Gearing Up For The Next Pandemic Episode

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

The world could do with a bit of fresh air right now wouldn't ya think?
Dastardly fresh, virgin air is allegedly escaping from tiny bubbles in the melting ice of the glaciers caused of course by that old nugget 'global warming'. You'd think that would be a good thing but nooooo......

Interesting to note which outlets publish this bunkum-




Apparently that same air (full of clean oxygen no doubt but according to the scare-mongers CARBON aaaagh and other 'nasties') is 'possibly' teeming with 'viruses' from dinosaurs or whatever lived back then and even tho 'viruses' are meant to be dead matter they say they could be 'awakened' like the living dead and fly out over the sea from Greenland and infect the nearest gullible sap it happens to bump into.

So was all that Walking Dead and Jurassic Park stuff just more predictive programming? Probably.

Well that's the story they're coming up with now in that ungodly rag called The Guardian. How dare you call yourself a guardian when all you do is scaremonger and lie. With this little fairytale they're hoping to bolster TWO of their creepy tales of doom and gloom. Global warming AND deadly Pandemia in an unholy marriage of convenience. An inconvenient truth or convenient lies.

I wonder how they come up with this shite? Do they sit around in think tanks getting high on pot or mushrooms thinking up the next ridiculous headline to reel in the morons? Probably.

These science-fiction stories passed off as reality will keep coming until everyone has drunk the kool-aid whether it be the red or the blue. I'm getting the feeling we've hit 100 monkeys already and the world is now divided between those who read it and go
You're fine
and the rest who go
clue - dinosaurs are fiction

and then there's me -

If you want to stop living in fear please subscribe to my Wordpress or my Blurt or Odysee channels but if you are one of those addicted to horror movies, sci-fi and gossip then please keep it to yourself. Don't spread fear-mongering propaganda on the blockchain. Sadly I fear some people actually enjoy being a part of the drama and are keeping it going for their own warped amusement (and money).

To end this here's a letter sent to The Lightpaper from a friend who doesn't post on the internet, he's more old-fashioned preferring to write letters which he's good at. Hopefully it will get published. We'll see.

Re: Disease Madness by Dawn Lester & David Parker
This article (The Light Issue 26) states that a ‘top professor’ warns Britain needs to ‘strengthen’ its preparations for possibility of a new pandemic amid outbreak of covid, monkeypox and polio in the UK. The WHO warned that the next pandemic could be ‘on the scale of the Black Death’ which killed approximately 75 million people between 1346 and 1353.”
Let’s now come down to planet earth because as this ‘Disease Madness’ article so rightly states, the concept of ‘infectious disease’, meaning a disease that is spread from person to person is and always has been theoretical. Moreover, there is no and there never will be any scientific validation proving the existence of a so-called pathogenic microbe/virus, nor any scientific proof of disease transmission from one human to another. So even the Black Death (plague) was not an ‘infectious’ disease simply because there is no ‘infectious’ disease because that is impossible. After one hundred years of so-called ‘virology’, transmission has never been proven.
When we listen to truth, rational thought, critical thinking, based on the scientific method, as per Dawn Lester and David Parker, then we can be well informed, but when we listen to these so-called ‘professors’ or ‘experts’ in so-called ‘infectious disease’ who base their lives on a political program or political agenda, dogma and myth, then we will be deceived and frightened to death because all they have to offer is theoretical concepts and computer-generated mathematical models that have no relationship to the real world (reality), no relationship to the human being. In other words, the thoughts of a ‘top professor’ or any academic theoretician or doctor/medic can be totally dismissed unless the thinking is based on reality. Political propaganda that is based on pseudoscience, myth, dogma or blind belief is the end product, but let’s be clear, neither science fiction nor political propaganda are based on the real world. These two worlds can be worlds apart.
We are all familiar with the saying, be careful what we wish for because it just might come true. In other words, there may be unforeseen and unpleasant consequences. This is what can happen when we allow those into our lives who have turned this world upside-down and inside-out. This is a world that makes no sense, nothing is what it seems, it is a world that borders on the satanic. It is this fear-based propaganda, the spreading of lies, that is causing mayhem in society that inevitably ends in censorship, oppression, state-sanctioned terror and genocide that was planned years in advance. In other words, a war on humanity, all based on an unforgivable simulated infectious pharmaceutical lie.

Date: 26 October 2002
John Wantling, Rochdale

Coming up next:
The nuclear threat (if I can be bothered)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Did you never watch Fortitude?

the whole plot is available to scare the shitheads.

No I haven't seen it. I could have a look on couchguru for it tho. I love a good disaster movie, it's like dry comedy to me now.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The British remain so much better at slow, nasty thrillers.
Fortitude is a decent watch - and filled with propagandist themes.

yeh, it is on couchguru and watched ep 1&2. The fight scene was amazing. I gotta agree the brits are so much better at it than hollywood. They can do spooky better too.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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Yeh do you believe in them? They're as real as unicorns, santa and tooth fairies.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

All fake.

Except for Santa Claus of course …

OMG. The Frozen Boogieman now. Ghee!!! Thanks. I had not heard this one yet. They just can't admit defeat and let it go. This should be meme mocked into oblivion if they actually go for this one.

I agree. Who's gonna make the memes?

Posted from

There's a lot of creative witty people online. I'm sure I am not the only one thinking this way. Mockery works. Worked beautifully here in the US with the "Misinformation Board" or whatever it was called.

I love memes. They do seem to be the primary weapon these days and yes they work. They're anonymous too mostly which is also cool.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hope they don't turn this into another episode like we went through with the covid crap.

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They can turn any old soap opera into a real-life drama if we let them. It all depends on the ratings ;-)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


bloody obvious wasn't it. Thanx, I'd almost forgotten about her.

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