Elon Musk - Hero or Scam Artist?

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

Is Elon Musk really on our side? When I saw that ridiculous 'car in space' thing I couldn't believe people would buy that. But they did. It's amazing to me how people today can believe such utter nonsense.
If you are one of those who does you might want to take a look at this short video -

This all happened (allegedly) a year before the covid scam was launched. It makes me wonder if it was a test to see how far they could push the unbelievable factor on us. How much could they get away with.
How much of their bullshit would we swallow. Looks like their test was a success and they could now push their nwo agenda.

I think they originally wanted to use the 'climate change' agenda but, as we know, those theatrics were just getting more laughs than any serious fear so they decided to go with a pandemic.

Is Elon Musk the 'smartest man alive' or is he 'the richest'? Neither I'd say. Is he illuminatii? That seems more likely.

"Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was in fact part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930’s to the point of being brought to trial after Technocracy was banned.

While many others did not get arrested, Elon’s grandfather “wasn’t so lucky.” But he was let go with all charges dropped, which in hindsight, breeds all kinds of suspicion."


His mother is a very interesting woman too. All sorts of rumours are going around about her and her links to the Manson Murders and MK Ultra which no-one seems to be able to verify.

The strangest claim to fame for Elon Musk is that he is to be the 'Leader in The Great Deception'. Hmmmmm
I for one am not being deceived by this person. I can't even safely say he's a man because another big rumour claims he is a FTM. Maybe @frot can answer that one?

His tweets caused quite a few storms too one or two being claimed to be derogatory to trans people, so is he really taking the piss at TPTB or is he mocking us or them?
Or is he indeed The Great Deceiver?

Posted from https://blurt.live

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lone Skum = been saying for way too long = standard psychoscum pushing the control grid. He is also way less smart than people think - watch him talk utter shit when not scripted. A really smart person would not dephase so easily.

Your friendly techno-prison- guard.

mmm.... nope... have nothing good to say about "it".

I don't believe the 166 genius rating they claim either. He's pretty average I'd say and outsources his 'inventions' with money.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is a number? bah. Like everything, he either stole it or paid for it.
I hope every rocket launch explodes.

166 is supposed to be his IQ lol. Yeh he probs paid mensa to say that.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I talk utter shit without a script , too !..... and without any help whatsoever.....ah... I'm not smart, I'm a thicky - so there is that I suppose....

But yeah, I'm not sold on him...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He's an enigma, that's for sure....Jury is out, but with one cynical eye, very open...

I've thought about doing a kind if 'anti rabbit hole' post, just to keep things in perspective (anti-rabbit hole is a term I've just made up).

My idea was/is - take some personality who has all the trademarks of being 'in the club', and then blow the 'one hand over the eye , so must be Illuminati' ' type of photo/narrative , apart.

From a strategic point of view - there's simply no possible way on earth that these people could not appear to be doing everything that 'the cabal' required of them while 'climbing the ladder', so to speak. (on the presumption they were white hats).

It would be naive to think that it could be any other way, imo.

On the flip side, I don't believe my own argument too much either...not from the strategic perspective - that's solid - but from the 'power corrupts and absolute.....blah, blah'.

So then I decided not to do the post, as it would make my head hurt...

yes I totally get the 'head hurt' bit I've had that quite a lot. If you do it without thinking your head won't hurt. 😉

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most definitely a great deceiver. He is at the forefront, or is the face of the forefront more accurately, of next up in the human slavery device department, 5G and neuralink or whatever he calls a chip in every brain. Very bad entity this one. What is an FTM, although if it stands for anything illusory, I get it.

Free speech via this guy? I'll believe it when I see it.

I knew someone would ask hahaha FTM = female to male (trans)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are loads of pics of his mom doing the one eye masonic pose.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So many do that believing they are "in the big club" and "we are safe because of it". puppets them all.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who is the grand master, that is the question.?

yeh loads of claims she learned witchcraft in Africa too. She might be one of their high priestesses huh.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Possibly, it all stems from the grand lodge, age of enlightenment, city of London, the "square mile" with it's own police, own mayor and only 4000 people live there yet millions work there, banks love the square mile, no rules there. Check out the address of the USA embassy that is based there with a tunnel direct to mi6 underground.

Everything comes in 3's, they also have their military 'city' Washington DC, and the Vatican is the 'spiritual' head, all 3 same independent status.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed and built on a specific date for alignment with stars.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could through him. I remember him talking about the car footage. I paraphrase but he said something like "it's so real, it looks fake".

edit - just found the video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/sciencetech/video-1624352/Video-Elon-Musk-jokes-Starman-wheel-looks-fake.html

yes I remember that well. He's such a joker huh? Looks more real than the footage of the moon take off from the moon as the crew left the moon hahahaha

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I stopped trusting him when he promoted bitcoin, then talk bad about it. I just understood since then that he is just like to manipulate the market to earn income, and now I think he knows how to manipulate the public opinion, and he's using the freedom of speech as a trigger to make people talk about him. Those are all marketing technics. That's called the emotional carousel. They support something very welcome by people, then they do the opposite. You'll see how he'll support something bad the next time. So, being controversial is a way they use to manipulate the crowd and gain more attention.

Excellent observations. Well said. Don't forget they also use projection a lot and 'mirroring'. Maybe it's a kind of 'opposites attract' strategy too.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe itnis still inside that capsule and the imagery is cameras on the outside with some tv screen of sort on the inside. Just a wild guess though. I never seen the scematics to the project nor seen the live footage till this video. So i can not really know about it even the slightest.

It's amazing to me, I know very little about Mr. Musk, first I heard of him i thought people were talking about Musk Cologne. I guess rich people in material objects just do not fascinate me anymore.

Rich in wisdom and real knowledge, people that provide survival chances to go up interest me.

It is like David Icke said, energy goes where attention flows.

Or the saying "They only have power you give them".

Will to give them power over us not. The power of disobedience is the key. There is freedom in the words "I won't". (ref: And then there were none by Eric Russell)

Good point and I wouldn't normally give him my attention but he is getting a lot of it at the moment and people think his twitter stunt is for freedom of speech which I suspect is bullshit.
If as you say the car is still in the pod why would they need to shoot it out into space then fake it up there? No it is in the pod squarely on dry land IMO.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe the car cannot handle the vaccume pressure? I would love to see it get dismantled by the pressure if it be true.

But that is good question.

  1. Is the car still the pod?
  2. Is the pod and car still in space?
  3. Did the car ever really launch into space?
  4. What is the point of faking a car launch into space? Why not just launch it for real?
  5. During the launch event and the days leading up to it, and after, what was the media not reporting?

A vacuum is the opposite of pressure.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't trust him one bit.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Apparently he is the poorest billionaire on the planet and homeless, he bums off his friends for free rooms.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's like telling to people, don't worry that you have nothing. Look, even your idol is homeless. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think he is insane, but then again most in the 1 eye club are.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I believe he's a distraction. Just another one to keep people arguing about the unimportant things, while it's clear that twitter will never be decentralized.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think you are correct.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I totally agree. I think Elon is just another actor who distracts everyone from looking at the main problems in the earth and that's the unfair distribution of wealth.