can't go back and look at that research now. Shame it might join more dots.

We do know they've been PCR testing sewage works and it seemed mad at the time but if they are adding something to the water to make specific communities sick then it would make more sense. BUT it is not 'snake venom'. If it was it wouldn't make you sick because like I pointed out in my Proteins, spikes and bio-weapons article - proteins are not harmful if ingested ONLY if injected!!

Did you know you can safely drink venom? Venom is actually not poison. Venom injected into the bloodstream via needle or bite can kill but not in water. Research before reacting and sharing false information.

The fact that he never mentions the jabs is pretty telling because THAT would be the way to make people sick or dead, like a snake does, inject it into the body!! My guess would be it is more likely injected but then people would be dropping dead too quickly.. Another thing he never mentions is 5G.

Here is the video I'm talking about so you can listen to the whole story - with a massive pinch of salt now.

So the ones calling everyone snake-oil salesmen are actually selling us snake-oil. You literally can't make this shit up.
Angry yet?

Amanda Vollmer has addressed this issue now too. I trust her judgement more than this man.
Amanda points out that yes they have been using snake venom in modern medicine for years and that Arden has something to sell. Guess what!! Clean water. This story is another germ-theory-believing-truthers clickbait, sensationalistic STORY.

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I actually used to know a guy that took tiny bits of his snakes venom every day from his pet snakes. He never got ill and several companies actually researched on him for various things and studied his markers etc. I think there might even have been a documentary about him his name was Steve Ludwin. He swore by it.

yes I also heard of Indian snake charmers doing the same thing but they never proved it worked, they just took it on faith.

Posted from

I mean this guy did do it lol I knew him he was a good friend of a friend, I met him a few times

well thanx for the story, it was very interesting and helpful.

Posted from

this is him

normally the press is bullshit but this story was actually true.

Interesting story and funny too. He wasn't 'injecting' the venom tho he was only scratching it into the epidermis which is probably why he didn't die of anaphylaxis which is what would likely have happened if he had injected into the blood.
Also not sure why he claims to be vegan. The story of his 'overdose' illustrates how useless the doctors were too, he stopped the treatment which wasn't working and recovered anyway. Anti-venom is also not vegan as it's made by injecting animals with snake venom then extracting their blood.
Funny how many snake venom stories were circulating just before covid. I don't think this is all coincidence.

Posted from

god he's been doing it since forever I think, I guess most ppl are vegan until they are going to die without being not vegan which, I think is probably fair enough

yes but my point being who is telling us we're going to die and why and is it true. From what I'm learning, anti-venom doesn't even work. I call it the whitecoats voodoo

Posted from

So the ones calling everyone snake-oil salesmen are actually selling us snake-oil. You literally can't make this shit up.

You're right - you could not write this shit, nobody would believe it. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Thanks again.. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Modern western medicine is black magic. Venom of snake, blood of unborn babies, eye of newt...

You're BANG ON with that young lady!!!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was wondering about Arden's claims and if there is any truth to it all, thanks for sharing what you have found out so far. Will you do anymore looking into this?

Not for now, it's going viral so I'm sure a lot of people are going to be on it so lets see what comes of it. I've been warning people not to drink the water for a while now. Just gotta hope they listened or this guy is wrong. Maybe we'll see some testing of water supplies independently? I dunno. It's kinda exhausting chasing these demons and their lies constantly, safe to say we know who the real liars are.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

independent tests can be done - getting them published is entirely different.

Thank for looking into it - i kept the tab open but it wouldnt stream much, and the christian push didn't help either.

My enemy's enemy can be a good source of info, but that doesn't make him my friend. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The other thing I didn't like from the text was claiming these are symtoms of kovid - they look far more like the symptoms of the genejabs.

You read my mind! I was thinking the exact same thing! He did mention the colour tho, venom is an off white cream colour, the same as some of the jabs.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Keep up the good work - we may disagree on some points, but that is part of the scientific process :-)

Had to look this up for a comment I made a little while ago.

I can't say I'm surprised by your findings. They do love shoving poison at us.

pretty sure every medisin they've concocted has been based on a poison of some sort, plant or animal.

Posted from

Yeah, at one time they really loved using their mercury. I mean they still do in the vaccines, and not sure but used to in the cavity fillings as well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh yes well people weren't as knowledgeable back then so now they hide their poisons behind chemical/atomic diagrams and supposed genes.
Yeh I remember the Deagal prediction and I and many others took screenshots of it. Have you checked the wayback machine? Looks like they bumped off his whole family for his sins eh.
Yup mercury is still in fillings and vaccines they just call it thimerosol or amalgam now.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

one thought - im not sure we know why the genejabs needed freezing.
venom deteriorates quickly at room temp and needs to be frozen and transported to labs.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

why don't venomous snakes poison themselves?

It's all about the proteins, it's complicated but they are self made so do not harm the self, they only do harm in the wrong place like in another species blood. I've done some work on anaphylaxis and proteins and it's something to do with that process or similar but no-one seems to explain or understand it.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

so snakes could have an autoimmune condition such as auto-envenomation.
or we could induce it!

There's no such thing as 'auto-immunity' the body does NOT attack itself that is allopathic nonsense. There is no such thing as immunity, you can build a tolerance to certain substances but immunity is a myth

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thought you'd take the bait. Whatever you believe, you just said an organism can sense what is "self", therefore it can sense what is "not-self", hence would be suicidal to have no mechanisms to deal with not-selves. Call it whatever you wish, there are defence mechanisms.

My suspicion is that many toxins change the chemical composition in the body, so it appears to attack itself but is actually attacking what it perceives as not-self, coz that self has been changed. My own experience of how the condition morphs and cycles, as the body is confused by contradictory signals - it finds BOTH self and not-self, hence am not dead yet.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thought-link. Had a chat with my kid this eve - it's thai new year here and she's at relatives. Everybody is surprised at how tall and healthy she has become! I wondered if it both what we do and what we don't do. Is both as natural a diet as possible, plus some strategic supplements and avoiding any processed foods. Also, there are some staples here, such as white rice, that are not so healthy - it is one of the least nutritious rices in the world, turning quickly into alcohol and formaldehyde - I stopped eating it when I noticed it was the cause of the post-prandial downer, being really sluggish at afternoon teaching. So the whole country is on this stuff daily.

No the body is not 'confused' and the 'self' has not been 'changed'. When they say the body attacks itself no it is dealing with dead or damaged cells from poisoning. Certain poisons work on certain organs (the kidneys being common for poison damage) so when there is a lot of damage there is gonna be a lot of action going on, this they call an 'infection'.
Auto-immunity is nonsense. I stick by that like concrete.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

prove it. Sounds like a chemical-body idea. Explain chronic conditions then?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes again well spotted. Remdesivir also has to be refridgerated and is also given intravenously, like chemo in a drip. It uses the same RNA/CRISPR technology too. They going at everything with the same new toy technology they've discovered. It could be in both.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

old paper, but the first i found.
mmm... all depends what "activity" one wishes to preserve.

Yes but the stuff they're making now with this new technology is not real venom. They have taken it apart and broken it down to individual proteins which are then broken down to the bare chemical elements, computerized and then they synthetically build mockeries of the original proteins using RNA and CRISPR. It's this RNA which is unstable and needs freezing they say. Have you read my Amino Age article which tries to explain this?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I recognise it, but can't recall processing it - will read it properly.

Ah, you have the kooks who also don't believe in atoms and molecules - they need to learn some physics rather than reading quantum woo.

Nobody has "seen" them but that is just the naive supposition that the whole universe can be seen - and that's laughable.

In the early days of quantum mechanics, the term "wavicles" was introduced. I wish they had forced it to become the norm, as it immediately does away with the wave-particle duality dilemma. They are neither and yet can manifest as either, depending on the energetics of the experiment.

I always ask my physics students why, if a human runs very fast through an open door, why does he not diffract? (like an electron through a crystal lattice)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In answer to your rhetorical question in the article: No, I think they are happy to know how to break things, such as our biology, while pretending it is very hitech - it may be, but they don't know what they are doing. Look at how many drugs they have no clue how they work (or don't work), all obfuscated by very complex hypothetical mechanisms.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In other words they are synthesizing, breaking natural compounds down to their chemical structures and then rebuilding them from pure chemicals. This is chemistry not biology. Or should we call it 'Alchemy'?

In other words this is above my pay grade lol