Seeds of Destruction

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

Someone said to me today 'But no-one listens' and I remembered something.

I thought this too and was becoming despondent then last week I saw a radio host had made a post all about a show we did two and a half years ago.

He had taken quotes from the show as if he'd suddenly realised what I'd been saying back then was actually true. He listed some of the 'awkward questions' he asked in the show. It makes an impressive advert. So I'm seeing a sort of time lag and a kind of 'new wave' of interest in this.


Is it because what I was saying was too out there for many at the time? Even him? Was he really listening or maybe on auto-pilot? So now, suddenly does he think more are ready to hear?

It's kind of like a penny dropped so he revisited the show for some reason. Or it's those seeds I planted have actually germinated and started to grow.

Whatever it was that spurred him to now promote that one show I did with him it was an unusual one for me because he was the only host who came at it from the angle I did. He wanted to know about my animal rights activism which WAS the ultimate reason for my real research journey.

My mission was to end vivisection and no-one in the movement wanted to address medical research and it's use of animals because of the supposed, and much promoted lie, that we need animal tests to find 'cures' for dreaded diseases because God forbid they should use humans as guinea pigs. (Yeh another lie. Look up human vivisection).

(From ancient Rome to the grand worldwide covid experiment of 2020 humans have always been vivisected too.)

The only person I found who would go where the animal rights movement dare not go was a Swiss man called Hans Reusch.

His book 'Slaughter of the Innocent' was the first time I'd heard anyone challenge the big lie. Not only did he challenge the efficacy of animal testing he challenged the whole concept of the 'search for cures'.

There never was a search for cures only a search for ever more profitable snake oils and patents for pacifiers.


Here's a rare online excerpt from the book -

HE planted the seed which brought me to where I am today. Finally I know the whole thing is a lie. Everything they say they know about illness and disease was wrong from the start. The search for cures is also a lie.

Those millions and millions of tortured animals were a brilliant smokescreen to hide their lie.
They also suffered (and still do) because 'the end justifies the means'. The trouble is 'the end' never comes. They never do find any cures and they never will because they never understood how the body really works BECAUSE they used animals.

I had realised all those exposés of the horrific things they do to lab animals of every species, even our own beloved cats and dogs, were never going to end vivisection because people will always put themselves first believing 'the end justifies the means'.


Vivisection has been described as 'the backbone of medical science'. If that were a true analogy then the brain of medical science must be the brain of a psychopath. Breaking it's back will not cure the psycho in medical 'science' but it will incapacitate him.

I have to thank Patrick Timpone for reminding me of why I do this. It was a timely reminder.


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I support everything you've said.

Vivisezione is just a means for the big medicine multinationals to continue billing millions and millions of dollars a day, slaughtering animals, and even today, three years after Covid, they have not yet found an absolutely effective vaccine.

How many animals have they slaughtered for that purpose? If, by chance, they find the effective remedy, they hide the secret under lock and key because it doesn't suit them, as in the case of cancer.

How many doctors have discovered effective cures and have been destroyed by the media? How many millions do governments spend on social assistance for cancer patients? It is a tremendous business that will never end.

I'd go one step further and say there are no cures because the diseases ARE the cures. Hard to grasp at first for many but it is the final nail in their lie.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We all must stop using the services of the medical industry, from OTC to $20,000 a dose biologics. If we stopped using their snake oil, we would be healthier and would have no need for insurance. None of their products do us any good, and great harm is done in their "development," although I now wonder what it is they are really developing. A market most likely.

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yes everything they do is to create more markets and profits. I have no insurance except my own knowledge which means I do't need or want their insurance because I never want to see a doctor. I opted out about 20 years ago.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I collect social security, and medicare is taken out no choice to avoid this cost unless you have other insurance. But I don't pay any extra for supplementary plans or drugs or anything else, because I do not plan to use it. I just don't go to their witch doctors, they are all the same.

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You've been curated by @world-Travel-Pro!

Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!

Keep up the great work!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You curated a day after the seven day marker? Be interested to know how that works. Where does your vote go then? Back into the reward pool?
Or did it get in just in time LOL?

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I hoped it just got in on time. Wish I saw the post sooner...I'll keep a closer eye on your account. A lot of your post I really enjoy.