Throwing the Doctors Under The Bus

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

For a while now I have suspected that the whole hellth system was coming down (and not just the ones in Ukraine).


The signs have been all around for at least a decade. The public have been losing faith in modern medicine. They tried to stem the flow by killing alternative medicine it's voices, even the vitamins. By 2019 the number was well into the 80's of dead holistic practitioners across the board.


I would say this dismantling was starting back in the 1980's with the Wakefield case. A prominent doctor at a respected hospital dared to declare that the MMR jab could be linked to autism. He spoke for his patients. He was not anti-vaccines and still isn't.


Since that case and his very public shaming and stripping of his right to practise medicine the public became suspicious. The anti-vax movement grew and grew. NHS funding dropped, staff were leaving and foreign agency staff were brought in. Still the discontent rumbled and people sought alternatives more and more.

I found this odd site just now which seems to show the alt health market growing up to 2028 which makes me suspicious that they may be organizing a coup of the holistic market. Now that would make sense profits-wise. A bit like the 'green revolution' of the 80's which turned out to be anything BUT green. Think Monsanto and GMO's. And the killing then virtual takeover of the vitamins market via Codex Alimentarius. Think Gates in charge of your health!!

When covid hit the market, they tried desperately to rekindle a love for the NHS in the UK. The ridiculous clapping in the streets for the NHS 'frontline soldiers' in the phoney war against a non-existent virus was embarrassingly cringe-worthy. People did buy into it tho.

What was the NHS staff reaction to all this forced public adoration? They chose the medium of dance to take the absolute piss out of us all again. I can't decide which was the most embarrassing the public clapping like seals or the nurses dancing out of step when they were supposed to be killing patients?


Now in 2020 the tables are turning again. There was some pretence at cover-up and laundering of data but they threw in the towel on April Fools day 2021. Data was made public which proved what we conspiracy nuts had been warning - That the jabs were deadly.

Not all of them. There were placebo batches at first for their experiment data. (Oh sorry didn't you know that this was a great experiment and you were just a lab rat?) It wouldn't have been a good marketing ploy to kill or injure every first customer in line for the shots. That would be marketing suicide.

Recently (like this week) more and more news is trickling through of parents (very angry parents) seeking out the people who injected their loved ones now dead or severely injured. This is a new development. Where was the uproar when they were killing our grandparents? Too soon, no-one was sure it was happening. Now it seems the last straw is about to break the camels back. You doctors were warned NOT to come for the children!!

Hold on for a shit storm. If you are a doctor, nurse, healthworker or any of those weirdo's who worked in the jab market tents you better take cover. It seems they are coming to get you and no-one is gonna stand in their way. Your paymasters will let you all gladly take the wrap for it all. Don't expect to walk back into your jobs later (if you survive) because I think they are about to let the whole house of cards come fluttering down with you lot under the rubble.

Here's one doctor trying to talk sense into his compadres. Too little too late tho -

"That is the most sobering video about this insanity I have seen. I had better download it before it disappears. Or is it too far gone now and there is little chance of reversing this crazy reaction to a simple flu bug? Gentlemen, start your civil lawsuits." @Mikeyh0

Here's a compilation which includes the recent 'angry parents' which I could have posted separately but found them all in one video.

The guy assaulting a car with a boomerang seems like a joke until you learn the man in the car killed one of his family with the jab.

The great reset WILL include the hellth industry, you can count on it. You can't 'build back better' if the building is still standing. They are demolishing it all. (I think the very public 'bombings' of hospitals in Ukraine was some kind of sick twisted teaser/promo. They like to do that shit.)
I have to say personally I won't be sorry to see it go.

Be wary of the faux holistic stuff which will no doubt be rolled out next. Look to who is running it. Same protagonists again no doubt. Rockefeller medicine episode 2.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What do you think of this - this is my current line of thinking:

Next stage of the plan - tell the normies what the death jabs actually do and watch the carnage when it sinks in and their minds implode - timespan - within the next month, so that it all goes pop before Sep 25 - the end of the jewish shemitah year...

The tricky question - are we helping to expose and prevent the deadly genocide or assisting it now that around 80% of the population are already poisoned and red pilling them could be the final straw?

I have no idea, but this is like a grand master chess game and virtually nobody on our side seems to be aware of the extent of the deception. While the powers behind this plan are devious as hell.


That has been my dilemma for a while. I went full on to warn everyone of the jabs but then when it hit saturation point I didn't want to add to the fear, hence not posting about the aftermath. It's also not totally undoable I'm hearing. We really are harder to kill than we know. Those who have bought into the narrative are unreachable and will keep rolling up their sleeves regardless. They won't hear us. The ones waking up stopped at 1st booster and are totally saveable if they full on detox asap.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have you got any good links on detoxing from the jabs? - I was going pretty hard out from 2007 to 2021, but this year I haven't been saying much - almost everyone I know is injected, and the NZ rate is one of the highest in the world. So it's too late.

NZ is now one of the sickest countries in the world. First hand observation - most of the jabbed are ill in one form or another, but so are many of the unjabbed. Some of the jabbed have died, from probably related diseases such as heart attacks, but the vast majority have not. So at this point it's not as bad as the fudporn would indicate.

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Just got thru watching this it's long and bad quality but there's tips on what to do in it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i'm half way through your Canadian guy's audio at the moment - lots of interesting stuff

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Yes he is far more knowledgeable than Kaufman or Cowan but he is sidelined because he is not as good a 'speaker' and more importantly he advocates plant-based. The majority of truthers don't want to hear that so they block him out. He exposed germ theory decades ago and much more.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yup he's all over the news here, jabbed to the hilt no doubt like all the sports and media peeps.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The backlash is going to get very interesting.

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