Polio In New York (UPDATE)

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

Sounds like the title of a cheezy romcom B movie doesn't it. Sadly it's not tho
it's just those pesky fear-mongerers again up to their old tricks.

The ironey is tho for the last 30 years or so all the pro-vaxxers have been selling their dodgy wares with the favourite tagline 'vaccines eradicated polio'. (Get your damned vaccines).
Literally that was their whole selling point so what now? Are they saying that was a big fat lie? Eradicated isn't like an injunction and the virus snuck in the back door and grabbed you. Eradicated means gone. Poof.

New York is one of the most vaccinated states in the US, hell they even mandated some of them and tried to force the Jews to get all theirs too in 2019. They didn't even need to force the polio vax on anyone tho, even most anti-vaxxers have had that one even if they don't know it.


When I was a nipper back in the 60's we all got a sugar cube. One sugar cube laced with God knows what and that was it. Done. Obviously you can't give that to a baby and I have a vague memory of it so probably around 5 years old.
When it was time for my kids in the 80's the polio was no longer given on a sugarcube it was nestled in a 3 in 1 needle shot called Dtp (for diptheria, polio and tetanus). Now they wanted to give that to my 2 month old baby!

I often wondered what the motivation was for all these new combined vaccines. The official narrative is that it means less jabs. That is a lie though as they just give fewer jabs more often which still adds up to MORE jabs.
Single jabs are easier to blame for immediate and obvious effects so could it be that when a particular jab gets some bad rap and becomes less marketable they just sneak it in next to the perceived essential jabs making it impossible to discern which poison is causing which 'side effects'. That makes more sense.

Did you know now you can no longer get a tetanus jab. It is no longer available so when you think you're getting a tetanus jab you are actually getting 3 jabs. Dtp in uk but now changed again to DTaP and Tdap who knows what shite they're palming off on you instead of cleaning your wounds properly.

Today the polio 'jab' is nestled in a SIX in one jab called the Hexavalent. Along with it is the very suspiciously added HepB. But before that there was another 6 in 1 called a 'Hexa-vac' and another called 'Infanrix' which were quietly 'discontinued' by the European Union with a lame excuse of 'waning immunity' of the HepB faction in it.
BUT if you dig a little deeper the story is much darker. As usual.

There were DEATHS involved. Admittedly only a few definitively pointed to the vaccines but as we now know those few were just the tip of an iceberg which marketing-wise could sink their Titanic.

It's also a patent issue, when a new vaccine is patented that means maximum profits for the patent holder (the vaccine developer). When the patent runs out the vaccine is no longer profitable so why not mix it in with other no longer profitable vaccines to make a new combo which they can also patent. The single shot then becomes 'unavailable' because no-one wants to provide unprofitable drugs. So much for vaccine producers being saints, working for free to save humanity. That is utter bullshit and pure marketing sloganism. vaccines are ALL about the money!!


Let's take measles as an example. back in the 60's again measles was no big deal. Apparently it was said EVERYONE got it. It was seen as a right of passage in a way. No-one was scared of it, in fact people used to actively try to induce it with measles parties to 'get it over with'. I myself allegedly had 'GERMAN measles' which they claim is a separate disease but the only difference for a clinical diagnosis was the spots were a 'little less red'. Clearly it is the same thing and despite measles being said to be the most contagious disease we know of, no-one in my family but me got it.

So marketing a measles vaccine was always going to be hard work but they tried anyway. The effects of the first vaccine though were MUCH worse than actual measles.

source: https://www.history.com/news/measles-vaccine-disease
So they tweeked it a couple of times but by then measles had virtually disappeared on it's own and their vaccine was just not selling. They tried mandates for school attendance in some states (USA) but it never was a success financially. SO then they decided to invent the MMR. Combining 3 failed (and surely outdated patents) vaccines into one big marketing ploy.


Along came Dr Andrew Wakefield to throw a spanner in their dastardly plot. NOT an anti-vaccine man just an anti-combined vaccine man. He naively thought that splitting the 3 vaccines apart would solve the problem he had uncovered of the MMR possibly causing gut problems in Autistic children. In his naivety he didn't realise he was asking vaccine companies to give away their old, no longer patented vaccines, for free. Silly man.

This process of new vaccines, failure and/or damage, patents running out, recombining the same ingredients to produce new marketable products has been going on since the 60's.
Here is a virtual graveyard of the old discontinued poison soups only in the USA! -
If these miraculous concoctions were responsible for 'eradicating' all these deadly (so we're told) diseases successfully then why do they always get shelved. I think you should now get the idea why........

So now back to this new polio 'outbreak' in New York. Is it really an outbreak? It seems it's an outbreak of 'polio in the poop' to be frank.

So NO it's NOT an outbreak, it's an outbreak of bullshit (or rather humanshit) from local ex-spurts is what it is. No doubt another testdemic using the old PCR to detect in silico combinations of RNA which means absolutely NOTHING in bodily fluids let alone the sewage works! Except possibly some new sales pitch for general vaccines (not covid tech/gen shots) which have been waning because of us all being locked down for two weeks a year.


Some of us knew all along that polio wasn't caused by any virus, that it was caused by various pesticides starting with the old arsenic sprayed on orchards then DDT sprayed on everything including kids in swimming pools, even while eating their dinner!!



We also knew it never went away, they just pretended it did by diagnosing the exact same symptoms as anything but polio.

So how can it be back? What could they possibly gain by dusting off that old chestnut. As they seem to be inventing new reasons for all the symptoms people are having after the con-vid jabs it must be that. We know there are symptoms of paralysis coming out. Strokes are a kind of paralysis, Guillaine Barre is another name for polio, as is Bell's Palsy, both quite popular this year.

Are there plans, or have they already started spraying new noxious chemicals in cities like they've been doing in China?

Are they pre-empting the known side-effects of future spraying? Or is it just the jabs? A combination of both, covering all bases probably.

So before you all rush out to get your 'polio boosters' maybe have a little think about this. Read an article I wrote a while ago all about the polio lie. I promise it won't hurt, you may even find it helpful.

AND consider this - they were already trying this ploy in 2019 just before covid so it had been predicted (PLANNED) already but obviously stalled. Read this old news article and join the dots (I've joined most of them for you)

Just heard today on UK Column News that this same thing is being pushed in the UK particularly in the area I used to live. They claim to have found 'polio' in the waste water and are going to be pushing the IPV on children 1-9 in the UK. So this thing is not a flash in the pan. UKC news video here (scroll to about 19 mins in) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/IpVGwqOpniej/


source: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/you-shouldnt-trust-the-panic-on-polio

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I lived in Rockland County in 2019, a supposed epicenter for that measles outbreak. Huge orthodox Jew community, that was refusing the vaccine. The antisemitism was outrageous, people telling their children to hold their breath when they walked by, slurs everywhere, major hate hate hate. It was then that I started calling the Democratic Party (my party for over 40 years) the party of hate.

Good connection, that polio comes back just when a vaccine with paralytic side effects is being forced on us. NYers are being told to get their fifth covid shot, polio boosters, and monkeypox, along with two flu a year. That would be eight or nine injections a year. More, if you get a cut and can't remember your last tetanus shot. I refused that one in an ER a few years ago, and person after person came into my room to try to talk me into getting it. I finally had to say "it wouldn't be effective until after I were dead, if this cat bite has tetanus in it." How many of us do they wear down by repeatedly sending in people to pressure you?

Thank you for the very fine work you do.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Sometimes they don't even bother pressurizing they just stick the needle in run away. They did that to my daughter with the K shot. My partner went over to see what they were doing with our just born baby and saw them stick one in her. I was livid. No-one asked my permission!!
Oh that whole persecution of the Jews was very weird. It was so reminiscent of nazi Germany. I recently found out they were persecuted for health reasons back then too. The there was the Black death and their persecution for that which many were slaughtered over. Madness.
ThankYOU for reblogging and reading my stuff. People like you keep me going xx

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They were persecuted for fake, fabricated "medical reasons", for all kinds of " plagues" and ultimately they were massacred because the people were found who had no problem with mass executing civilians. Before the Nazi ran into the Ukrainians who they used as executioners, the Nazi had a hard time doing that. There's stories of the soldiers killing hundreds, and killing themselves afterwards, of soldiers letting them escape and some refusing.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It was exactly like Nazi Germany and US in the 50's regarding POC. The left is heavily bigoted, and can't see it at all. THAT'S weird, considering they think anyone conservative is a flaming bigot.

Back when I was just starting to know what was what regarding vaccines, my son was in the hospital. We were constantly pressured to jab him for the flu, right from the get go. We both must have refused, verbally and in writing, a dozen times. When he went in for a colonoscopy (sadistic), we had to sign a release form right before. I asked what it was for, and was told "in case he needs blood products or something we don't have time to get permission for." I signed it. The next day, I got his medical records for the day, and there was a flu vaccine on them. I asked him if he'd been jabbed and he said no. Turns out, and I believe we have Obama to thank for this, it also means they can give you any vaccines they think you need while you are under. I'm sure they are now doing that with covid jabs too. One must either not sign the form, or write "no Vaccines" on it, and initial.

I think if you write 'no biotics' that covers most of it up to these new jabs which might not be classed as biotics. Maybe no 'robotics' LOL we just don't know until the ingredients are released. I just wouldn't sign any waivers or even BE in a hospital ever again.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They've gotten us inured to being in shit shows. As if it's normal to be treated like a hunk of rotten meat.

It didn't inure me, when the harassment started re me not vaccinating my kids I cottoned on and moved away it also made me dive deep into their bullshit.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Somehow I reached a limit to what I would endure at their hands. Once that happened, the whole medical shebang became clear for the rape it really is.

Thank goodness not everyone fell for this BS, and that many more of us are onto them now.

I always had a mistrust of them right back to my childhood, I kicked a nurse who tried to give me a booster and refused to go to the dentist, was absolutely petrified of them.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I now trust 0% of vaccines and maybe 10% of other mainstream medicine. I am seriously ill but have no diagnosis or treatment (other than what I can figure out for myself), because I no longer trust doctors and big pharma and Western medicine enough to have it investigated. Neither of my babies are vaccinated in any way.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The fraud of vaccinations was documented all the way back in the 1850's after forced jabbing with infected needles was prescribed for smallpox. There was a massive epidemic and it completely backfired in their efforts. This was the case with every single such vaccination since. Whatever they sought to vaccinate, be it rabies or smallpox, polio or tetanus, it only increased the incidence of the disease in that population. The fraud was in the after the fact censorship along with the underreported incidence of vaccination caused illnes along with a sustained campaign of fear mongering based on the completely fabricated data, and incredibly bad science, many times with no control even, let alone careful consideration of variables.

This is the latest major scientific fraud which exemplifies how peer review means absolutely nothing, how even the scientists who use studies that are peer reviewed don't even know or underatand what literature they are relying on or referencing and how wicked evil the medicinal and regulatory bodies are when it comes to also being completely illiterate to the subject they profess competence over, or are entirely corrupted and are using their implied competence only as a guise to harm and defraud us.

I am in the same situation. Trust your body, it can heal itself without the interfering men in white coats. You're doing it right in my book xx

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I knew all along it was just another lie a cash cow thing never when near them jabs totally refused I believe in if it's not broken it doesn't need fixing.

Yes and the other thing is who is going around trying to break it so they can offer the 'fix-it' solution. I think you know. ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep I do and that's were all the greed and corruption comes in to destroy more human lives.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No vaccine's for me they can keep their crap.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This lady Doctor breaks down the virus myth with ease. She focuses on facts and science, and incidentally doesn't spend any time bovilating about the schedule, and drumming up pointless speculation regarding the documented scientific, medical and regulatory fraud of vaccination.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is because shes a Kiwi!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are they no bullshit or something?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeh Sam is amazing but she is a newbie, I was breaking down the virus lie while she was at med school learning how to give vaccines. What she does is very good but a slightly different audience.
Us 'northerners are also renowned for our 'no bullshit'. From what frot's told me NZ'ers are pretty much full of shit hahaha

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

No but exists lady, get over yourself, all I said stands she goes for the jugular, she's no holds barred, she doesn't speculate about vaccines and schedules. You think they teach them how to give vaccines?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Of course they teach them how to give a vaccine and they teach them the schedule but that's it. Doctors know virtually nothing about vaccines, their ingredients. Most of them don't even know about the reporting system. All us anti-vaxers became much more qualified to talk about vaccines than any MD with a license to practise.
The 'but' was because you seem to assume I learned everything from people like her but she actually learned from people like me. She obviously gets a bigger platform because she used to be on the telly (as a doctor). I happen to know that she and Kaufman read my blog. I'm also very happy for her and others to take over coz frankly I'm tired. Been exposing this stuff for a long time and the battle is almost over I think.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is a really big split - NZ was considered no bullshit once but it's about 95% bullshit now - the exceptions are different though!

NZ was best known for this attitude:
"She'll be right mate is a frequently used idiom in New Zealand culture that expresses the belief that "whatever is wrong will right itself with time", which is considered to be either an optimistic or apathetic outlook. The term can also be used to refer to a situation or object which is not perfect but is good enough to fulfill its purpose"

This is pretty typical:


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

It's pretty typical of ireland too, maybe it's the irish faction there?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know about the history of Irish to NZ immigration - Aus was originally mainly convicts but I've always thought NZ was mainly settled by working class English looking for a better life - and they sort of got one, but they worked hard for it.

Dunedin was originally very Scottish, and Oamaru probably was too - they were really into stone buildings - up north stone buildings are very rare. I've never heard of any Irish influence in NZ.

But the oldest building in NZ is about as north as you can get - in Kerikeri - this is from 1822 so it just turned 200 - and that is as far back as NZ buildings still in existence go. I have been there but this is not one of my photos.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

OK no Irish influence then. I've never been there but from pics I've seen it does look very English/Scottish yeh. The Scots and the Irish seem to think of themselves as one as both hate the English lol.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So actually you are capable of putting some text in a comment. :D

Nice to hear those kind of stories.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Looks doable, just careful with the blind spot..

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did something similar with my station wagon - out the back and up to the windscreen - all went fine until I backed into a space - bye-bye windscreen! Whoops...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It'll buff out 👍.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com