Ever Stood On A Rusty Nail?

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

I did in 2018. It went right in. Very painful and had me limping around for a week. Did I get tetanus tho? No I didn't.

They really got a lot of mileage out of that “tetanus is on rusty objects” lie, didn’t they?
No wonder everyone thinks a sniffle is the start of doomsday. Ali Marie fb
This post the other day got me wondering how many people still believe a rusty nail can give you tetanus (lockjaw).

This post was made on the same day and comes from a book which I managed to find online so will be making another post from this book when the image thing is fixed. (I uploaded my images before the image problem but was going to build a longer post out of this).

Full Responsibility of Vaccination for Lockjaw Deaths Proved
Of the Anti-Vaccination League of America
This public letter exposing the libels of the New York Tribune and demanding their retraction proves that compulsory vaccination is worse than smallpox and shows how frequently it kills little school children by lockjaw and other infections and that it is now actually ten times more dangerous and fatal than natural smallpox, and it also shows how these shocking facts are denied and concealed by vaccinists and medical authorities interested in such concealment.
This letter to The Tribune also makes a full exposure of Dr. Anderson's recent Government Report on Lockjaw after Vaccination and shows how it is shamefully irrelevant and misleading and evades and conceals the full truth. It also shows how Dr. Anderson, soon after making this official Government Report which excuses vaccine virus from all blame for deaths from lockjaw, resigned his official position at a salary of $4,500 per year and entered the employ of one of the biggest makers of vaccine virus in the country, at the gigantic salary of $25,000 per year.
For example: We have clear proof now in hand of the deaths of at least thirty children from vaccination in 1914 in the State of New York alone, more than half of which were from vaccinal lockjaw, while there were only three deaths from smallpox in the whole State in the same year! In 1915 there were five deaths from vaccinal lockjaw in little school children occurring in one week alone, about the first of October, two of these deaths being in Burlington, N. I. and three in New York City! Almost every mail brings notices of similar deaths occurring all over the country. In almost all of those cases the deaths are falsely denied by vaccinators to be in any way due to vaccination and the misleading report of Dr. Anderson has been brazenly used as a full justification for this falsehood.

  • courtesy of Jim O'Kelly from a hard copy.

Then under the 1st post there were a couple of interesting comments -

So then I got to wondering how and why the rusty nail theory came about. Was it because they couldn't prove the bacteria were the cause of lockjaw?
I also read a lot of theories that it is a 'toxin' which the bacteria produce which causes the symptoms.
This is allegedly what is IN the vaccine - a tetanus (bacteria) toxoid.
This myth that bacteria can produce toxins is nonsense. Bacteria BREAK DOWN toxins.
So IF the 'vaccine' contains these toxins (wherever they come from) how does that confer an 'immunity' to a 'toxin' as opposed to a 'virus' or bacteria?
Lastly what on earth does rust have to do with said toxin? NOTHING. It's a fairy story gone wrong with all the details missing so playing on ignorance.

So what IS tetanus symptoms-wise?

What is Tetanus Toxoid (tetanus toxoid vaccine)? Tetanus is a serious disease caused by bacteria. Tetanus (lockjaw) causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body. It can lead to "locking" of the jaw so the victim cannot open his mouth or swallow. Tetanus leads to death in about 1 out of 10 cases.
source https://www.drugs.com/mtm/tetanus-toxoid.html

Tightening of muscles is Polio. A nurse called Kenny exposed the fact that polio is not muscle paralysis at all, it is muscle spasm. Another fact that got buried in history.

So if tetanus is in fact polio (the same symptoms) and polio is a side effect of vaccines as many have proven and I wrote about here -
then tetanus is also caused by vaccines as Chas M. Higgins said in his book (excerpt above). He was absolutely correct and they have known this since 1919 when it was written.

Even the story of how tetanus comes about - a deep injection wound where toxins (faecal matter ,bacteria etc) are pushed deep into the tissue and the wound heals over leaving the toxins inside the tissues. Well WTF is a vaccination? It's exactly that.

Tetanus = poisoning by vaccine.

You're welcome


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haha, enjoyed the tetanus discussion. I've had times where I had to sit and smirk while explaining, very slowly, some bit of a medicine to... a doctor.
yeah, I smirked.
it showed how much bullshit these people carry around in their skulls without ever seeking proof.
The guy was in shock as I had a catastrophic result that meant I likely had an enormous cancer - and lots of money for the hospital - whereas I was kinda happy, coz the number had come down. Too long to go into the whole biochem thing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great post, sorry i missed it and itsctoo late to give you my literal 2 cents...

Hows things? You have disappeared...


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Not disappeared, just having a rest, well resting my gobshite anyway. I have a job too so a bit busier than before round here. I don't post if I'm not inspired. I don't believe in posting crud so its quality over quantity for me. I don't need ur 2 cents I'd much rather have a great comment like this. Thanx

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Had some in my life ,.. can i sue them now ?,.
As "they" insisted i took it for they couldn't take the responsibility to let me go without that shot . Had one at 18 after stepping on a pointy fence wearing the wrong shoes ,.. it went in pretty deep and blood was coming out of my shoe the whole day ,. doctor wasn't happy the next day ,.. could not use tranquilizers because of ongoing infection ,. so he cut it clean without that . My complain about being afraid of the tet-anus shot wasn't taken serious after the painful cuttings in my foot ,.. I am your doctor ,. you will not leave without one , is the answer i got . The second i got was after putting a metal grinder in to my left hand .
Good to know those where bullshit shots , won't take them again ever .
Besides that i learned that a clean from the box stainless steel nail is much worse as a rusty iron nail . ,.. 3 weeks after a stainless steel cut in a finger i almost died of blood poisoning . Oil and chemicals on the stainless steel don't bleed out , rust , iron oxide , does bleed out .
A rusty bucket filled with water we used to cool down iron parts , to hot to handle , was also good for healing little infected cuts in the skin of the hands . Just keep your hand in a few minutes at the end of the workday .
So tet-anus from a rusty nail ? ,.. only when you first shit on that nail i guess .

Now there is an other shot that i opposed against while in hospital ,..
Every evening they give every patient a shot against thromboses . Reason given was for laying down all day ,. that gave great risk , risk they could not take .
I don't now about other country's but in the Netherlands giving these daily shots is normal ,.. no matter what you are in for at the hospital .
As soon as you leave that place those shots don't seem to matter anymore that much .. at home you may die of thromboses , no problem i guess .

Damn , i am guessing a lot lately ,. well i guess if no one tells me truth , ill have to , guess , i guess . ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just used to tell them i had one last year at an after hours medical centre down south...they had no way to check😜

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Got the better option ,.. no health insurance at all me ,.. nothing pushed on me either .
No pain killer injections to ,.. still they will stitch me up nice , no charges ,..
as most medical first aid workers made a ode or something ,.
and they probably secretly enjoy a unavoidable torture while stitching me up without .
Nowadays before i enter a first aid facility because i need stitching ,.. i have some green and a drink ,.
Or something , before i go . ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Jeepers, what are you into? I used a downhill mountainbike racer...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

what are you into?

Hmmm ? ,.. they drew first blood ?

Ho' and don't make that joke walking in to a first aid room .
They take it very serious ,.. like , what multiple victims ? where ? how many ?

I used a downhill mountainbike racer...

? for getting stitched up ? ,.. ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Do you know what the shots were that supposedly stop thrombosis? It's not a vaccine I know that much. No-one asks what the ingredients are of things they are about to inject into us? Well I don't I just avoid them altogether. ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Those shots came true tiny needles only about 4 mm deep in to the skin .
The claim was that it was against clothing of the blood , i don't know the ingredients .
I did my best refusing them , the friendly nurse had some logic to it ,..
It might be wise this time with that exploded lower leg bone , and her not giving it could get her in trouble ,.. what if i died of complications that night ,. she could not speak , even lie when asked or speak the truth ,. her conscious would still have to live on with that .
I know , weak defense on her part ,. know your profession , have knowledge in what your doing . And so always work with a clear conscious ,. don't let others decide your actions , know your actions .
But he',.. she was hot ,. i was high on morphine ,. what can i say , i fell for it .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

omg those vaccines, which are compulsory for our public school children, are deadly. Vaccination must stop worldwide, for all illnesses. Imagine how healthy we could all be if only this would happen. The medical industry, the killers, would fail. Insurance industry would fail.

I went to an ER three years ago after a feral cat (now my housecat and a lover he is) bit me and drew blood. Boy did they ever want to shoot me up with stuff! I allowed the antibiotic injection, and to begin rabies treatment (wish I hadn't done that, and I discontinued it) but I stood fast against the tetanus cocktail. I must have had to tell six different people "no," they just kept sending new people in to push it on me. They didn't stop until I pointed out that if I had tetanus, I would be good and dead by the time the shot started working. I wonder if they get demerits or credits when someone takes that jab. Has to be something like that, they were so determined to jab me with that DtaP or whatever it was at that time.

So if someone gets tetanus after taking the tetanus jab, it's blamed on the disease, not the shot. It's never their treatments. It wasn't the remdesivir and ventilators that killed people, it was covid.

Funny you should say that my cat accidentally scratched my face last night, can't even count the number of actual cat and dog bites I've had, plus my job meant I pretty much cut myself daily on very sharp blades. never once went to ER for any of it. The rabies shots are also deadly so you shoulda asked them to test the cat for rabies before taking their poison. Rabies is also a made-up disease BTW but you probs know that now ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wasn't going to go but one of my daughters freaked out about rabies. The department of health told me, the next day, to capture the cat and wait, which I did, so I discontinued the treatments while I quarantined him. I only had the first shot, no obvious problems with it. I probably did some detox after, but I don't recall.

I think anything that has a vaccine for it is largely vaccine injury, or some kind of poisoning, in the first place.

"I think anything that has a vaccine for it is largely vaccine injury, or some kind of poisoning, in the first place."
SPOT ON missus and what I've been trying to tell people for years!!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Honestly, I cannot remember when I had a vaccine. Perhaps, the last time I needed a vaccine was when I went to college about 5-7 years ago, but it was because I didn't have proof of my chicken pox vaccine, LOL. That was back in Connecticut.

did you actually read the post before writing this comment? Just wondering

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I read the post. :)
I just wanted to share a quick story regarding my vaccination history. I thought the story kind of tied in with the tetanus vaccine. Chickenpox is a minimal infection but people take the vaccine too seriously, just like some communities with tetanus vaccines.

cool just checking. Thought you might have been answering the clickbait title and not getting the point of it ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Damn. I have taken every vaccine 💉 known to man. Including Tetanus … So far as I know I am pretty healthy. Except for my gout and frozen shoulder. I’m surprised I’m not dead yet. But maybe I am. Who knows these days. With the # of vaccines I have in my body I am probably a brain dead Zombie. 🧟‍♂️ … if I ever get really sick I will know the cause.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah. I think I am headed for Trouble. I do a lot of physical activity each day. Mostly @actifit. I will need to get some expert advice on what I should do. I’m still young.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

" I am pretty healthy. Except for my gout and frozen shoulder." lol doesn't sound healthy to me.
Gout is said to be a form of 'arthritis' which can definitely be caused by vaccines but also bad diet. It used to be an old mans disease or 'the disease of Kings' because they ate more meat plus alcahol.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com